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The official Vegan with a Vengeance recipe review! (to be updated)

I had some help from Ponycakes! this time. Add your reviews for VWAV here, or, and I'll add them to the compilation.

Asparagus and Sun dried Tomato Frittata:
thats good stuff! yumm! (bp)
good (curiale)
I've never made a successful tofu scramble, and this was so so good. I made an asparagus, mushroom, and black olive version, and loved it! I left out the thyme, but added some herbs de provence, dried basil, onion powder, and chili flakes. My first piece fell apart, but I wasn't all too careful handling it. It doesn't really matter, anyway. It had set, though. It is gooood. (AC)
This is a good recipe, though I've found out through trial and error that if you use superfirm tofu, it turns out kinda dry. Definitely use waterpacked tofu for this! (sb)
This is absolutely perfect. I didn't change a thing about it, and we absolutely loved it. The only problem I had with it is that I need to double the recipe next time--serves 2, no leftovers! (veganrun)
Broccoli and olive


AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (pip)
Baking Powder Biscuits and White Bean Tempeh Sausage Gravy:
It is really good! Very sausage like. First you make the Tempeh Sausage Crumbles -- which are good alone & like she said, would be good with lots of other things. Next you make the 'gravy' & add it to the crumbles & heat through. The fennel in the crumbles really helps give it a sausage flavor & the crumbled tempeh is pretty similar to crumbled sausage. Howe'ver, I did use quite a bit more veggie broth in my gravy recipe than she calls for. While processing the white beans in the food processor I used 1/2 cup broth (instead of 1/4 cup) & when heating the gravy with the crumbles I added another 1/2 cup of broth. Overall, a very satisfactory recipe & way less processed food than the GimmeLean sausage gravy that I've made in the past. Different, but still very good! My biscuits taste good but they are very flat.(lezly)
had flat biscuits. I had new baking powder and my oven was well heated. I think it's just the recipe. I did like the flavor of the dish though. I asked my meat eating husband to rate it, and he said that if I made it 3-4 times per week he would be happy. (vegan1)
I used the biscuit recipe when I couldn't find my usual one, and they turned out ok. Needed some zazz, and were kinda flat. Maybe I won't roll them out as thin next time. (ponycakes)
I made this once, and the biscuits definitely need more fat in them. They came out kinda dry, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the gravy. (sb)
I didn't end up making the gravy (but I intend to sounds YUMMY) but I did make the biscuts because my little sister wanted strawberry shortcake...and the biscuts were great! Nice and fluffy...they raised so nicely! My mum was a little jealous because she can never get BP biscuts to raise XD *giggles* (dannibazaar)
Great taste but they didn't fluff up.  It's probably my fault for overworking the dough.  (berryraw).
(biscuits) I am still completely at a loss as to wtf a biscuit is if it's not a scone.  I don't have 'shortening' so just used my olive oil spread for both the margarine and the shortening and I think it worked fine.  I also used wholemeal flour.  And call me lazy or something, but I don't see the point in rolling out dough and cutting shapes when a blob will taste just the same, and we like ugly food in our house so that's what we had. My husband really liked these and I thought they were pretty good, standard scones .  Would make again. (oww)
Delicious!  I used to love biscuits and gravy when I was younger - I tried to make it a few years ago with the Morningstar Crumbles and it wasn't very good - but this was awesome!  This will definitely be a christmas morning staple!  Oh, I didn't add the sage to the gravy like I was supposed to - didn't have any and I don't think I like sage anyway....and I didn't roll the biscuits out - I just plopped them onto the cookie sheet - and they turned out lovely! (erinmonster)
These biscuits are great! I thought they'd be meh, but they are some of my faves. I had to use oil for the EB, so they'll probably be better next time. Very easy. I just semi-shaped mine, and dropped them on the sheet. The flavor is really good, and texture is fluffy. Light and fluffy.  I made 11, and baked for about 13 mins-might bake an extra min. next time. I really like the tempeh sausage, but had to modify the gravy. Used chickpeas instead of white beans, and just smashed them. I had to add a lot of extra liquid, and it was still very chunky. I don't think I'd bother with the actual gravy again. (AC)
i just made the biscuits (i had some left over mushroom gravy i needed to eat). they were really nice. didn't rise as much as i was expecting and could maybe use some herbs, but still something i would make again.  i also just cut the dough into 12 square pieces using a pizza cutter, which seems a lot easier. (thirteenblackbirds)
I used the biscuit recipe from How it All Vegan. Because i had neither Margerine nor shortening. BUT the gravy was loooovely! My BF at the time really didnt like tempeh, but he ate it all up in this recipe. I had no idea what biscuits and gravy is (im in the uk) and so ended up watering down the gravy to make it thinner, i had no idea its meant to be thick on biscuits! I loved it though. Definitely make again as a treat! (vanilladoe)
Banana Pecan Pancakes:
really good (lapetitepoire)
great (vegan1)
These come out fluffy, banana-y and downright delicious. I was craving banana bread, but didn't want to wait an hour to that shit to cook so I made these instead. A heavenly midnight, drunken snack! Sometimes, I add whiskey, brandy or rum into the batter because that's how I roll. See also: Amaretto. (sb)
Yum!  You really have to like banana, but these are great.  I usually end up adding walnuts instead of pecans. (icephrosty)
These were more banana-y than the banana pancakes from Vegan Brunch (so they were better!). They're pretty good, but I still like the recipe on vegweb better. (fb)
These were awesome! They tasted like banana bread, only quicker and easier. I thought the texture was great, and nothing was too sweet or overpowering. Great mix of flavors. I ran out of pecans and did half pecans half walnuts, and this was delish. My bf loves chocolate chips, so I put some chips in his pancakes, and he then covered the whole thing with peanut butter. Got that combo? Banana, pb, and chocolate. Of course I sampled, and of course it rocked. (veganrun)
