1 deliciously ripe avocado
1 slice of lemon (or bottled lemon juice)
1 heaping tablespoon of fresh salsa
Halve the avocado and remove the pit. Take your knife and finely dice the avocado while still in the she'll (this saves a *big* mess). Scoop out the pieces and mash them in a bowl. Add a little fresh lemon juice (watch out for the seeds!) and a healthly dallop of salsa (I like to use the organic stuff in the fridge case at the health food store). Give it a big stir.
I like to let this sit while the flavors mingle and I slice up a cucumber to dip im my guacamole. Its much tastier than tortillia chips (and more filling). Carrots are also good. I had this for dinner a lot when I was on my raw foods kick (even though the store bought salsa isn't quite *raw*...) Its fast, easy, tasty and healthy. Enjoy it!