2 1/2 cups garbanzo beans, soaked
1 cup onion, chopped
3/4 cup parsley leaves
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
3 teaspoons sea salt
2 tablespoons egg replacer (http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=7678.0 [1])
2 tablespoons whole meal flour
canola oil, as needed for frying
1. Put the garbanzos in a blender and mince until you have a fine crumbly texture.Take out the beans and put the onion and parsley into the food processor. Blend until finely minced (but not puree).
2. Slightly roast the coriander and cumin seeds over a low heat in frying pan (just until they start to smell and brown ever so slightly), then grind them.
3. In a big bowl, place the garbanzos and mix in the spices, the onion with the parsley, and then the egg replacer and flour. Let sit for a while to let flavors blend. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F if keeping patties warm.
4. Make small patties and fry in medium-hot canola oil until brown on both sides (turning over a couple of times). Place on paper towels to let them drain.
5. Put them in oven so that they may finish cooking on the inside (just in case).
These little wonders will never break apart during frying because they have the egg replacer and the flour inside which binds everything together nicely. Also, the inclusion of any oil in any falafel mixture will make the water content and the oil to separate the ingredients and cause trouble, so no worries this time!
[1] http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=7678.0