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5 hours of work

That's it so far.  As of the end of the day today I've had five hours of actual billable work for the week.  It's been this way for months.  I really, really, need to get out of this job, but my brain has turned to such mush that I don't know if I could function at a normal job anymore.  I've been applying for other jobs but haven't heard anything back.  I just want to cry sometimes.  :help!:

jobs suck. fuck all jobs! this is time to start the veggie commune.

Dude.  What she said. 


I do actually get paid very well.  However, what I've learned in the almost two years I've been there I could have learned in six months of consistant work.  I feel like the three years I spent getting my masters is now not worth the paper it is written on. 


jobs suck. fuck all jobs! this is time to start the veggie commune.

Dude.  What she said. 



what the hamburger helper do you do for a living?

Oh, puppy, such filthy talk! Hamburger helper indeed! You kiss your SO with that mouth?  :-D


Technically my title is environmental scientist.  I work for an environmental consulting firm.  It's a very small company run by a man who is really bad at managing the company or his employees.  He laid off my only full time coworker last month because there is so little work for us to do (after he assured us two weeks prior that no one was in danger of losing their job).  So I am all alone in the office (except my boss upstairs who sleeps a lot).  Since November I've spent most of my days with nothing to do.  The work that does come up is office busy work like mailing, copying, faxing etc.  It's so depressing because this is my first "career" job and I am 31 years old.  I feel like when I do leave I'm bringing very little experience with me.  I got my MS in Biology last year  but with out the job experience to go with it I'm useless.  :( :-\ :'(


If your only full time coworker was laid off, does that mean you're part time?  If so, would there be a conflict of interest if you even just volunteered for a resource organization or a nonprofit?  A lot of people where I work were student workers or volunteers first.  You could at least be making contacts so you might hear more about jobs as they become available.


I've really, really been trying to find a new job.  I've applied for everything I can find in the area (which isn't much), even some jobs I know I am not qualified for.  It's a bad time of year for environmental work but the season should be picking up soon so I hope that means more places will be hiring.  Part of the problem is that I really never wanted to be in consulting in the first place but used the job to get some experience.  So finding another job at another consulting firm would just defeat the purpose (although I might have some actual work there).  I would really rather be working in conservation or restoration or a nonprofit but those jobs are very few and far between.  I took the civil service test for the PA Department of Environmental Protection and I am waiting to hear about a job with Valley Forge national park. 
I am full time, and salaried so I do get paid even if I have no work to do which is really the only good thing.  I don't have the courage to just quit even though I want to.  :(  I really feel like I'm stuck for now.   


Biodancer......scientist, huh?  Me too, and I just so happen to be looking for a couple of degreed individuals to help develop science test items for a statewide assessment (grade 10).  It is "piece work" that you do from home in your own time.  Most of my writers do other things for a living and just do this on the side.  PM me or email me if you have any interest and I'll give you more details.


Biodancer......scientist, huh?  Me too, and I just so happen to be looking for a couple of degreed individuals to help develop science test items for a statewide assessment (grade 10).  It is "piece work" that you do from home in your own time.  Most of my writers do other things for a living and just do this on the side.  PM me or email me if you have any interest and I'll give you more details.

Thanks Storm.  It sounds interesting.  I just send you a PM. 

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