3-4 spoonfuls any beans, grains, or seeds (I've tried mung beans, alfalfa, lentils, soybeans, and wheat)
1. Add beans to a jar. Fill about 3/4 of the way with water.
2. Secure cheesecloth over the top with a rubberband, and shake. Drain.
3. Fill with water and let soak overnight. For the next 3-5 days, rinse sprouts and drain once a day, leaving the jar on its side in a dark, dry place (preferably tilting the jar a little to drain excess water).
4. When sprouts are the proper length (about 5 days or so), leave them in the sun for a few hours to develop the chlorophyll.
5. Rinse and place in an uncovered plastic container in the fridge (or place large handfills directly in mouth!). Rinse every day to ensure freshness.