These are good. I love the flavor (I used 3 bananas); not too bananay, everything in balance. The texture is not my favorite, because I have trouble getting the middles to completely cook when I use bananas. They were better than most banana pancakes, though, and my batter wasn't too thick. Perfect pancakes still win! (AC)
These are definitely pancakes for the banana bread lover.  J gobbled them up.  I love how there's no added sugar to these and they're still sweet and yummy.  Mine turned out quite moist in the middle, but otherwise were perfect.  I left out the pecans because I didn't have any and used maple extract instead of vanilla.  A good pancake treat! (berryraw)
just okay... mine came out a little too dense.  (thirteenblackbirds)
Breakfast Veggie Chorizo:
made alongside scrambled tofu, and ate wrapped up in corn tortillas...quite yummy (nancyk212)
This is good, but I think it needs some slight tweeking in the spices. Maybe add some hot paprika and a little more cumin. Could use a touch more heat, but that may be because I like a lot of heat in my food. (sb)
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pancakes:
These make a great dessert when topped with vanilla ice cream. My husband loves them for breakfast, but they're a little too sweet for me. (icephrosty)
These things are so good. I eat them for breakfast when I want to bake cupcakes for breakfast. They are sweet, moist, chocolatey and downright sexy. Serve with a homemade strawberry sauce and your partner will forever be paying you in oral sex. (sb)
These are good! P doesn't really like pancakes, but he said these are his favorite pancakes, ever. That's pretty good. I did accidentally add another tsp of baking powder, and that might account for the slight dryness. I used blueberry syrup for the maple, and some blueberry on top. They are slightly bitter at first, then sweet and good. They weren't TOO sweet for breakfast, either. Good! I used ww pastry flour. I also want to recommend the extra 1/4 cup of soymilk. I just used a cup, and I think that's why they were slightly dry!  (AC)
I liked these. I'd always been disappointed by chocolate pancakes - they're always vaguely chocolate flavored, but nothing that parallels with chocolate desserts or anything. These were different; they were richer, but still a breakfast type food. I'd make them again, except maybe without the chips, because they always tend to stick to the pan. (fb)
Not as rich as you might think, but that's not a bad thing. They're really not overly sweet. I actually only put chocolate chips in half of the recipe, and without the chips they were nice, but not too decadent. We covered them in peanut butter, and this was super. (veganrun)
Coconut Pancakes with Pineapple Sauce:
Great! My mom added macadamia nuts on top. (ponycakes)
I make these when people tell me they like pancakes. They are usually impressed with them. I like adding some almond or hazelnut extract to the batter because I think it adds a nice dimension. (sb)
I love love love coconut, and, consequently, enjoyed these.  We didn't think they were super dooper coconutty though, and they were a little stodgier I think than our usual pancakes.  Would make again, but not as a regular feature. (oww)
we didn't like these, although i made some changes... for the sauce, i used tapioca flour instead of arrowroot powder and pureed the chunks a little bit with an immersion blender.  my husband, who likes pineapple a lot, didn't care for the sauce either.  The pancakes themselves were alright. the texture was okay (slightly dense), the coconut flavor was good, but a little too much nutmeg for my taste. i also had to add more soymilk but that may have been b/c i used white whole wheat flour. (thirteenblackbirds)
(Did not make the pineapple sauce) I thought these were good, but I would have liked even more coconut flavor. I subbed in half coconut milk for the non-dairy, but this made the cakes too thick and dense. So, I think next time I won't use the coconut milk but add lots of coconut extract. A nice change of pace from regular breakfast flavors, though. (veganrun)
Fronch Toast:
one of my staples (cali)
one of my favorites (hopfrog)
awesome.  My daughter claimed it was the best French toast she had ever eaten. (cali)
about died! it was great. it really reminded me of what i remember french toast being like, but it's been a good year since i've had it. (bp)
truly excellent!  We've made it the last four Saturdays with the week-old stale bread. (hopfrog)
great (vegan1)
I've been wanting to make it for a while, but I only wanted to make a few pieces , so I had to estimate the batter ingredients. It probably didn't turn out perfectly, for that reason, but it was still surprisingly really good! I used EB to cook them in, and my baguette was still pretty fresh, so it probably soaked up more of the EB...before it could all cook evenly. It had just enough of the right texture, though. Slightly crispy on the outside, and chewy inside. (AC)
My favorite french toast recipe - it's just about perfect! (icephrosty)
Of course this wasn't totally like french toast, but I enjoyed it. The batter stuff was absorbed & stuck well (the batter for the banana rabanada and pumpkin french toast in Vegan Brunch had some tendency to come off because it was so sticky). It was pretty greasy, but in a good greasy-breakfast way. (fb)
way easy and super good - reminded me of diner french toast.  i was leery of the recipe not calling for any vanilla but i just went with it for the first time around & i liked it alot, even though i think ill add vanilla next time cus it couldnt hurt.  i made one piece extra thick and sliced it thru halfway and stuffed it with thinly sliced apples and some peanut butter.  it was as amazing as you'd think it'd be. (ppc)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
OH MY! I thought this was such a mindblowing recipe. tasted just like eggy bread to me. I have this with a drizzle of agave/maple syrup when i have this. (vanilladoe)
Ginger Pear Waffles:
I think the ginger flavor in these may have slightly overpowered the pear, but I was drunk when I made these so it could have been my fault. I am going to buy a new waffle maker soon, because my waffles always come out rubbery and I want crispy, gigantic belgian waffles (sb)
I really liked these waffles. The pear aspect wasn't really noticeable (but I used apple juice instead of pear juice). But the ginger was great - it was spicy, but not so much that it was like strong gingerbread. It's not so heavy on that flavor that it would only be for the holidays. (fb)
these are fabulous. among our favorite waffles.  i used white whole wheat flour, apple juice, and I cut back just a little on the ginger.  (thirteenblackbirds)
Herb Roasted Potatoes:
