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Help, I am so scared...

I did something I am not proud of when me and my guy friend were drunk on New Years.  We had unprotected sex and went all the way, something that I have never done before.  I have never had sex before with nothing to stop a pregnancy. I am so stupid, we were so stupid, it was a very stupid thing to do, why did I do it?  But we were drunk, knew better, but did it anyway.  OMG, I am shaking I am so terrified.  I am 30 and a college graduate so I am not too young, but I am  not ready for a baby.  I am so scared.  My friend lives 1000 miles away, it would be hard for us to get our lives together to take care of a baby, I am not ready to be a single mom.  Please tell me that I am not preggers.  I don't want to be and am really scared right now.  Please, pray for me, that I am not preggers and that I start my period this month just like normal.  I am due for my period next weekend.  I pray that I have my period, or a miscarrage, or something.

;D  ;D  ;D

in the meantime, adam, just turn your head and cough.

after the ultrasound I had to get on one of my balls a few years back...I can handle anything in that direction


after the ultrasound I had to get on one of my balls a few years back...I can handle anything in that direction

Sounds very, um, stimulating...


it was a fine day, and the lady nurse was nice enough to warm up the lotion for me...which I thought was nice


planned parenthood has always been the helper when theres a condom breakage, even though Ive always been able to telll when that happens and avoided an unprotected blow out, some of the ladies dont want to take that risk, and I am fully supportive of that...cause as Hiimkelsi said, babies are gross

good luck

thanks for the visual adam. :-[

you nasty!



thanks for the visual adam. :-[

you nasty!




this thread went in an interesting direction. but most do, don't they?


OK, am I the only one upset that a serious thread where someone was scared and asking for help and advice turned into a joke once again?

Sorry if I seem overly sensitive on this but this thread wasn't meant as a free for all on funny doctor stories.

It was an actual plea for help.  If it was me that posted the initial post, I wouldn't find humour in many of the responses.  Although many may be trying to make it light hearted, for the person going through the scare, it just isn't funny (at least to me IMHO).

I am tired. Obviously, I need to go to bed and get some sleep.


There's only so much advice and help that can be given in this situation. Either take the morning after pill or don't.  Pray that you're not pregnant if that's your thing. If she IS pregnant, that's a whole different plea for help, but there's nothing that can be done until she finds out for sure.

Making things more light-hearted isn't going to hurt anyone, if anything it might take her mind off her worries.  Worrying isn't going to HELP anything, whether she is pregnant or not.

I'm guessing if she was uber concerned about seriousness and medical advice, she wouldn't have asked here.  This is more of a "I need moral support" thread rather than "actually help me" since we're obviously not doctors nor the man she had sex with.

So, snowqueen, worrying about being pregnant is like the weirdest and worst feelings in the world (I go through this every other week because I have a lot of unprotected sex with various men.) and sometimes it makes your toes numb, but go to the doctor and do what you can now and worry about the rest later.

Back to balls...


(I go through this every other week because I have a lot of unprotected sex with various men.) and sometimes it makes your toes numb, but go to the doctor and do what you can now and worry about the rest later.

Back to balls...

Well, I can only say, I hope you are lucky in your choices.  A very close friend of mine died from HIV from unprotected sex.  He was in his early 30's.  I wouldn't wish his last few months on anyone, even my worst enemy.

That was years ago.  I thought and hoped we were more educated on disease prevention now.  Yet, I did have to take Plan B a couple of years ago.  That mistake will not happen again. least I hope not.


I thought and hoped we were more educated on disease prevention now. 

Oh I'm very educated.  I'm a teenager, I'm invincible.


I thought and hoped we were more educated on disease prevention now. 

Oh I'm very educated.   I'm a teenager, I'm invincible.

Yes you are!  Invincible that is.  We all have thought that at one time or another. 

That is why when visiting Robert on the HIV/Aids ward, patients were seen between the ages of 4 and 70.  I do hope you are joking and you probably are.

If you are not, don't f*ck up your life by being stupid and thinking it can't happen to me.  It can!

Yes, unprotected sex is stupid!  I am sure we have all done it. I have.

Just walk through the HIV/Aids ward of a hospital.  No one here wants to post about your untimely death from something that could have been prevented.

Of course, I believe you are just having some fun on the board and thinking it is funny to post about things that will rile many of us.  Mainly because we worry about the the people on the VegWeb community.  If you seriously have many sexual partners and are having unprotected sex, please protect yourself.

Go ahead and laugh that I am concerned.  Robert died a horrible death.  One that could have been prevented.

I only hope I never have to lose a friend again from this terrible disease.

Joking aside, AIDS/HIV  is not a joke! Protect yourself.

I apologize if I was supposed to take STD's and HIV as funny.  Actually no I don't.  None are funny and none are worth laughing or joking about.



