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I'm ba-aa-aa-ack

Hello, everyone.  I haven't been on vegweb for many a month.  I couldn't use my old name, Teresa, but I couldn't figure out how to get it back!  Hence, TeresaToo.

Like Tweety (hi there!) I am no longer vegetarian, but I do keep to a veg diet most days.  I am finishing up a meal of Pakistani dahl with rice, and it is delicious.  I doubled the onions and spices since I was going to have rice with it, and it turned out fine. 

I moved a little over a year ago, and got divorced in December.  A lot has happenned...

Anywho, I'll be looking in a bit more often than once every 6 months!

Welcome back. It's nice to hear from you. I'm glad you'll be more active, as I liked
you posts, in the past


Welcome back, Teresa. Good to hear from you again.


Hi Teresa! Glad to see you back! Hope all is well. Are you still in TN (or KY)??


I am in Kentucky.  It's been hot hot hot here.  And stormy.  One of the storms last month took down a lot of trees.  The top broke out of one of my trees, but I didn't notice it until a week later.


Hi Teresa!  Welcome back.

Just for the record I went veg again.    (But not very strict when on vacation, but no need to go into that on this site.)

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