very versatile and could definitely go with a breakfasty dish or with dinner. they were quite easy, to boot. the only problem was that the onions burned, but after i transferred everything into one pan it was fine. (curiale)
This is a good basic recipe. It's fun to add orange juice/zest and serve them for breakfast. (sb)
Roasted potatoes of many variaties are one of our staples, but I wanted to try this different method. It didn't go very well for me! My potato liquid/oil was running off the pan, and smoking, and the seasoning didn't come through as much as I like. Anyway, I tried it and I'll stick to the usual. (AC)
Love them! It's a pretty basic recipe, but delicious nonetheless. I love the onions in it! Baked onions are delish. (dannibazaar)
Very good.  It stuck to the tin foil which is not her fault and I cut back on 8 minutes of cooking time or they would have burned. (tweety)
Lemon Corn Waffles with Blueberry Sauce:
My dad is really into citrus-y things, so I made these for him once. The flavor was good, but they really needed some more flour because the first ones were really weird and didn't cook right. (ponycakes)
I made these tonight for a late dinner, and they're super delicious as I knew they would be!  I've had my eye on this recipe ever since I got this book, but I've never got around to making them until tonight.  I'm not really big on pancakes/waffles in general, as I'm more of a tofu scramble/biscuits n gravy kind of gal; however, these are undeniably tasty.  I did not make the accompanying Blueberry Sauce, as I had no blueberries.  I did have a bottle of TJs wild maine blueberry fruit sauce that I topped my waffle with, while my boyfriend just did regular maple syrup with his; either way you top these, they're fantastic!  **One note--I did find the waffle batter for these to be much thinner than your usual waffle recipe batter.  I debated whether or not I should add a bit more flour.  I decided to go with the recipe as written (except for one minor change--I used part whole wheat pastry flour and part all-purpose unbleached flour) and was just extra careful when filling the iron so as not to overflow.  Everything worked out perfectly, and the recipe turned out gorgeous, golden waffles.  I got 6 large Belgian-style waffles from this recipe. For those of you who don't have this cookbook yet, here's a link to the recipe as posted on PPK, the author's website: (willwolf)
The flavor of this recipe is amazing.  I love lemony things and it definitely worth zesting 2 whole lemons for this, plus they're not too sweet. The first three waffles I cooked turned out very crispy, almost like a crunchy cereal or like they were deep fried - yes, that crispy- but they came off of the iron with only a little prying.  Then I cooked two more that stuck to the iron so badly I had to scrape them out on both sides.My sister decided to salvage the batter by trying it as pancakes in her cast iron skillet and they turned out fabulous!  I blame myself and the iron for the waffles sticking and being so crispy - the iron sucks and I used whole wheat flour.  Anyway, these were kind of labor intensive but I might try this again with a new iron or just make them into pancakes for a special treat. We didn't make the blueberry sauce and mostly just ate them plain or with some of the leftover soy yogurt. (berryraw)
Oatmeal Banana Raisin Waffles:
They were very much like banana bread waffles.  We put walnuts in some and raisins in others.  I liked the walnuts better. (robinmc)
just ok. But then I used the same batter and made them into pancakes and they were great. I don't know why they tasted different, but they did and we loved them. Like oatmeal raisin cookies...(vegan1)
(without raisins, didn't have any around) and they were also great. (nancyk212)
These weren't very banana-y, but they worked as waffles (fluffy, didn't stick). This would be an easy and tasty way to feel healthier while eating waffles, but it's not, say, for the person looking for something like banana bread. (fb)
pure heaven in the morning! My entire family loved them! So sweet  & moist!  (vickiliz)
These are really good and remind me of an oatmeal cookie.  The texture was spot on when I made them! (icephrosty)
great waffles. the oatmeal gives them a wonderful texture. i think they would definitely be better without the raisins though and next time i will sub walnuts or pecans for them. (thirteenblackbirds)
I thought these were going to be absolutely epic based upon the yuminess that was the batter, but I wasn't overly impressed with the finished product. They were definitely good and filling (actually, borderline too dense), but just not as good as I expected. Bf doesn't like raisins in food, so I waited until I was cooking them to add raisins to mine and chocolate chips to his--the chocolate chip version was amazing! (veganrun)
Ok perhaps i should have started a little more simple when i first got my waffle maker.. these came out rubbery.. but im guessing thats my fault! im a tad impatient! sure tasted good as far as i can remember though. Ill give these a try again now im a little more experienced. (vanilladoe)
I didn't like this recipe. I think the liquid amt is way too much since my batter was runny and I had to add more flour. Easy to adjust though. (iluvtomatoes)
one of my favorites (hopfrog)
I always add some cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg to them. So freaking delicious and perfect for a hangover! (sb)
my go-to pancake recipe. Perfect every time. (ponycakes)
These were quick and tasty. I didn't add the cinnamon, and I used ww pastry flour. I was going to wait 10 minutes before cooking them, but I forgot! I do think they could have been a bit fluffier. I had them with really sweet blueberry syrup. I liked them! (AC)
I make these all the time for breakfast!  I cut the recipe into one-fourth and it's perfect for one.  I even use whole wheat pastry flour and they still taste good.  This is my go-to pancake recipe. (icephrosty)
Tasty!  I used part whole wheat pastry flour, and that worked fine. (willwolf)
These are pretty good pancakes, but I like the ones from JOVB better - fluffier and sweeter. I'd still make these again.  (fb)
These were my first real pancake success.  They tasted like regular non-vegan pancakes, though were a bit more dense.  Not too sweet either, just right. (berryraw)
I made the plain pancakes with all purpose gluten free flour. I am not sure if it's related to the flour I used or the recipe in general but the batter was VERY runny. I used it as is instead of adding more flour. The pancakes did turn out very thin, more like crepes, but tasted great with EB and maple syrup.(vixedvegan)
I made these GF for my mom a few days ago.  I added about 1/4 cup more flour and they turned out perfectly. (icephrosty)
