Advertise with VegWeb

Welcome to the world's #1 vegan food site! Since 1996, this thriving online community has grown to more than 175,000 registered users with nearly 400,000 unique visitors each month (amounting to 1 million page views), all who want to support companies that are supportive of their lifestyle. Visitors spend money based on values rather than convenience, and are looking for products and services that matter. Imagine letting this audience know what you have to offer. This is your opportunity.

All ads are 300 x 250 and rotate throughout the entire site. We offer an incredibly affordable ad value to reach our highly targeted audience.

Site-wide Rotation
1x = $595 
3x = $536 (10% discount)
6x = $506 (15% discount)
12x = $476 (20% discount)

Art Specs 
Size = 300 x 250 (width x height)
Format = GIF, JPEG, or Flash
Maximum file size = 60k
Maximum animation loop = 3x
Please email artwork to

Design Services
We work with an expert ad designer who can create gorgeous, effective artwork at an affordable price. Following is our flat-rate pricing:

Static ad = $100
Flash ad = $150

Advertising Contact
The VegWeb team looks forward to assisting you with your campaign! Please contact us with any questions or to reserve space. Space does sell out each month, so we can't wait to help you get your advertising campaign started.

Laurie Bradley
Western Sales Manager

Carol Treacy
Easter Sales Manager