Vegweb Blog

Welcome to the weekly food blog of VegWeb! Like you, we're obsessed with food and will be bringing in some of our favorite foodie experts to help us hone our culinary skills. Check back every Wednesday for the latest and greatest from our roster of bloggers.

Member since March 2014

For the veggie-loving crowd, the word “salad” makes us salivate. We know our way around the salad bowl, and just how much variety and diversity salads offer. From fruit salads to pasta salads, eating more greens, fruits, and veggies always tops everyone's list of New Year's resolutions.

So whether you're shaping up or just hungry for a scrumptious salad, VegWeb's got 6 recipes to keep you healthy and happy into the new year:

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Member since March 2014

Happy holidays, VegWebbers! We'll keep this blog entry short as we know you've got friends and family waiting, conversations to be had, games to be played––and the best part––delicious food to be eaten.

Here are 5 scrumptious, mouthwatering entrees you can serve your holiday dinner guests: 

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Member since March 2014

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas––and everyone’s rushing around trying to pull together the perfect feast for friends and family.

We know the holidays are busy––filled with errands to run and things to bake––so we’ll keep this short and simple.

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Member since March 2014

Inducing both nostalgia and hunger, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a staple in every American household. According to survey results reported by CNN, Americans consume an average of 1,500 PB&J sandwiches before they graduate high school. It’s true that some things are just too good to fiddle with, and let’s be honest: nothing beats the basics.

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We’ve held our palms against the window a-many mornings this week and have confirmed that the temperatures are dropping––however in some regions, the mercury has plummeted more than what can be considered jolly weather.

While we do find joy and comfort in making blanket burritos in bed with a good book (our four favorite B’s: blanket, burrito, bed, book—life is complete), nothing draws us out like the promise of a good, warm meal—and nothing screams warmth in the belly like spicy, fragrant, and comforting South Asian food!

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Member since March 2014

The holidays have arrived in full pumpkin-spiced, peppermint-mocha force! We were so excited to see all the new holiday and seasonal-flavored vegan treats at the grocery store (shout out to pumpkin spice almond milk!), and it’s really got us in a festive mood.

We’ve been dreaming of caramelized, roasted Brussel sprout spreads, layered veggie bakes, and sweet dairy-free desserts every day as the temperatures dropped—and finally, it’s Thanksgiving week.

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Member since March 2014

The holidays are fast approaching and that means hours and hours in the kitchen prepping the most lavish, fancy, time-consuming feast your family and guests have ever laid eyes on—so until then, how about you give yourself a break and make some quick, simple microwaveable meals.

From main entrees such as Sticky Tofu Ribs to side dishes like cornbread and creamed spinach to dessert, just 5 minutes and the press of a few buttons and you’ve got a 3-course meal.

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Member since March 2014

As we approach the holiday season, it’s time to pull out our party conversation and make new friends over a table of hors d'oeuvres. Grab a Mint Julep cocktail, mingle among the well-dressed masses at your next holiday party, and impress them with your extensive knowledge on mint:

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Member since March 2014

For some it's a pint of soy ice cream while for others it's a freshly baked, dairy-free pastry, but when I seek comfort from a plate, it's one piled high with fluffy, golden potatoes. I love my spuds baked, fried, sliced, diced, and mashed—you could say that I'm quite partial to the potato.

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Member since March 2014

Knock-Knock! Boo! Did we scare you? Well, we wanted a more original Halloween greeting than the usual “trick or treat!” but we all know the talk before the treats isn’t important—it’s what’s in the bag (or wrapper) that counts!

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