I've made these pancakes a few times now and they always come out really good.  Though to be fair, I don't think I've ever had a pancake recipe not work out well... but this one is quick and simple and basic ingredients = a winner in our house. (oww)
Wow. Just wow. I'm so impressed with these. I didn't change anything, except I used white whole wheat flour. I added the cinnamon, a touch of nutmeg, and only used 1 cup of almond milk. I let it sit for 10 minutes before I cooked them, and I'm so glad I did. These were the fluffiest, most wonderful pancakes I've ever had. All they needed was some Earth Balance and maple syrup. Beautiful. (veganrun)
These really are perfect. Nice and fluffy...just like the non-vegan ones that I remember. I added chocolate chips  Delish. (dannibazaar)
good pancakes.  reminded me a lot of Vegweb's "best tasting pancakes ever! vegan or otherwise" (thirteenblackbirds)
I guess I'm in the minority here, because I didn't love these.  The taste was good, but I was hoping for light and fluffy pancakes like the ones Dad used to make.  They looked like they were going to be light and fluffy in the pan, but the texture was just a bit off.  They were a little dense or doughy which is the same problem I had with the banana flapjacks, but to a lesser extent.  The search for a light and fluffy pancake goes on! (peaceablepalate)
I heard really good reviews about these so I decided to try them. While I was making them I wasn't expecting anything amazing, they're plain pancakes. I was in for a pleasant surprise, these were the best pancakes that I have ever had and they reminded me of the ones my nan used to make my cousins and I at camp. These will now be the only pancakes I ever make, definitely my favorite. The cinnamon is optional but I added it and I would recommend it. (minke)
good solid recipe.  I like that it uses normal ingredients that I always have in.  I have also used this recipe to make waffles, which works well too.  N loves this recipes made into waffles with the addition of rice crispy cereal (idea stolen from Vegan Diner) and I think it's good like this too. (shelloid)
a good, fluffy basic pancake. the ones i cooked in cast iron were more of a pain to cook (heat regulation for some reason) than the ones in the nonstick. (baypuppy)
Raspberry lime

Pumpkin Waffles:
SO good.  It makes a lot, but I just stick them in the freezer and warm them up in the toaster in the morning.  I also added more spices the second time around because I love all the spices that go along with pumpkin and found there wasn't enough for my liking in the recipe! (tryp66)
super tasty!  I think I got 7 large Belgian-style waffles out of the recipe.  Initially after trying them right after making them, I thought they could use more flavor and spice.  However, the flavor/spice really seemed to shine through a lot more upon reheating the next day.  They could still use a bit more spice maybe, but I tend to like a lot of spice.  One thing I do want to mention is that these waffles are softer than my regular waffle recipe.  They crisp up fine when heating them, but after storing in the refrigerator stacked in a large ziploc bag like I do with my regular waffles, they got a little squashed.  Next time, I'll see if it helps to maybe only stack 2 waffles per bag/container.  The nice thing about these flavored waffles is that you don't need much syrup, just a touch.  If you love pumpkin as I do, definitely give these waffles a try! (willwolf)
I like to make these when I'm hosting brunch at my place.  The recipe makes a ton and they're amazing!  They even taste good reheated the next day. (icephrosty)
I made these one morning, when I started drinking wine at 10am. I put on Pink Flamingos and made a double batch. Ate these every morning for the rest of the week. They're great with a root beer reduction syrup and carmelized bananas (sb)
Love these!  I've never made a full batch but they come out great when I cut the recipe in half.  It still makes a lot so I freeze the extras and they're still good a week later! (icephrosty)
These are some rich waffles... lots of recipes I've made have a Tbsp or two of oil, and this has a 1/3 cup o_o but it pays off. These are less like waffles and more like grilled pumpkin muffins in the shape of waffles (if that makes sense). It's pretty heavily spiced, but that's what I like. (fb)
These waffles are so tasty! I added another 1/3 cup of sugar cause I wanted them a bit sweeter. I also though the batter was too thick and ended up watering it down a little. Big mistake! This made them completely thin and they tore so I added more flour and problem was solved. So if you make these, don't thin out the batter. Just use more to spread on your waffle maker. (intheend)
Loved this.  Pretty perfect waffles that even impressed my mother-in-law and non-pumpkin eating hubby. (berryraw)
These taste amazing, but I couldn't get them to get crispy on the outside--which is why I want a waffle vs. a pancake. Fantastic flavor, though, and they make your house smell awesome when they're cooking. (veganrun)
Scrambled Tofu:
Yum, yum, yum. Made it in a cast iron skillet and it browns the mushrooms sooo nicely. This was very different, in terms of seasoning, than my usual scrambles so I enjoyed the change. It did end up rather dry though and I prefer my scrambles to be a bit more wet so I'll cut down the cooking time next time. (iluvtomatoes)
Yay! I found out we do like tofu scrambles. I'm always scared to use my cast iron skillets, because things tend to stick, so I used my very nonstick wok. Therefore, I didn't need to add any water, and it stayed fairly....moist. I used mushrooms and broccoli, omitted the thyme, and did the "rancheros" variation (salsa!). Yum with hashbrowns in tortillas. (AC)
This is a really good recipe that I come back to time and time again. I use variations of it and always compare other scrambles to this one. (sb)
Simple and delicious.  I was afraid of thyme being too strong in it so I cut it back and all was well.  Added a few dashes of cayenne pepper, some sliced olives and chopped tomato.  Left out the grated carrot.  It was slightly tangy and had plenty of savory flavor.  My beloved omnivore husband loved it and didn't add any cheese or anything else to it!  A good, standard recipe! (berryraw)
It is hard to really differentiate between scrambled tofu recipes, but this one seems a to use a bit more spices than others I've seen, and I liked the kicked up flavor. I also love the idea of grating a carrot in--I wouldn't have thought of that on my own. I don't really think you can taste it, but it is a sneaky way to get more vegetables, and it looks pretty. Oh, this recipe uses more nutritional yeast than the Vegan Table version, and I really like the extra cheesiness.  (veganrun)
