1 med yellow onion
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 can waterchestnuts
1 cup bean sprouts
4 med mushrooms
1/2 cup sweet peas
1 tablespoon Chinese five spice
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 pkg yakisoba noodles (found in vegetable section of grocery stores)
Chopp all of the veggies to bite size. Sautee the onion, peppers and peas first, adding the chinese five spice as desired. Then add in the waterchestnuts, sprouts, and mushrooms, as these require less cooking time. Run the noodles under hot water to separate, and then add them and the yakisoba spices (packet in noodles) to the stir fry. Toss and sautee until desired tenderness of veggies and enjoy!
(I experiment with spices/sauces sometimes adding stir fry sauce or teriaki/soy sauces, salt and even vinegar)