As Fee said, there is only so much advice one can give SQ until she finds out what is going on.  Clearly the first few posts addressed her initial question.  Perhaps this silliness will alleviate some of her worry; laughing at what asses we all are.

Until SQ is offended, I'm not concerned with the direction this thread is going.  Do I have sympathy and even empathy for SQ? Absolutely.  I expressed that in my initial post. 
I know, Di, that STD's and the HIV are not a joke and it's a horrible death.  Do I still make poor choices at times? Yes.  Do I realize that there are possible consequences for these poor choices? Yes, and I still do them (working on impulse control, I swear) but you know, one can only do so much on a message board to "help" someone else out.  Especially with something like SQ is dealing with.  I think we all did our best and then moved on.

I'm not laughing that you're concerned, that is nice that you're concerned, but as concerned as you may be and as many examples of horrible deaths you can share that you've experienced, it is not going to change some people's choices.  And sheesh, hasn't that been proven time and time again with many different things on these boards?!?!  ;)

So, you know, didn't mean to offend anyone, and I hope SQ is ok, but I do NOT think that the way this thread went off-topic was meant to turn her situation into a joke AT ALL.

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


Dear Snow Queen: To adress your original post, I too have been there. I understand your fears and worries. If you take the morning after pill, you should be OK. If you don't, it's "wait and see". And even if you did take it (which would take care of the problem tho you might feel very unwell for a few days), do try not to stress about the situation as worrying in itself can make your period late. Take a couple of really hot, soaking baths to help you relax, and get some brisk exercise.

We all do stupid things we wish we hadn't. Some can be mended--a great many can't.  I'm sure you've learned from this particular mistake. I certainly did! PM me if you want to talk.


There's only so much advice and help that can be given in this situation. Either take the morning after pill or don't.  Pray that you're not pregnant if that's your thing. If she IS pregnant, that's a whole different plea for help, but there's nothing that can be done until she finds out for sure.

Making things more light-hearted isn't going to hurt anyone, if anything it might take her mind off her worries.  Worrying isn't going to HELP anything, whether she is pregnant or not.

I'm guessing if she was uber concerned about seriousness and medical advice, she wouldn't have asked here.  This is more of a "I need moral support" thread rather than "actually help me" since we're obviously not doctors nor the man she had sex with.

So, snowqueen, worrying about being pregnant is like the weirdest and worst feelings in the world (I go through this every other week because I have a lot of unprotected sex with various men.) and sometimes it makes your toes numb, but go to the doctor and do what you can now and worry about the rest later.

Back to balls...

shit happens, as we all know...and she got plenty of decent advice here before it vering toward sillyness. Seriously though, people should know and be responsible about things..and when they are not, they should know what to do after their indiscretions (morning after pill, std check up, ect)

Im always amazed at the amount of unprotected sex that happens (in birth control and std prevention), and I almost feel like the generation thats now in the ager range of 20-30, find AIDS a source of jokes more than the previous generation. Probably because its way more treatable....of course thats not a good thing.

Anyways, everyone be smart and safe....and a few hours of hot banging action really isnt going to be worth warts, herpes, drip dick, itchy vag, AIDS, unwanted kids, abortions, and or Hepatitus.

We all know this, but self destruction is such fun

now, back to...


Thank you all for your advice.  I took it seriously, and took an hour off of work to go to the pharmacy to get the "Plan B".  It has been more than 48 hours but less than 72, and for some reason, I am feeling much better about it.  The pill  hasn't made me feel sick, at least not yet.  Somehow I have a strong feeling that everything is going to be okay. 

As far as unprotected sex and std's, that is  not a problem in my case because this guy and I have been doing the big nasty for about 10  years, I haven't had another partner for about 3 years besides him, and he has never had another partner, and I was tested for std's less than a year ago.  But you are right, if my situation was different I would be worried about std's.  I don't have multiple partners, I am not that way.  I worry about std's too much for that.

But after talking to you all, and taking the morning after pill, I feel much better, and have a strong feeling that everythinig is going to be okay.  ((((vegwebbers)))) You all are fine people.


glad youre feeling better SQ, and that you got your plan B (dont tell the republicans, talibangelicals, or Turks)


glad youre feeling better SQ, and that you got your plan B (dont tell the republicans, talibangelicals, or Turks)


I am glad you are feeling better, too, SQ!


Yay SQ!
Way to take care of yourself, girl!

(again, need a "clapping" smiley, please)  :)


I am so glad you are doing so better SnowQueen! 


doing the big nasty

;D ;D  I've never heard it put that way, but that cracked me up!!

Glad it's all A-OK! 

Let this be a lesson to US ALL!  Because seriously, we probably all need it!



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