This is the first scrambled tofu recipe we've ever had, and it's such a hit that my omnivorous husband frequently asks if we can have tofu scramble for dinner/lunch.  I like the spice blend, and also like playing around with different herbs/spices depending on what we feel like.  I'm still yet to make this in my cast iron pan, always use a non-stick one, but I really must try that one time.  Super recipe. (oww)
This is a staple for me now. Simply delicious. I always add curry powder, too. (dannibazaar)
Usually I hate tofu scrambles but I love this recipe, it's the only one that I ever use. (Minke)
This is delicious!  People who don’t like tofu like this dish.  And you can add in anything: green pepper, zucchini, curry powder, etc. (conniex)
I wanted something fairly quick for dinner.  I found this a good basic scramble and my well make again.  I didn't use any mushrooms, but did add some tomatoes (fresh from the garden!).  I also didn't have any fresh lemons and so just added a splash of bottled lemon juice - and think I added too much.  But yeah, pretty good recipe. (shelloid)
Made this several times. It was pretty good. I end up eating half a batch at a time, ha! I remember the first time making this when i was a newbie vegan. didnt have a clue what nutritional yeast was so omitted that. I definitely like it with it though and extra lemon juice! good basic recipe. (vanilladoe)
Asian style

Tofu rancheros

Sweet Potato Hash with Five Spice and Watercress:
Okay, I'll admit it. I didn't love this, but it could be because I don't like chinese five spice that much and I always wish watercress tasted better. I think this could be better with some tweeaking (and using some other spices aside from the five spice blend). (sb)
OH MY! This is fantastic! I made it without the watercress, and I don't think I've ever liked sweet potatoes this much before. The cinnamon and cloves in the 5 spice bring out the traditional sweet potato flavor that we're used to (as in candied sweet potatoes or pie), then the pepper and fennel come in with a WA-POW! and catch you while you weren't looking. What a fantastic flavor combination that I would never have thought up. The only issue we had is that my boyfriend doesn't like it as a breakfast/brunch food, so we're just going to have it for dinners. 5 stars. (veganrun)
I really loved this. It was quick and easy to prepare, and the five spice gave it such an interesting flavor. I think next time I won't bother with the watercress though since it isn't really worth the trouble of finding at a store, or the cost, for the little it adds, but the potatoes are delicious. (disneyfav)
Tempeh and White Bean Sausage Patties:
These are pretty tasty. I made them once, because I think I prefer the sausage crumbles and tempeh bacon better and this is sort of a combo of the two with some smashed beans to help form patties. Good stuff, though! (sb)
Yummy and filling, but I've struggled to get them to stay together when I'm pan-frying them. They taste good enough that I get over it and flip them gingerly. (veganrun)
Tempeh Bacon:
love it (hibiscus)
excellent (sb)
Salty, smokey and delicious. Seriously reminiscent of bacon and easily the best tempeh bacon recipe out there! (sb)
I was not impressed with this at all, unfortunately.  There are better "bacon" recipes out there more suited to my tastes. (berryraw)
Made this to accompany my Fronch Toast.  Doesn't really remind me of bacon in either taste or texture, but it was good. (peaceablepalate)
Love it. I bake mine at 400F for around a half an hour, flipping once, adding a little bit of marinade from time to time. (dannibazaar)
Tempeh Sausage Crumbles:
excellent (sb)
one of my staples (cali)
one of my favorites (hopfrog)
they are heaven! very spicey and good with some hashbrowns! (bp)
These rule. I make them all the time and they will surprise any omni! (sb)
this is my go-to tempeh recipe. I love it! (tino)
I don't know if these taste like sausage, but I thought they were pretty good. I used them to make biscuits and gravy (my own recipe, not Isa's from the book), and I only used half the crumbles to 32 oz. of almond milk and 3 T flour. For biscuits and gravy, it was pretty spicy. It didn't taste like b+g I remember as a kid, but more like a spicy grown-up version. My bf and I agreed that it tasted totally different, but still very good. (veganrun)
Yum! I always love the smell of these. It's very good in the white bean gravy to go with the BP biscuts. (dannibazaar)
Another tempeh success! I halved the recipe, but just threw spice amounts in. I love fennel, and fresh sage was great. I'd make this again to use for something else. (AC)
I hate tempeh but I have to say I really dug these crumbles. They taste exactly like sausage thanks to the fennel and have a toothy texture. I'm so glad I tried these! (intheend)
Very yummy and easy. I didn't steam them at all, I don't think that they need to be steamed. Will make again (dannibazaar)

Muffins and Scones
Apple Pie Crumb Cake Muffins:
great (vegan1)
These are really good, but I double the apple because there isn't enough! (sb)
I didn't do the crumb topping, and I (heh) accidentally doubled the apple juice. So, the batter wound up a little runny, and I had to use more muffin tins, but the cake came out super moist and soft. These *just barely* qualify as muffins; they're too tasty. (fb)
They are the shiznit   I think I would add oats to the crumb topping next time, but otherwise it's an awesome muffin. (berryraw)
I love these but the crumb topping has WAY too much oil. Next time I make these I'm going to try using 1 tbsp to actually get crumbs instead of globs of sugar. The apple pretty much disappears but it's so good I don't care. This recipe is a great excuse to buy apple cider. (intheend)
These were delicious, but there's definitely too much oil in the crumb topping. Way too much. I followed the recipe, and it's great with the cider. These were best right after baking, while the topping is still crunchy. Excellent flavor. (AC)
Grandma made me these.... her notes say that she used diluted cider vinegar plus a little sugar instead of cider. Her note said "Good". I recall liking these too. (vanilladoe)
Carrot Raisin Muffins:
I made these for breakfast this morning and OMG are they good!!!! I added about 1/2 c of chopped walnuts and followed the recipe exactly otherwise. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I had to hold myself back from eating too many at one shot. I'll be making these frequently. (iluvtomatoes)
great (vegan1)
I added some extra raisins, and these were very tasty.  Not overly sweet. (ponycakes)
