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The Everything Pet Thread

I wanted to start this thread to be all about our pets.  Ask questions, help answer questions, tell a funny story about something your cat/dog/ferret/bird/rat, etc did, update everyone on your pet's health, tell us about a new pet, vent, grieve, laugh, etc.  I know I'll be posting here a lot and I hope you'll join me! 

:)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>


That must be what vwbers think I look like, in the debate forum.



There was a new poster in the honey forum that was trying to say that honey wasn't vegan and I started in on the technicalities of bees.  Poor girl.  She probably thinks the same thing about me.

To make this pet related, I think bees are like cats.  They force their heads into all sorts of things and get stuff in their hair/fur, but are clean at the same time.  They're both soooo lovely.


Pounce is freaking out about us moving. We took apart the bed this morning, and he hid under it until there was nothing left to hide under. Ever since, he's been really skittish and getting into everything to figure out what's going on.

He also peed on some clothes.

I feel bad for him. Even Etcetera is picking on him. Usually he picks on her because she's smaller, but she's also a lot more laid back. The lady who used to foster her said Etcetera is a very "neutral" cat. She just doesn't care what's going on. Give her food and attention and she's good to go.

Poor Pounce. He lost his bed (temporarily, because we're moving the cats this afternoon, and he'll be able to rejoin his precious bed), and he's being attacked at every corner by his baby sister.

Bad day for him.  :-[


Mama's boy? Seems like it!

Daddy's girl.

Cats are awesome.

all of my babies are definitely mommy's babies rather than mama's babies.  i can pick up any of them even when they clearly don't want to be picked up and they are okay with it because i'm mommy.  their mama b can pick up tiger (but it's impossible to piss that cool cat off), but if she tries to pick up ivan, he's sort of half and half with allowing her.  but zoey, on the other hand, will almost never allow her to pick her up without crying to be put down.  zoey does NOT like to be picked up at all, but at least when i do it, she doesn't cry.  she just looks annoyed.

it rocks to be the favorite.   ;)b


poor pounce!  he'll be all better once he adjusts!


Here is my baby when we moved...
(I don't like cages so we held her the whole 3 hours. She escaped to the back when we got there)
It took her 2 days to get used to it, then we got a new cat and she was very angry for a while...
But now they love each other :)
But THEN we got another cat...
She doesn't like him too much, she just tolerates him, but she is back to being Queen Bee of the apartment.


I really wish I could get Wilma to like Murray.  Having them separated by floors now is easier than rotating one in a bedroom and the other one out.  Still, Wilma is just so aggressive and the fight between them was so nasty I'm afraid to try and introduce them again.  Even now when Wilma sees Murray through the gate she just hissed and growls.  I wouldn't care if they didn't like each other but could at least be in the same room without trying to kill each other.  :(


my bunnies are like that.  i had hercules and jenny first (brother and sister).  they love each other.  then about four months later i got shane.  she really wanted to befriend the other two but they would have nothing nice to do with her.  anytime they are around each other it ends up in such a violent fight where they are quite literally trying to kill each other.  i gave up on trying to bond them.  hercules and jenny are in a cage together and get playtime together, but shane has her own cage and when she gets playtime outside of the cage she does it without the other two.  luckily, shane and the kitties are super best buds so she doesn't get too lonely, but i still feel bad.  when we have more space i'd like to get her a friend, but i'll do a better job with bonding them and i'm going to pick a bunny that SHE likes rather than one that i would pick out of cuteness.  i just hope hercules and jenny haven't traumatized her for life!


I have a new puppy daschund 14 weeks old. It's been a few years since my boy Judah went to the dog meadow in the sky. I am shocked at the cost of frontline flea and tick medicine. The last time I bought it was about $25. Now it is $60 at the pet shop and $39 on line. I am looking for tried and true methods of treating fleas and ticks other than frontline. I have a friend that feeds her cats a small amount of penny royal in their food and they never get fleas. However Anna is a dog and may not react well to pennyroyal.


Anyone have any good DIY dog ear infection remedies? I just don't have the money to take my dog to the vet at the moment. I feel terrible about it but like, yeah, any DIY dog ear infection remedies?


Maybe some of these ideas would work? --> Ear Infection Remedies for Pets


So, Olen had thrown up like 3-4 times in the past week, and I kept having different ideas of what it was. He seemed a lot better the day before yesterday, and even yesterday, but that was one of the days he threw up. I was thinking it was treats, and I was like treats, and maybe that will be it. Last night, he threw up again (like 2AM), and it STUNK SO, SO BAD. Like, I could have thrown up. BUT the point is....there was a squeaker in the throw up!!!!!!!!!!! You know, the little plastic squeakers in squeak toys? I always, always watch him closely when he has one of those toys, because he loves the squeakers. I guess he had eaten this toy at my parents' house A WEEK AGO. I'm guessing he's been trying to throw up that squeaker this whole time. The poor baby. I can't imagine how that felt in the stomach, much less the throat. I hope that's all done now, and NO MORE SQUEAKER TOYS. :(


sheesh, AC that's quite scary.  I hope Olen is better after the squeak toy is out!


Poor Olen! I hope he gets feeling better now that it's out.


Flea stuff for Dogs/Cats
Flea/tick repelllent

Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you. I've been looking into getting Oliver some Advantage or something, but I'm reading the ingredients list, and they're carcinogens! I'm like, we'd have to use those in the hood at work! Why would I put that on my dog????!!!!! So, I've been looking for a safe, responsible alternative.

Is there anything VegWeb can't do?


I just found out that our little doggy, Oliver, is absolutely bonkers for avocado! Really, I can't blame him. It's so delicious! 


I just got a new kitty named Bug sunday.  I'm hoping my cat and Bug will be good friends.  So far, my cat is pretty pissed.  They are still in separate rooms till they can get along.


I just got a new kitty named Bug sunday.  I'm hoping my cat and Bug will be good friends.  So far, my cat is pretty pissed.  They are still in separate rooms till they can get along.

I still haven't seen pics! Poor, cat. She's probably just scared she's getting replaced.



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