So, I scared myself last night...
Posted by Tkitty96 on Jun 14, 2007 · Member since May 2006 · 1789 posts
I had to go pee before bed. I turn around to flush the toilet, and notice that my pee was pink!! I'm tired, soI immediately start thinking "renal failure. OMG I'm gonna die! WTF?" So as I'm picturing dialysis and transplants and whatnot, it occurs to me...
I had beets for dinner. D'oh!
This has happened to me at least a couple of times. ;D I tried explaining to my extremely unamused parents a few years ago why eating beets can make you think you're bleeding to death!
I did that when the other bathroom product was very green. I had thoughts that my gall bladder or bile duct or something sprung a leak. My d'oh moment took a bit longer. I had to go online to find out that brussel sprouts can do that to ya.
What scared me to death was using one of those bowl products to treat lime in the water, that turns the water TTOTM my pee turned the bowl water black. Sweet goodness of life, I almost had a conniption!
LOL ahhahahah !!!! LOL
Say what? ???
been there, done that
I had to google it!
I've had a similar experience with Pepto-Bismol. Apparently, the active ingredient bismith (a metal), reacts with trace amounts of sulphur in the digestive tract. It can cause a bluish-black film to form on your tongue and your stools to turn black! Yikes! The weirdest thing is that the black color is so unlike the little pink chew tablets or pink liquid stuff that you might not think about it as the source of the problem. (It's harmless, and it goes away as the stuff works out of your system.)
I've had a similar experience with Pepto-Bismol. Apparently, the active ingredient bismith (a metal), reacts with trace amounts of sulphur in the digestive tract. It can cause a bluish-black film to form on your tongue and your stools to turn black! Yikes! The weirdest thing is that the black color is so unlike the little pink chew tablets or pink liquid stuff that you might not think about it as the source of the problem. (It's harmless, and it goes away as the stuff works out of your system.)
lol. Yikes is right. It was gross, too. :P
I did a search online trying to figure out what was wrong with me! lol!
That's when I found out that it was the pink tablet's I'd been popping the night before for a sour tummy.
(At first, I thought I'd overdone it with spinach or something... :-\ )