Whole family loved these. Mom was amazed it was vegan. (andini)
I had a big fail with these.  I think it must just be me because I've had big fails with carrot cake in the past too.  I'm not sure if it's my inexperience, my crappy oven or the silicone muffin cases I was using but I cooked them for a bit longer than the recipe called for and they looked done but inside was still complete mush.  Really horrid, which was a shame because the batter tasted great.  I have now bought paper muffin cases so I may try them again in those. (shelloid)
These turned out pretty good and I got 2 extra muffins out of the recipe. I thought these could be a bit sweeter (never mind i just ate another one), my brother thought they were fantastic. I give this recipe 4 out of 5 stars. (amymylove)
these are great muffins. perfect for an everyday breakfast since they're not too sweet. (thirteenblackbirds)
Made these years ago. Me and the BF liked them quite a bit. Very moist muffins. (vanilladoe)
Cherry Almond Muffins:

Ginger Raisin Bran Muffins:
Woo. These definitely taste healthy, but not necessarily in a bad way... and they'll keep you regular. Good recipe (sb)
I always expect bran muffins to be super dry and, you know, healthy tasting. So these were pleasantly moist, and had a good amount of ginger (not spicy, but noticeable). I didn't add the crystallized ginger. They rose really well too, so they weren't very dense at all. (fb)
These are really filling and taste really "healthy," but in a good way. The ginger and raisins are delish together. They also freeze well. Made them with whole wheat flour and there was no problem. (veganrun)
Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins:
did not use any egg replacer, but rather soy yogurt and soy milk. They taste great (not too sweet), nice and soft, and are are perfect with jam on them. If you like to eat muffins plain, I would add a few tablespoons more sugar. They have a really nice texture, but are softer than a traditional muffin. I was a bit worried since the soy yogurt I used (Olympic Soyogurt) tasted really beany. Thankfully they turned out with a nice lemony taste. (veggievulture)
try them (stillflat)
I made these once and they did not come out right for me. I later found out that my oven heats unevenly and have since bought an oven thermometer that has served me well. I haven't made them since, but should really give 'em a try! (sb)
I'm sorry I didn't try this recipe sooner. The muffins are sweet, but not too sweet to overpower the lemony taste, enhanced by fresh lemon juice and grated lemon rind stirred into the batter. Muffins rise nicely with lightly-browned tops, even balance of poppy seeds and light texture-not too wet, not too dry. This recipe is a winner, and it's simple, too. No Earth Balance and no egg replacers.(saskia)
These are moist and delicious.  I'm not a huge lemon fan, but I made these for DH and we both enjoyed them.   (icephrosty)
I liked that these muffins were just barely sweet, and they required only zest and no lemon juice (I've had some issues with citrus juice and overmixing/rising too early). Sometimes with the ppk-type muffins, it's hard to convince myself that they really count as breakfast, and are not just heartier versions of cupcakes. Not the case here; totally breakfast but still sweet enough. (fb)
These muffins are the shit! They are so moist and tasty. Just to clarify, these are MUFFINS, not lemon poppy seed cupcakes (my boyfriend can't figure out the difference and says they need icing), so expect muffins. The only change I would make is that next time I'll use perhaps 1/4 cup lemon juice replacing some of the almond milk. It was lemony and good, but I want a bit more lemon kick. I coated the tops with poppy seeds, too, so there was a crunchy layer on top to offset the wonderful tender, moist inside. Make these! (veganrun)
The texture of these is perfect!  I used silken tofu instead of soy yogurt.  I thought they could actually be a bit more lemony and a bit sweeter.  Next time I would try to add lemon extract or a little bit of lemon juice.  However, we ate them all anyways! (conniex)
i didn't have fresh lemons and therefore no zest, so I just used some lemon juice I have in the fridge. The lemony taste didn't really come through after baking.. but I still liked them. My mom liked things really sweet, and since these are not very sweet, I rolled half the batch in powdered sugar. I like them both ways. (sog)
Mocha Chip Muffins:
This wasn't my first time making these muffins; they're always a hit.  They are so quick and easy to throw together when you're wanting a chocolate fix.  Mmmm--so nice with a glass of icy cold soymilk. (willwolf)
I made these over the summer and brought them to work. Everyone loved them, and I thought they were pretty tasty too. (ponycakes)
I usually make these without the espresso powder and they're always such a crowd pleaser.  Most of the time I sub soy yogurt or applesauce for half of the oil.  It's a great basic chocolate muffin recipe - I love to throw coconut in the batter or swirl in some peanut butter. (icephrosty)
These are so good! I always have to take in any extras to work because I'll eat the whole batch in one day! (sb)
wow!  A-fucking-mazing!  These came out so so well.  I only made a half batch and I'm glad I did otherwise I would have eaten and entire batch in one weekend!  I didn't have any coffee powder so I used double the amount of instant coffee granules, but I couldn't really taste any coffee flavour in the end result.  Nevermind, because they are chocolately goodness anyway.  N also thought thye were very very good his review was 'yep, chocolate' (with a mouthful of muffin).  Oh yeah, and the batter was so delicious as well! (shelloid)
These are very rich, and barely count as muffins. But I love them anyway.  (fb)
These were absolutely awesome! I knew I had to make them, since my bf loves chocolate and coffee. I followed the recipe, except I used whole wheat flour and half applesauce and half oil. We didn't think that the coffee taste was overpowering at all. In fact, it really just highlights the chocolate taste, and next time we think it would be good to put in at least a tablespoon of coffee granules. Good recipe! (veganrun)
I'm glad Isa admitted to the Mocha Chip Muffins tasting more like a dessert than muffin. This is an easy muffin to whisk together with pretty decadent results, even after I subbed half the oil with applesauce. I used Valrhona cocoa powder and an Italian espresso powder instead of instant coffee powder. Next time I think I will up it to 1 Tablespoon because the coffee flavor was pretty subtle. I might also scale back a little on the sugar since these muffins were plenty sweet. (saskia)
