3 medium sized white onions (chopped)
2 green bell pepers (chopped)
6-8 (to taste) good sized garlic cloves (minced)
7-8 peeled brown skinned potatoes (quatered)
6 mediun sized carrots (skinned and sliced)
2 cans of organic garbanzo beans
1 even tablespoon salt (to taste) (seasalt if preferred)
1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper
1 full tablespoon flour
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
3/4 can organic stewed tomatoes (diced).
1) Chop onions and peppers (not finely), and finely chop garlic.
2) Heat vegetable oil in a large pot over a medium-high flame.
3) Brown onions very well, stirring regularly.
4) Add garlic and peppers and sautee for two minutes.
5) Add garbanzo beans INCLUDING LIQUID IN CAN, then add 3 cans of water.
6) Dice stewed tomatoes and add.
7) Add carrots, potaotes, salt and pepper.
8) Cover and simmer over a medium flame for 35 minutes, stirring every 15-20 minutes.
9) Add just enough water to one full tablespoon of flour to liquify, and stir into stew.
10) Cover and let simmer for five minutes over low flame.
11) CHOW DOWN!!!! Can be eaten alone, with vegan bread, or with brown or white rice. Excellent source of carbohydrates and protein.