1 banana (frozen or room temperature), chopped
vanilla nondairy milk, as desired
2 tablespoons flax meal
2 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1. Choose the size of glass. Place banana in glass.
2. Pour milk over banana, into the glass, to the level preferred in glass. Pour soymilk, and banana into blender.
3. Measure in flax meal, cocoa powder, and peanut butter.
4. Blend for approximately. 20 seconds on various speeds. I start with the blend setting, and then transfer to whip, and last do the frappe. The idea is to have the liquid look frothy. I look for bubbles on the top. Pour into the original glass, and enjoy!
This is a great source of potassium, protein, calcium, B-12 (if using fortified milk), and omega-3s from the flax meal. It is a great start to a day, along with a yummy bowl of granola or oatmeal. This is a great smoothie for breakfast or as a snack.