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cruelty-free razors?

I have been looking for a razor whose company does not test on animals, and I have found that they are REALLY hard to find!
The only place that I have seen them is Whole Foods. I had a Recycline razor for a while, but one of my roommates threw it away during cleaning day, and now I'm screwed because I am nowhere near a Whole Foods (unless someone drives me-- I have no car). I REFUSE to take the easy way out and buy a Gillette or Schick razor. I don't want any of my money to go to either of those companies ever again. So, basically, I have not shaved my legs in weeks.
It's getting a little yucky. I know that there are ladies out there who don't shave, and that's cool, but I wear tight jeans, which are extremely uncomfortable over hairy legs, so I'd really like to be able to shave sometime soon.

What should I do?? Should I order some Recycline razors online? Should I wax? Or are there any mainstream cruelty-free razors that I was unaware of?

I'm embarrassed to say that I had NO idea razor companies tested on animals. I thought all razors were cruelty free.  :-[ What is there to test on animals with a razor?! It's just a blade ... what the heck are these companies doing?

Or, wait, am I having a really dumb moment and you mean company practices as a whole? As in they don't test the razors, but they test their other products?

I have the Venus Gillette one. But, I'll be checking back on this thread for some recommendations.


I meant the company's practices, not the actual razor.
I'm sure the razor itself isn't tested on animals-- at least, I hope there's no one sitting in some lab shaving a monkey-- but that doesn't matter to me, because I do not want to be funding these companies by buying the razors that they make, the same way that I would not use a Nalgene bottle since Nalgene is a manufacturer of lab cages and "rabbit restrainers".


hmmm... you could just buy a blade? uhhh... or maybe you could wax. i did it once because my friend who was in beauty school got so grossed out by my hairy legs, didn't hurt or anything. i shave very infrequently... too lazy. and somehow i get razors from people randomly, i swear there are so many things i have never spent a cent on because people give me stuff they don't want...
i'm no help, i guess.


Sorry, can't help wif the razor issue. I use an epilator which my sister gave me; I don't know how much they cost, but it must be less than buying wax in the long run(?). The only drawback to these two methods is you have to let your legs get reeeeallly hairy in the meantime, before they can be stripped o' hair.  :o :P

Edit: Yeah, I had no idea about the companies testing on animals either.  :(


you should do a search on this site - i know there was a thread about this topic months ago.


I had this mental image of men in lab coats carefully shaving mice. While that would be seriously messed up, it made me laugh at how absurd that would be.


Epilators rock, if you can afford a decent one (and if you're not too sensitive to yank the hair out by the roots).


Gnarls, gnarls, gnarls. You have two options: 1 buy a razor from vegan essentials and then post a review on the Product Review section of vegweb. Or 2 tell me to bring a recycline to the non-potluck on Sunday 'cause I work next door to WF and can get one for me too....and some Tom's deodorant...uh, sidetracked  ::) anyway, then I'll give it to you when I see you Sunday, and then you would post a Recycline review on the Product Review section of vegweb!

Conversely, you could go to that "thread" kiosk at the mall where they show you how to thread your eyebrow hairs and ask them to "give you an example" then hike up the leg of your jeans  ;D ;D


Epilators rock, if you can afford a decent one (and if you're not too sensitive to yank the hair out by the roots).

Yup, it's pretty YOUCHy, but after a bit your skin goes numb enough to finish the job.  ;D

It's hard to find vegan-friendly wax.  Most of it is from beeswax.

The leading brand (Veet) over here is made from rosin (pine resin). But that mightn't help y'all, since the brands will likely be different on your side of the world.  ::)


It's hard to find vegan-friendly wax.  Most of it is from beeswax.  I'm opting for laser treatments as soon as I have the extra cash.  (In the mean time, store brand razor refills  :-[)

my sister works at a day spa, and all their waxes are vegan; they won't use any animal-based ones (i.e. beeswax) because apparently the vegetable kind (soy, i think) works way better. Maybe you could see if you could find some at a spa? it'd likely be more expensive, but it might be vegan!


agh, and i forgot to mention: as per the moment, gillette doesn't test on animals. they haven't signed on to a cruelty-free agreement, but they've had a moratorium on animal testing since 1996, even since their purchase by proctor and gamble (pretty recent, i think?). an 11-year moratorium's good enough for me. but now that they're owned by proctor&gamble, i know some of the money's going to them  :-\ i guess it's like those products that aren't tested on animals but the parent company does (i think clairol and herbal essences are among those).



I just saw this. Dinkfeet, I hope you see this before tomorrow, because I would totally love it if you brought a Recycline razor.  :)


Yeah, bring me one while you're at it Dink... no scratch that, I'll just stop at one on the way to the vegan fest!  Vegan buffet, here we come to clean you out of house and home!

(I've been fasting for weeks so that I could gorge myself at Grasshopper)


how about buying an electric cordless one, that way you don't have to worry for awhile about replacing... I love my electric.


order recycline razors online.  thats how i get my toothbrushes.  they send them to you every couple of months (whatever you decide) and then they send you packaging to send them back so they can recycle them again.  genius!!

they have plastic plates and stuff too.  their toothbrushes are also nice.


Dang it! I didn't see this until this morning, so I didn't bring anyone ANY razors  >:(

Silly visiting family taking time away from my "vegan club" as they call it. Gnarls & Cam - I totally owe you recycline razors!!!


Don't worry about it, I already bought one!


order recycline razors online.  thats how i get my toothbrushes.  they send them to you every couple of months (whatever you decide) and then they send you packaging to send them back so they can recycle them again.  genius!!

they have plastic plates and stuff too.  their toothbrushes are also nice.

Thanks for posting this link! I had never heard of these and now I'm totally excited about switching over! These razors are 100% recycled AND cheaper than the ones I've been  using for years (Gillette Mach 3). Win-win!

And Dink/Gnarls...did you see that recycline is based in Waltham, MA?? Cool!  :)

For those of you who have used their long do they typically last? In my poverty I broke down and bought CVS brand last go 'round thinking "a toothbrush is a toothbrush, right? Don't be a brand-whore" but the CVS toothbrush really sucks. The bristles started bowing out after about a week....

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