The Everything Pet Thread
Posted by biodancer on Jul 04, 2008 · Member since Jul 2007 · 978 posts
I wanted to start this thread to be all about our pets. Ask questions, help answer questions, tell a funny story about something your cat/dog/ferret/bird/rat, etc did, update everyone on your pet's health, tell us about a new pet, vent, grieve, laugh, etc. I know I'll be posting here a lot and I hope you'll join me!
:)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>
I love Blue! I have a soft spot for stumps, though.
One of our biggest dogs, Alice, is afraid of cows -even if they're in a fenced pasture, she will not pass by them. Sad and hilarious at the same time. You might think that would be easy enough to avoid, but animal husbandry habits here can be pretty lax; it isn't unusual to have cows wandering around loose, often on the beach. ...just her blog page, no pictures of bovine induced intimidation.
Does anybody have a cat that falls off stuff while sleeping? One of my kitties is constantly falling asleep on top of the television or bookshelf and then she falls off and hits the floor....hard. I have hardwood floors and I have to keep pillows below the TV and bookshelf so she doesn't break her little bones. This doesn't happen to any of my other cats. I was quilting in the living room all day Saturday so I counted the number of times she fell....19 times during the day!
Awwwww. : (
Bella is limping. :( Evan and I (in retrospect) have noticed the past day or so that she has been licking one of her front paws more than normal. She started limping after I got home. We've inspected her paw but cannot find any splinters, burrs, cuts or scrapes. I'm taking her in to see her vet tomorrow. Hopefully, they will be able to find out what is wrong. Poor girl!
So, I took her in. The vet couldn't find the cause. :( She thinks that whatever is causing the limping is from a puncture wound (nothing showed on the x-ray). Bella is now on antibiotics (no nasty infections for her!) and an anti-inflammatory/pain medicine. Poor puppy! She is such a hot mess! She also has to wear "the cone of shame" when we're not around to keep her from licking/gnawing at her paw.
Awwwwwwwwww. :( I miss her. I want you all to visit again. Send her snugs.
she looks sooo sad....poor Bella :(
She is sad. She is an epic pouter when it comes to the cone of shame. :(
Anyone else making homemade treats for their animals for the holidays?
Chad has had a really bad flea problem for the past 2 or 3 months.
Every night I can easily get 20-50 fleas off of him. I am out of ideas of what to do.
We've used flea soap, cedar soap, flea meds, borax/vacuuming the house to make sure there weren't any living anywhere.
I'm really afraid he's going to get sick.
Does any one have any top secret flea remedies?
+1. I know it's probably evil on various levels, but it's a lot better than having a flea infestation. I've lived through the days before it existed, with five dogs, and tried all kinds of 'natural' remedies that didn't work. Dogs and people were miserable and two of the dogs got terrible skin infections. I'll go with the evil remedy that keeps those fleas away. If you can eradicate the fleas from your house too (with other nasty poisons), then you won't even have to apply the Frontline regularly. I just do it when we're going somewhere that I expect to have fleas or ticks. (I think you probably don't have Lyme Disease in Florida, but it also kills ticks before they have a chance to infect the dog.)
Here are some tips from other folks:
Frontline did nothinggggggggg.
Which really makes me sad, because we've used it in the past and it worked fine.
I'm going to try the dish soap bath next. We're just trying to not bathe him so constantly because he gets dry skin pretty easily.
shave him. Nah, I really have no ideas.
My problem with Gary....
We have always fed Gary dried food and she's been fine, but a few months ago (round Xmas, maybe) she decided she didn't like it anymore and just refused to eat. Initially I thought that she would eventually eat if she was hungry enough, but it got to day 3 and she still hadn't eaten. I thought that was plenty long enough so before taking her to the vets I tried wet food.
She ate the wet food fine and so I didn't take her o the vets....she's just a fussy thing.
But NOW she' not really eating her wet food or her dry food. Just over the past week or so, she'll lick the disgusting yucky jelly stuff off the food and then leave the rest. I've tried different brands with no luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions? She is an overweight cat anyway, so maybe eating less may be ok? But I'm getting a bit concerned about it....should I take her to the vet just to make sure?
uS: Aw, poor Chad. Maybe your Frontline was expired or something? Because it definitely works. We routinely use it on heavily infested dogs and within a few hours there are no living parasites on them. I agree with veggiedog that it doesn't have to be a monthly thing in most places/climates. Good luck.
Shell, I would say it's worth calling your vet about it. Abrupt changes in behavior, especially eating, can signal a health problem. Maybe she's having tooth trouble or something.
haha, I totally meant to write the same response to shell's problem...but I spaced (I get interrupted A LOT)! Sounds like a tooth/mouth problem. Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth veggydog! From my brain to your keyboard...that's a terrifying thought...I wouldn't wish that on you! ;D
crap,can't beleive I didn't think about tooth troubles.
Now to find a vet.......
Frontline did nothinggggggggg.
Which really makes me sad, because we've used it in the past and it worked fine.
I'm going to try the dish soap bath next. We're just trying to not bathe him so constantly because he gets dry skin pretty easily.
Bella had an infestation when she was a younger puppy. We ended up using Capstar. We vaccumed twice a day for a whole week and washed every single thing in the house. It finally took care of the problem.