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The Everything Pet Thread

I wanted to start this thread to be all about our pets.  Ask questions, help answer questions, tell a funny story about something your cat/dog/ferret/bird/rat, etc did, update everyone on your pet's health, tell us about a new pet, vent, grieve, laugh, etc.  I know I'll be posting here a lot and I hope you'll join me! 

:)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>

This is probably talked about all the time, but do you folks ever feel like you have exceptional pets? hah...I already sound like a parent who thinks their kid is exceptional (like most parents do.)

But seriously! When we  got my dog Lucy I was 10, and she was just a puppy, she learned EVERYTHING so quickly - only peed in the house twice, learned no to go upstairs/ in the carpeted rooms pretty fast, and I did a large part of her obedience training myself when I was that age, and she picked it up like nothing... she's a fast learner. :)

Also, I used to have a budgie who talked A LOT. He also loved the dog and when he saw her walk by the cage he'd go "come here lucy, you're so cute lucy" etc. He also trained himself to only poop in his cage.

Now my dad has Lucy, (who is almost 14) and I have Scampi, my bunny who is almost 5. Scampi has impressed me too! I've never had a rabbit before her, & hadn't really planned on training her to do anything but use a litterbox. Somehow during her first year of life she learned what "get down" means, and "go home" (to the cage). She now comes to her name, comes when the fridge is open (looking for salad!), will come out from behind the couch/another room/etc when she's called ("come out of there") & won't go into a room/off the porch/etc when told ("stay here"). It's pretty incredible what they can pick up on. I must just talk to her alot.

I also had a guinea pig when I was about 8, who learned to come up on people's laps and jump off my knee on command. lol.

I want to hear about your smarty pants companion animals!

here are pictures of mine:




Do You remember the last time You mourned the loss of a beloved animal friend?
.....for me, it was in February of last year, when my little Zumi succumbed to a case of pneumonia. She fell ill before I got the chance to get some friends for her to live and play with, so Zumi had my undivided attention during her nursing and medical care, and during my initial grieving period.

Did You ever question whether You would be able to love another?
.......for me, I briefly considered the possibility of not getting any other rat friends, even though I had wanted to before Zumi became sick. Like many others, I felt that I simply could not go through that kind of pain again. ....but do You remember how You felt when You finally knew that You were ready to love another?

...and do You remember how You felt when You first saw them, the little loves that stole Your heart before You could even say, "aww"?
......I met my two babies last February after meeting my generous "rat train" driver in a parking lot in Iowa Falls. We had arranged the meeting through the owner of Capital City Rat Rescue in Nebraska; and while I had seen photos of the litter online, nothing could have prepared me for the excitement I felt when I first met the two little ones who would eventually be called Brandybuck and Pippin.  :)>>>

Pippin was always the smaller of the two, shy and submissive, but she showed her strength when provoked. Both girls took a little while to warm up to their new mommy... Pippin, though apparently the more frightened one at first, quickly became the "mama's girl." She loved to burrow into my shirt and snuggle into my chest as she received lovins and scratchins behind her ear. Pip was often the "victim" of Brandybuck's often aggressive wrestling and grooming (though again, she would fight back and surprise Brandy when she wanted to), but it was clear that the two loved one another very much.

Pip spent the last two weeks recovering, then regressing, and finally succumbing to the physical effects of what I now suspect was a pituitary tumor. This time for me, my constant nursing and recovery efforts were shared by Pippin's new daddy, Sanvean. Little Brandybuck was restless without her sissy around to pick on (and share the hammock with), but at least she had the attention of whichever parent wasn't busy with syringe-feeding or medication-administering. I'm happy that at least Pip had the best care she could have, from both of her human parents and from a gentle and professional vet in Decatur (for whom I will always give praises and recommendations). And even though she was barely 16 months old, she was a happy girl who had the most loving family a rattie could ask for.

Pippin Ratfoot died last night in my arms, snuggled close to my heart, with her daddy by Our side.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Pippin was probably greatful that she got all that love and care from Mommy and Daddy.

In a related note, there is too much pet illness and death going around VegWeb. :(


Oh, cw, I'm so sorry.  I know how enormously much you loved them and from seeing the videos you've posted here, Pippin loved you just as much.



Oh CW, I'm so sorry..... :'(

I remember when each one of my rat babies never got any easier.  We decided not to get any more after my last rattie Isabelle was just too hard on us, considering they have short life spans and vets charge outrageously to take care of them....
Maybe someday, when we have kids, I'll feel ready for another....but until then, we've got two devil dogs to keep us company....

I really am sorry.  I know what it feels like......