I love these and make them all the time. Mum's crazy about them, too. I do wish they were a little more coffee-ish in flavour. And they are definately more like a dessert than just a muffin. (dannibazaar)
These are so rich I would feel very guilty eating these for breakfast!  We enjoyed these though they didn't rise very well and were more like brownies than muffins.  (berryraw)
These were good.  I felt like something was missing.  Perhaps higher quality cocoa powder (rather than Hershey’s) would solve this.  I liked them a lot after toasting!  Will make again. (conniex)
Made these for my BF he ate them all. guessing they were good? (vanilladoe)
Good, solid recipe.  I've made these quite a few times now when in need of a quick lunch and they always come out reliably.  Nice and fluffy and crunchy on the outside...  I've had varying success with other plain scone recipes in the past, so for now at least, this one's a keeper. (oww)
Just made these the other day for the first time and loved them. I liked them a bit more than the ones from VB. Next time I will either glaze them or add chocolate chips.  (dannibazaar)
Perfect recipe!  You could put anything in this recipe and it would taste delicious.  I’ve made plain ones, as well as chocolate and candied ginger ones.  It tastes good both with the soy creamer and the soy milk. (conniex)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
this is a solid scone recipe... good texture, very scone like, not sweet. i prefer the orange glazed scone recipe because those have that little extra something.  i made a version of these ones with raisins and a version with blueberries (from frozen).  The raisin ones came out good but I was less successful with the blueberry version -- i think the added moisture/liquid from the blueberries messed up the texture. (thirteenblackbirds)
They were wonderful! a bit bland, but everyone loved them at the "vegan breakfast for dinner potluck"!! I would add more sugar next time. (deinem)
Chocolate chip
I sold my first scones with this recipe. The woman, who is not vegan, exclaimed they were the best scones she ever had. The Chocolate Chip Scones are sweet and fluffy(not of the harder biscuity variety) with firm tops and golden brown bottoms. The recipe is straight forward, uses vegetable oil instead of Earth Balance, and no egg replacers. They puff up nicely, about the size of the scones sold at Trader Joe's. Sprinkle the tops with turbinado sugar to give them a sweet delicate crunch. (Saskia)
Maple walnut

Scones glazed orange:
fabulous! My dad (he's really into junky foods and sweets) is always asking me to make these and says that they're better than the orange scones from Panera. (ponycakes)
I have made these so many times, and they are just fantastic. They are sticky and gooey on the outside, so they aren't a great transported breakfast. Serve with some piping hot tea. This recipe also tastes great with lemon, lime or grapefruit. Don't be afraid to try them all! (sb)
Really great.  My husband can't stop eating them!  I was generous with the orange zest in the scones and the glaze.  The recipe for the glaze made quite a lot - too much to use for the scones so a lot was wasted.  This is definitely a recipe that I'll be getting repeat requests for. (berryraw)
Delish! I don't have a lot of experience with scones, but these are a billion times better than the other ones I made. I meant to add some orange extract to the dough, but added it to the glaze instead. My dough was really sticky, so I added extra flour, and it was still kinda sticky. The result is great, but they weren't very easy to cut. Turned out great, though. I would add more zest next time. I had the perfect amount of glaze! A lot of it did slide off the scones, even though I thought they were cooled, but I scooped some back on. Will make again, or try a variation. (AC)
fantastic.  the orange flavor is light and delicious.  (thirteenblackbirds)
OK im stupid.. everytime i make this i end up trying to compensate with extra liquid when it says substitute creamer for milk. So EVERYTIME i have a thin batter. and then have to add extra everything else. Aside from this They turn out pretty damn tastey. (vanilladoe)
Scones hazelnut:
I have made these a few times. A bit labor intensive, due to having to brew your own hazelnut coffee but worth the extra effort. If you're using fresh nutmeg, less is more because it can overpower the subtle nuttiness of the hazelnuts. Other than that, these are soft and fluffy and perfect with tea! (sb)
I was excited to make these with my hazelnut flour... but they turned out tasting like baking soda! I know I followed the recipe so I think the amount of baking soda should be reduced somewhat. And added chocolate chips are good. (alg)
Sunny Blueberry Corn Muffins:
one of my staples (cali)
Turn the muffins into savory by cutting down on the sugar and leaving out the blueberries.  (cali)
I really like the lemon/blueberry/corn combo.  These are definitely corn muffins with blueberries, not your typical sugary blueberry muffin. These muffins are lightly sweet.  I think the flavor develops more after they've sat a bit, but they're awesome warm out of the oven with a little Earth Balance margarine, too. (willwolf)
Fabulous!! I made these a few times last year when I had a plethora of blueberries from my CSA and distributed the muffins. Everyone loved them. Great cornbread texture, little bit of sweet, fruitiness from the blueberries, and the added touch of lemon zest. I can't wait to make these again when blueberries are in season. (iluvtomatoes)
YUM! These taste so fresh! I used a little less sugar, but other than that they're perfect. (veganrun)
very good. They'd be good just as plain ol' corn muffins too...(dannibazaar)
straight out of the oven, i thought these were amazing and i normally do not like blueberry muffins.  the combo with the corn and lemon zest is fabulous.  unfortunately, they did not keep well.. the texture changed a lot by the next day and I ended up throwing them out.  (thirteenblackbirds)
The Best Pumpkin Muffins:
really are the best (willwolf)
good (stillflat)
good! (bp)
I've made these a bunch of times, and they always turn out fabulously tasty. (willwolf)
Truly a great recipe! (sb)
we made this into a pumpkin loaf after my roommate and I made pumpkin pancakes (delicious btw). We reduced the sugar to about 3/4 cup, and used brown sugar instead of white since we didn't have molasses. We also omitted the cloves since we don't have any. We had to bake it for longer since it was a loaf and not muffins, and covered it with foil for the last bit. It came out amazing! Moist and tasty. I have not been let down by any recipes in this book yet! it's quickly becoming my favourite. (tino)
