baking cookbooks
Hey everyone, new here and looking over the all the info on cookbooks.
I have to ask recommendations for baking cookbooks though. I'm pretty sold on Joy of Vegan Baking (LOVE that it has so much stuff, not just sweets). But I'm thinking about a cookie book as well... so my options that I know of are:
Vegan cookies invade your cookie jar
Vegan cookie connoisseur
They're roughly the same price on Amazon. My only book store to actually walk into is our px here, they've finally started getting in a few veg*n books. Vegan cookie connoisseur being one of them, flipped through it and I love the pictures! I wonder with VCIYCJ though, because I've read somewhere in these forums that her cookbooks have tons of type-os. Maybe there was a type-o in the 2 recipes I made from VCTOTW, because I wasn't too impressed but I keep the book around hoping that when I get back to the US I can make some of the ones that call for less common ingredients.
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