3 cups of frozen hash browns (or fresh potato shreds)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 of a onion (chopped)
1/2 can of crushed tomatoes
1 jalapeno
Chili powder
Salt/Pepper to taste
Mushrooms/or your favorite veggies
4 tortillas
Honestly, I am not too sure about the portions you should use. I just guess when using my portions. It is up to you, to decide how lemony or spicy you want yours. So, here goes:
Heat up pan with vegetable oil and add frozen hash browns. Then add lemon juice (I prefer using the frozen Minute Maid Lemon Juice found in the frozen juices section of the grocery store. no preservatives and tastes just like real lemons) on top of the hash browns along with salt, pepper and chili powder.
Also, chop your onions and add those along with crushed tomatoes and jalapenos.
Add any mushrooms, or whatever veggies you may want to add. Let it cook for a while until its all cooked up. Add your mixture to your tortillas topped with your favorite salsa~!