chat looks...different
Posted by pinkerbell03 on Mar 06, 2008 · Member since Mar 2007 · 850 posts
Hmm, I don't know if I like it. There's no little box to change the font color, and there's only 3 noises!! "meow, slap, whip", my beloved *choochoo* is gone! Isn't it funny/kinda sad that I'm mildly upset by this, ;D lol. I spend so much time in there, it's weird to see it like this.
you're cute. i love you.
maybe i will check it out at some point soon.
I was in there today and was told that it's a temporary thing. No worries, color will soon abound.
I was in chat today and noticed this as well. I would also like to apologize to the people I was taking to. I am not normally that rude my internet connection went down for most of the night.
Poor me...whenever I'm awake there's nobuddy in there. Disadvantage of being 6-8 hrs ahead of most of you...I miss my buds! Maybe in summer when I'm awake more...