3 medium-sized eggplants, unpeeled and cut in 1 1/2" cubes
1 tablespoon course salt
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup olive oil, divided
2 large yellow onions, halved and sliced
pepper, to taste
1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
juice of 2 lemons
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Wrap a 9x13" baking pan in foil. Toss eggplant with salt, garlic, and 1/2 the olive oil.
2. Line bottom of baking pan with eggplant and bake 35 minutes, or until eggplant is mushy. (The cubes will shrink significan'tly in size.) Cool and transfer to a large bowl.
3. While the eggplant is in the oven, heat rest of oil in a large skillet and cook the onions on low heat for 15 minutes, or until tender. Add onion to eggplant, season with pepper, then add basil and lemon juice. Dont skimp on the lemon juice.
Serve room temperature.