1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup cornmeal
your favorite spices (I use about 1 teaspoon each cajun, mexican, and chives)
olive oil
Put all of the dry ingredients and spices in a small plastic container with a lid, close the lid and shake it around until they are mixed. You can make a larger or smaller quantity as you wish, just remember that it is equal parts nuturitional yeast, flour, and cornmeal; and you can just store it in the cupboard for as long as you like.
Preheat the oven to 400, and put a thin layer of olive oil on a cookie sheet. Slice desired amount of tofu about 1/4 inch thick; put both sides of it in your vegan breading mixture and place on cookie sheet. I usually put the tofu on the tray to get a small amount of oil on it, and then turn it over. It helps it cook a little faster. Put the tofu in the oven, turn it after 5 min. and remove after another 5. Keep in mind that you want them to be golden, and I like mine a little soft in the middle; you could leave them in a little longer if you would like them to be chewy.
You can serve this as is, with a little bit of salsa, bbq sauce, or whatever you like as a dipping sauce; or in your favorite sandwich. I recently discovered that this vegan breading is awesome on potatoes too (especially with nutritional yeast cheeze sauce, mmmmmmm).