1 cup raw cashews
1 lb. frozen mango chunks
2 tablespoons agave nectar or other sweetener
1/4 cup orange juice concentrate
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
pinch of salt
1. Put cashews in Vita-Mix blender or food processor and pour in enough water to cover the nuts.
2. Blend.
3. While blending add agave nectar, orange juice concentrate, vanilla, salt, and cinnamon.
4. Add frozen mango a few chunks at a time. Wait for it to be blended and then add a few more. Continue adding mango until desired thickness is achieved. It should look like a mousse. If the blades won't turn, add a little more water. If the cashew cream isn't thick enough, add more cashews and continue blending.
The amounts given in the recipe are all estimates. Use more or less of whatever you want to get the taste and consistency that makes you smile and say "yum".
This is great layered with slices of your favorite fruit and sprinkled with raw wheat germ and coconut flakes.