1 Japanese radish (daikon)
2 to 3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 to 3 tablespoons mirin
Water to cover up to 2nd layer
1) Wash the daikon and peel off the top layer of skin. Slice 7 - 1/2" thick slices off the daikon.
2) Arrange the daikon in a sauce pot so that you have three on the bottom, three on the second layer resting on the bottom three slices, and one on the top. Add the soy sauce, mirin, salt, and sugar. Then add water to cover up to the top of the 2nd layer.
3) Turn heat on and bring to boil. As soon as liquid boils, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer on low until daikon is as soft as you would like to eat it. Sauce will reduce as you cook it. Be careful not to let it reduce and burn.
I serve this as a side usually.
It can be served hot or cold.
Source of recipe: This is a traditional Japanese 'home cooking' recipe that I duplicated (I didn't use a recipe or book or anything, just figured it out).