3 cups whole wheat flour
1/3 cup unrefined sugar (or other sweetener)
1/2 tablespoon salt
1 (1/4 ounce) package dry yeast
1 teaspoon cinnamon, optional
1 2/3 cups warm water
1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and add the water last. You can use an electric mixer, but I find a spoon works fine and is much easier to clean. Grease 1 loaf pan.
2. Pour the batter into prepared loaf pan and smooth out the top. Cover the dough with a towel or greased plastic wrap and let it rise for about and hour (until its doubled in size). Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
3. Bake for about 45 minutes (until a toothpick comes out clean).
This is really a treat with a nice raspberry jam. Such a simple pleasure! One can also add 1/3-1/2 cup raisins for a scrumptious cinnamon-raisin vegan bread.'