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Vegetarian BABY food COOKBOOK?

I am looking to buy a informative book regarding Baby food recipes with nutrition info. My son will start eating in around a couple months as vegetarian and I'd like to have ideas, being ready for this new exciting adventure of this challenge! ANY SUGGESTIONS? Thx! 

Years ago with my first child I had a book I think was called "vegetarian baby and child" by Sharon Yntema.  There was also a great monthly or so publication called Vegetarian Baby and Chlld edited by Melanie Wilson which was discontinued. However, she still contributes to I believe.  Also, if you have any of the Dr. Spock childcare books, you will find that he was a supporter of a vegan diet.  Dreena Burton's cookbooks have a lot of information in the back regarding feeding a vegan child.

I think what you will find is that you don't really need "recipes" to feed your toddler.


google is your new best friend


I recommend you some recipes for your kids, which are best in nutrition and baby's health.. I was search on Google for my own and niece and nephew's.. There are alot of recipes on internet for their breakfast and lunch lunch as well.. I preffer no hogh genic food and prefer Pakistani food sites and Indian.






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