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Member since February 2009

Quick and Delicious Spinach over Couscous

What you need: 

1 (10 ounce) package frozen spinach
1/2 small yellow onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
ground ginger, to taste
1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes
dash balsamic vinegar
salt, to taste
1 cup couscous
1 1/4 cups water

What you do: 

1. Cook your frozen spinach in a pan. While the spinach is cooking, saute together the onion and garlic, spicing it with ginger as you go.
2. When all of the onion and garlic is cooked, pour in the diced tomatoes, and dash the whole thing with balsamic vinegar. Drain the spinach, and toss it in with everything else.
3. Put your couscous water on to boil, and add couscous when you're almost ready to eat (since it'll take about 4 minutes). Salt to taste, and add a bunch more ginger, because that's what makes it so delicious.
4. Put your tasty mixture over your couscous and enjoy!
Really an excellent, tasty, cheap, fast, and beautiful meal to cook when you just get home and are starving but still want something good.
Source of recipe: I came home hungry from work, and this is what I brewed up.

Preparation Time: 
Cooking Time: 


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