anti vegan coworker
this has just been on my mind today and i thought id ask your opinion.
i have a coworker "friend" who sometimes makes fun of my veganism. well, she told me today that her eye is inflamed because of either rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, meaning, she has one of these diseases, her doctor just had to do tests to find out which one it is. so i read up about rheumatoid arthritis and found that a vegan diet can tremendously improve this condition. is it my place to suggest her to read up on veganism? or should i just keep my big yapper shut?
people around here just eat too much gd meat. its a shame, its also very obvious that this lifestyle is affecting a lot of peoples health, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer are VERY common around here. several coworkers husbands/family members have died because of these diseases this year.
had she asked for advice or voiced something about not wanting to treat it some other way?
If it were me:
1. In conversation I'd say I had to look up rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
2. Then I'd say I saw that there are both lifestyle options and medicine that can help (is there any medicine that helps lupis?).
3. Followed by asking her if she's going to do a combination.
4. If so, I'd drop that you found an online reference that a vegan diet helps and if that's one of the things she's going to try you can give her some pointers.
yeah... she hasn't asked or expressed any interest in looking into it nuritional wise. i think i will just let it go. just thought id see what yall thought on the subject. i've been much more interested in health lately and just always hold my tounge on things. afterwards i feel bad when they dont get better, like, maybe i could have helped them, but would it have done anything anyways? they probably would just stick with medicine anyways.
I would give her a copy of "Skinny Bitch", "Super Size Me", and "Vegan with a Vengence"!!! Idealy I would give everyone in the world those 3 things hahaha--good luck--getting people to make the smallest changes is like moving a boulder!
i would ask her in a bit how things turned out, and what the doctor said could be done. then, convienently search the net for the diet info and just casually drop the "arthritis/ lupus is supposed to respond well to no dairy and meat" . and act all surprised. ::) if you get the chance to read the site in front of her, act like you are hearing this for the first time yourself, and be like "huh, thats interesting. if you are interested, i could give you some recipes"
even conventional medicine recommends no dairy for inflammatory the doc may even mention this to her as well.
if nothing else, maybe she would be more open to adding more veggie meals adn seeing the improvement for herself.
You could email her & say you found some articles she might be interested in. Then include a link for maybe two or three, including the one with the vegan suggestion. That way you are sharing your info in a nonconfrontational way & its on her to take it or leave it.