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Okay.... I'm 35 and quite frankly am growing hair in places that I'd rather not. I really do sometimes feel that I am de-evolving as I age. Maybe it's just the hair all over my face! I wonder if the hair has something to do with the hormones in foods that I was served growing up  or if it is just a natural process of aging. Any thoughts? Anyone else feel my pain? I have always been a very low maintenance kind of I find this added work of hair removal less than desirable.

As far as I know from my gynae, some women find themselves growing fuzzier as the estrogen in their systems decreases. Some more than others--that's down to genetics I guess. It's a pain and all but I don't think that--aside from laser removal or whatever--there's much we can do but get used to the idea. It's just part of aging.

"Aging"--what an unpretty word. Sorry.


  It happens to men, too. I'm 46 and half Italian. For the past few years I have actually been having my wife run hair clippers all over my upper body- chest, back, shoulders- to try to keep the hair growth from engulfing me until I look like a six foot three inch tumbleweed.

  I knew it was time to do something when I went outside one day without a shirt and saw Jane Goodall hiding in the bushes taking notes.


  It happens to men, too. I'm 46 and half Italian. For the past few years I have actually been having my wife run hair clippers all over my upper body- chest, back, shoulders- to try to keep the hair growth from emgulfing me until I look like a six foot three inch tumbleweed.

  I knew it was time to do something when I went outside one day without a shirt and saw Jane Goodall hiding in the bushes taking notes.

That's hilarious.  :D I was wondering who that lady was in my bushes!


De-evolution is a really nasty term still used today.  :-\  Dont make jokes about it!  Boo!  Theres no such thing as de-evolution!  Just using the word de-evolve promotes a false definition of biological evolution!  :-X

>:(  And why would it be de-evolving if we turned into apes?  Are we better than apes in some innate, scientific way?  Is evolutions 'goal' to create humans?  No way!  If your family is evolving into ape-like creatures, thats just a form of evolution.  :-X  Obviously your hairy body is very appealing and is helping you reproduce quickly  :) 


Hmmmm, I'm 44 and not getting hairy....yet.  It's bad enough getting bitch-slapped by gravity as I age and now I have to watch out for increased body hair?!!  Where, oh where, is that fountain of youth?


  It happens to men, too. I'm 46 and half Italian. For the past few years I have actually been having my wife run hair clippers all over my upper body- chest, back, shoulders- to try to keep the hair growth from engulfing me until I look like a six foot three inch tumbleweed.

  I knew it was time to do something when I went outside one day without a shirt and saw Jane Goodall hiding in the bushes taking notes.

Oh lordy... thanks for the visual.  I'm still laughing.


okay, okay...i'm 31 - which i think is relatively young considering average life span and all - and i have a single whisker that's chosen to sprout from underneath my chin.  what the...??  so you are not alone in being mystified by newfound body hair.  i think yabbitgirl is right re: estrogen & genetics.

no one's noticed the sneaky little booger except me, but i'm worried that some of Whisker's friends may want to join in the party as i continue to age.  nooo!  i just shave that sucker off every now and then - it really isn't noticeable, though i wish i hadn't shared Whisker's existence with my bf.  he just squishes up his nose and makes fun of me.  ah, twue love...

kbone, you are hysterical.  and, from reading your other posts, smart, too!


It's bad enough getting bitch-slapped by gravity as I age and now I have to watch out for increased body hair?!!  Where, oh where, is that fountain of youth?

As Sally Field says in "Norma Rae"-- "I was good at 17; since then everything's kinda slipped and slid."

My "everything" has just kinda decided to go for itself... ;D


De-evolution is a really nasty term still used today.   :-\  Dont make jokes about it!  Boo!  Theres no such thing as de-evolution!  Just using the word de-evolve promotes a false definition of biological evolution!   :-X

>:(  And why would it be de-evolving if we turned into apes?  Are we better than apes in some innate, scientific way?  Is evolutions 'goal' to create humans?  No way!  If your family is evolving into ape-like creatures, thats just a form of evolution.   :-X  Obviously your hairy body is very appealing and is helping you reproduce quickly   :) 

Wormywyrm........enough with the dirty looks already! Geez.....I know de-evolution is not a word. Sorry, I just thought it was funny, but maybe I'm just insensitive. I certainly have nothing against apes, and do not think I am any better than apes. In fact, I believe we may be distant cousins. And if my family is evolving into ape-like creatures or are ape-like creatures, then all I am saying is that I wish I was still a bald-faced ape-like creature ;).  Although, I have heard that hairy women make great lovers. Peace.


Storm- if you are 44 and without extra're doing great!

Yabbitgirl and Queenbee........I was really hoping to blame it on old days of hormones added to my food! But, those darn genetics. I must admit.....  I got it from my mother. My poor daughter! I thought if it was hormones in food then she would be spared.


I remember reading in Eating Right for Life for Women (or something like that. it's by PCRM/neal barnard/et al) that women who consume extra estrogen via their diet tend to have more drastic PMS symptoms, because the estrogen drop is even greater than it would normally be. Maybe it *could* apply to menopause, and if you had been sustaining a high estrogen level in your previous years (by diet), the drop during menopause could make the "menopausal symptoms" worse - hot flashes, new hair, the whole bit. but it seems like the new hair thing happens before menopause ever comes into play (mind you, all this "wisdom" is coming from a 19-year-old)... i dunno. anyone else ever read that book? interesting stuff.


  I knew it was time to do something when I went outside one day without a shirt and saw Jane Goodall hiding in the bushes taking notes.

I just spit out my water! This is too funny! ;D


  I knew it was time to do something when I went outside one day without a shirt and saw Jane Goodall hiding in the bushes taking notes.

;D ;D ;D

I don't know about the hair (I'm 36), but I feel and look like a twenty-something then get reminded I'm not when I over do it. It also doesn't help when docs treat me like an old person, because of a chronic disease. :o


Three hairs on the chin - been there for years.  I hear both Storm and Yabbitgirl on gravitational pull - IT'S NOT FAIR.  Faunablues, I thought we menopausal ladies were encouraged to eat more phyto-oestrogens (à la Japanese) to compensate for falling body levels


I forgot...if you use hormone-based contraceptives for any length of time (ie years), you do run into more backlash when you quite as the artificially high levels of estrogen normalise. That could be part of it if you've used BC.


yeah, menopausal women are encouraged to eat phyto-estrogens, but it seems like they (phyto-) work differently than animal estrogens. I've heard of worsened PMS symptoms and high chance for breast cancer due to dietary estrogen intake, but not phyto-estrogen intake. I have no idea how this works... or if it would work just as well for a menopausal woman to eat estrogen (animal products) rather than phyto-estrogen (soy).

I wonder what kind of effect I'm going to experience in the future since i'm on birth control... not on an estradiol one, but depo (progestins). since it makes your body "think" it's pregnant, i wonder if when i finally stop i'll get depressed like some post-pregnancy women. :/ I'm keepin' me on the drugs.


I can't be the only one who, seeing the subject, thought first of all of Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome.

Well, scratch that, probably I am the only one.  ::)

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