1/2 cup instant white rice (pref. enriched)
1/2 cup water
1/2 or more cups milk substitute
nutmeg (optional)
berries, bananas or other fruit (optional)
Use the kind of vegan sugar you always use- I have used granulated but vegan sugar in the raw works fine.
Step one: prepare rice as directed by package, just so you know as a shortcut to use 1 part rice to 1 part water ;)
Step two: let the rice cool if you want a cold dish, or add the milk subsitute - use as much or as little as you want.
Step three: add cinnamon and vegan sugar to taste, sprinkle nutmeg if desired. You can also experiment with almond slices or fruit if you want.
This is a nice, simple snack that an old friend showed me. I used to eat it all the time, its cheap, and its convenient for dorm-dwelling college students like myself :) I hope you like.