Anyone that ever heard you talk about your rat babies or saw your pics and videos knew how much you truly adored them.  Pippin was as lucky to have you as you were to have her.

I am so sorry you all have to hurt so much now. : (

Hugs to all of you.  ((((cw, sanvean, brandybuck))))


All my sympathy and love to you, dear VBS, and your family, furred and unfurred. May Pippin rest in peace, with the spirit memories of your love for her.

I've heard that when an animal soul chooses a life which gets them closer to humans, as pets or otherwise, they learn from it and move higher up the spiritual plane. Everything that she learned from her life with you was love, and hers will be a better spirit from that. :-*



I'm sorry CW.
Sending e-hugs your way.




(((((CW))))) I'm so sorry.


awwww (((CW))) I am sorry  :'(


So Wilma has lost some weight over the past year and I'm concerned.  I thought she was looking thinner so when I dropped her of at the vet today for her urine test I asked if they would check her weight.  Jason picked her up after work and brought home a list of her past weights and today's weight.  Her urine test was fine but she's lost 2.3 pounds since last June.  I think that's a lot for a cat, don't you?  She was 10.4 pounds this time last year, now she is 8.1.  I called the vet back as soon as I saw the list but they didn't answer.  I left a message asking if her weight drop is anything to be concerned about.  I've been keeping a real good eye on her kidney functions since I found out they are degenerating.  She gets regular blood and urine tests,  She's on an all canned diet of Wellness and Avoderm and she eats a full can a day plus treats.  She throws up occasionally but nothing more than most cats.  Plus it's usually soon after she has eaten so I always assume she ate too much too fast. 
I haven't heard back from the vet and they are closed now.  Still, I know I'll be worried until I hear something.  Which is why I turned to you guys.  Should I be concerned?  Should I feed her more?  Thoughts?


I don't know how much food a cat takes.  Cat would only eat dry and there was always a bowl out. 

In terms of worry, if it is something, it's happening gradually, so no major worries until you talk to the vet.  Waiting overnight will be hard, but okay.

Wilma, what's going on?  Take care of yourself.


The vet left a message today.  She doesn't think Wilma's weight loss is from anything new, she thinks it's a condition of her compromised kidneys.  She said that when Wilma comes back for her next urine test in 3 months that she will have her calcium levels checked and based on those results, she made need to go on medication.  I'm still worried about the weight loss and I hope this isn't the beginning of the end  :-[


Maybe part of the weight loss could be the new healthier diet she's been on the past year?

That's a good way of looking at it  :)

*feeling hopeful


Does Wilma have mealtimes or is her food always out?  Before I noticed Cat's weight loss I noticed he wasn't eating as much.  If you keep track of her food consumed it might give you a clue.  If she's not eating as much you could take her in for an interim checkup.


i recently adopted some kittens, they're about 2 months old.  yesterday one of the kitties got sick on the floor and then today both of them got sick at the same time right next to each other.  what is going on??? is this something to be concerned about??  afterwards, they started playing with each other again, running around, leaping off of things, they seem to be acting normal.  i just dont know why they're getting sick. 


I don't know.  I've only ever had Cat, so I have limited background.  How old are the kittens?  And why haven't we seen pictures?


the kitties are about 2 months old.  I just saw them snack on my dogs vegan food today!! eek.  could that be making them sick?  and if so, how do i separate their foods?  the cats seem to be able to go everywhere.

heres oompah and polka.  they're bffs

heres taffy on the left and oompah on the right.  taffy has just a little bit longer hair and is the runt of the litter.

we found the whole litter in a puddle.  one kitten had already died and taffy was frozen stiff, lost a lot of hair and had trouble breathing.  now hes stronger than oompah!!! even though hes much smaller.  he kicks her ass at wrestling. 

we call polka mom, she babysits them, cleans them, breaks up their fights and gives them warm places to snuggle.  they're so cute.


Does Wilma have mealtimes or is her food always out?  Before I noticed Cat's weight loss I noticed he wasn't eating as much.  If you keep track of her food consumed it might give you a clue.  If she's not eating as much you could take her in for an interim checkup.

Wilma get fed half a can of food in the morning before I leave for work, then the other half a can when I get home from work.  Sometimes she eates everything, sometimes not.  Sometimes she doesn't eat her morning half but eats all of the evening half.  The other week she cleaned the bowl every day.  A couple of months ago she went three days without eating and I took her into the vet.  So she's very inconsistant with her eating and always has been. 

Kelsi.  Good luck with the kittens.  They're adorable!  Could you feed them in a separate room? 



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