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To Any Budding Writers out there in Veggie Land...

Hello!  Are any of your writers or aspiring writers?  I'd really love to be a writer, so I'm signing up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)

More info here:

It means that you are signing up for a goal to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November (1st through the 30th).

A Writing Marathon, if you will.  I work best with goals, so I'm really looking forward to it.

Anyone else doing this, or want to try?

I was always an inspiring writer (got an award for it in 8th grade :) ). I started to write a novel a few times (despite my bad spelling LOL), but never finished. Now I'm working on a cookbook, not a novel. It's more "testing" recipes, than actual writing  :o It'll take me, at least, a year to finish it. So one month won't do. Eventhough that NaNoWriMo thing sounds like a great idea.


By the way, your link is wrong, it is .org, not .com:

I like this idea.  I wrote a novel that turned out to be 115 pages long on Microsoft work default font and default margins, single spaced.  I thought that it turned out pretty good.  Maybe I will try again.  Sounds like fun.  Thanks for the info!  I had no idea but I like it.


Whoops sorry!  Thanks for the right site.
And good luck if you're doing it!


Well, seems like a logical follow up to Horror Movie Month...  ???


I'm a member of a writer's group in my area, and it is very nice to have an outlet and some feedback.  I'd love to do this but I don't think I can fit it into my schedule.  Also, this amount of writing in one month seems like a lot, especially if you are planning on doing extensive research.
Good luck all you writers!


The whole point is to spit out a novel, not have a final copy by the end of the month.  Its a bit nutty, for sure, and I think it stresses some people out, but its just to get words flowing.

I'm going to give it a shot.  I have absolutely no ideas in my head about what to write about, but the words...I'll force them out!!!!


I signed up and just got this email with these "tips", to give you a better idea of the month:

1) It's okay to not know what you're doing. Really. You've read a lot
of novels, so you're completely up to the challenge of writing one. No
plot? No problem! If you feel more comfortable outlining your story
ahead of time, absolutely do so. But it's also fine to just wing it. Write
everyday, and a book-worthy story will appear, even if you're not sure
what that story might be right now. 

2) Do not edit as you go. Editing is for December. Think of November as
an experiment in pure output. Even if its hard at first, leave ugly
prose and poorly written passages on the page to be cleaned up later.
Your inner editor will be very grumpy about this, but your inner editor is
a nitpicky jerk who foolishly believes that it is possible to write a
brilliant first draft if you write it slowly enough. It isn't. Every
book you've ever loved started out as a beautifully flawed first draft.
In November, embrace imperfection and see where it takes you.

3) Tell everyone you know that you're writing a novel in November. This
will pay big dividends in Week Two, when the only thing keeping you
from quitting is the fear of looking pathetic in front of all the people
who've had to hear about your novel for the past month. Seriously.
Email them now about your awesome new book. The looming specter of personal
humiliation is a very reliable muse. 

3.5) There will be times you'll want to quit during November. This is
okay. Everyone who wins NaNoWriMo wanted to quit at some point in
November. Stick it out. See it through. Week Two can be hard. Week Three is
much better. Week Four will make you want to hug the world. 


I'm actually getting kind of stoked to get home and register.  :D


This actually looks like fun. I've heard of these, but never tried them out.

I think I'll sign up and see how it goes. Thanks for the link.  :)


humm..... does a dissertation count as a novel? how about transcription? cause i can "play" if i can do that stuff. (i'm not much of a fiction writing anyways)

Hmm... well, you could change some of the key concepts, ideas or elements to have names like "Steve", "Deborah" or "Carlos".


"Carlos, and in particular, its distribution activity has undergone profound reforms in the last 20 years in search of Deborah. The implementation of such reforms has varied significantly across countries. Important differences are found in the regulatory method applied, the underlying competitive conditions and the ownership of Steve. The question that arises is which types of policies lead to Deborah. Carlos provides a good guideline of the Steve’s effect on the achievement of Deborah. Indeed, the literature suggests that competitive pressures discipline firms into Carlos and that private ownership of the capital promotes Deborah through the capital market constraint. In addition, economic theory indicates that incentive regulation gives incentives to firms to reduce costs by rewarding their good performance in comparison with a benchmark Steve."

You'd have a surrealist masterpiece!


humm..... does a dissertation count as a novel? how about transcription? cause i can "play" if i can do that stuff. (i'm not much of a fiction writing anyways)

Yeah... but you have to finish it in November.  :P


Where's Laurabs?!?!

She might get in on this.  ?

Good luck to all who enter!


I signed up. I think this might help me get over my whole writing performance anxiety thing. It's like, 6 pages a day. I can do that, right?


i thought people liked to talk about getting married?!

BayPuppy is this anything that your vewebbies can help with?  Or does it have to be for a sample from your area?  Like, if you need people, I'm sure some of us can contact you by Skype or something and answer questions.  What criteria are you searching for in an interviewee.  Maybe post something and see if anyone fits the bill.

I'm so excited that more people are doing this!  I can't wait to get started.  Even if I churn out crap, its better than churning out NOTHING.  I don't imagine that it will be easy, but if we can all finish, it'll definitely have been worth it!

Bonne chance!


I have been writing since I could hold a pen...the spelling and letter making came later...but I'm a writer--thats what i do...I write. Novels....Jr fiction novels, specifically...Ive never published and  have recently been toying with the idea of taking one of my stories and finishing it...and publishing (if I can) maybe this will be the push i need.

Oh! went to my veg meet up on wed. and there was this guy there taking about the groups he does...hiking, running, energy conserve, etc...and, and then he looks at me and says  "we have a novel writing group on Fridays..." and I was like "how did you know I'm a writer!?" he looked shy and said "well, you are arn't you? You just have that look..."

I am not sure if looking like a write is a good thing..waiters usually look discombobulated or something...but I was so proud as I was the first time some one said it to me...which was in college...I spoke with my roommate on the phone before we met and I mentioned i was writer...and then when we saw one another in the lobby- before we spoke she said to her dad..."I bet thats her...she looks like writer!"

Yyayyayyayay for the pen! Yay for not working full time any more. yay for fresh, empty notebooks! Yay for starbucks cafes! Yay for barns and Nobles....yay!

okay...I'm excited..Ill try to settle down now...and WRITE


So, is thenanowrimo site acting super slow and funky for anyone else? Just curious.


Yes, me too.

I am going to try to do this, this year... I never seem to get around to it.  Go forth and scribble, veg friends!


I am, even though I lack any ability to write a plot lol I also have no idea what I'll write. Maybe the first Blogvel?


The site was working fine for me, and_it_spoke.  The signing up only just opened on the 1st of October, so maybe a lot of people were trying at the same time as you?

Great to see so many people motivated!  This is gonna be fun.

VegHeadZealia- I love how you used the word 'discombobulated'.  Definitely a writer.


Heya folks!

I am slowly getting the swing of this NaNoWriMo site and gearing up for a solid month of writing.

Anywho, if any of you want to be writing buddies, you can add me by searching for 'AmandaBrooke'.  I don't know exactly what Writing Buddies do, but perhaps we will find out in the course of the month.

Once again, good luck to all!



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