These are the softest, fluffiest muffins ever. Pumpkin is magic. These aren't as heavily spiced as the pumpkin waffles or sell-your-soul pumpkin cookies from VCIYCJ, but the spice is still definitely there. Best. Pumpkin. Muffins. (fb)
These were really tasty, and I didn't even have all the spices (just cinnamon and nutmeg). They are very basic and not flashy, but still delicious. I replaced half the oil with applesauce, used whole wheat flour, and cut back on the sugar, and they're still full of flavor. (veganrun)
The name doesn't lie because these are some amazing muffins!!  I've made them as written and also using 1/2 applesauce and 1/2 oil, both came out great.  Adding chocolate chips takes them to a whole new level!   (icephrosty)
These were great! I've been craving autumnal flavours lately (for some odd reason...) so these hit the spot. They're so nice and moist. (dannibazaar)
She's right, they are the best. They are incredibly moist but I definitely should have added some chopped walnuts for a texture variation. (intheend)
I agree with intheend and Isa, these are the best pumpkin muffins.  Even my husband who does not like pumpkin ate these up and wanted more.  Delicious. (berryraw)
These are delicious!  I made them precisely according to the recipe and they were perfect.  I made them again using some WW flour, half applesauce half oil, and 1 cup of sugar and they were perfect!  This is my go to pumpkin muffin/bread recipe now.  It is heavily spiced, but I like it that way. (conniex)
these are soo delicious! i had a can of pumpkin pie mix (with sugar/spices),  so I increased the amount of canned pumpkin, and reduced the sugar, spices, and liquid components. I also used half AP and half white whole wheat flour.  I added the walnuts which definitely add something nice to them. i love pumpkin in baked goods and these are definitely among my favorite muffins! they rose well and have a light fluffy texture.  (thirteenblackbirds)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)



Beet, Barley, and Black Soybean Soup with Pumpernickel Croutons:
This was different but I really liked it. I think I used azuki beans instead of black soybeans because I had them on hand and they are also a kind of soy bean. The taste profile is pretty much what one wuold expect from a eastern European dish. (seichou)
Carrot Bisque:
I liked this recipe and so did N (his comments 'very nice but very thick'). I was surprised at how good it was - I was expecting a blandish curry flavoured soup, but it was very tasty.  I didn't really know what a bisque was and had I known that it's basically a really thick soup I would've thinned it down a bit.  I will make it again and will thin it down with a bit more stock or water.  It also was not seasoned enough.  It suggested half a teaspoon of salt for the entire batch, but I think it needed maybe 3 times that (and I don't normally like salty food). One other thing I didn't like about the recipe was that it didn't give any recommendations as to how many it served. All the other soup recipes except one gave serving numbers and this really bugged me as I wasn't sure how many meals I would get out of it. I have the UK version of the book, so maybe this is just a mistake in this version and not the US one.  If anyone is interested we got 5 BIG bowls of soup from it, so actually just the amount I was after. N also said that it was so good and with it's thickness it could be used as a sauce for a proper meal - as in add solid veggies and serve over rice or with pitta.  I think this is a good idea and I may freeze a portion in the future to do this with. Overall, good recipe and will use again. (shelloid)
This is my new favourite soup. It is so insanely good. It makes SO MUCH (I got 9 cups if anyone is interested in knowing). It is so thick, rich, and flavourful. I'm going to have to get large bunches of carrots more often!! (dannibazaar)
I wanted to make soup and felt too busy/time-deprived to roast pumpkin so this one stepped up.  We enjoyed it, my husband in particular really loved it so I think I'll definitely give it a spin again.  I'd probably try playing around with the spices/flavours a bit next time just to see how it went, but this is a solid, easy, tasty recipe as written. (oww)
This was kinda bland for me. Not bland, but not...special. I scaled the recipe down a bit to make less. I ended up pureeing most of it, because it seemed strange to have some carrot chunks. It was all right for part of a meal, but wouldn't really make again. (AC)
Chili sin Carne al Mole:
I used the seitan I made in this recipe. The chili is really good. I like the mole style. It's a little more soupy than I like my chili but that's not a big deal. I think I'll try different chili's next time instead of jalapeno, like chipotle or something. Great recipe as is though. (iluvtomatoes)
good (hibiscus)
Yum! I've made another chili with cocoa before, but I believe this one to be better (I love the cinnamon and molasses). I did make quite a few changes, though. Can you believe I made chili without onion?! Yeah, apparently I ran out of onion. I did top the bowls with green onion, and that worked. Instead of seitan (hence the SIN), I used 1 can of pinto, 1 can of black, and 1 can of kidney beans. I also used a zucchini, and crushed tomatoes instead of whole. I added a bit of cayenne for some spice. We both really loved it, and it's very hearty/healthy. P really loved the "sauce"! Really easy to make, too. (AC)
I have cayenne and not standard chili powder, so I halved the amount. The spiciness was perfect. I was using unflavored, steamed seitan, so I was afraid the flavors wouldn't penetrate very much, but they did. I really, really like this chili. Maybe it's the chocolate talking, but it's got a perfect blend of seasonings (that I would have never thought to use). My boyfriend dislikes "mole" things, but he loves this. I'm glad I made the full recipe... it's easy to eat! (fb)
This chili is so rich and flavorful.  We loved the seitan chunks in it.  The only thing I would change would be to somehow make it less soupy and a little more spicy. (berryraw)
I made this using the 'chorizo' sausages from Vegan Brunch.  My husband, who is usually pretty complementary about the meals I prepare, told me this was the best food I've ever cooked.  So yeah, that's a total win.  The caramel-y, chocolate-y taste gave it a different kind of depth of flavour to the usual chilli I make,  I wouldn't use this recipe all the time, because I like a more simple/straightup chilli sometimes too, but I've already made it again and I suspect it will be a frequent request at our house. Superstar recipe. (oww)
I was so excited to make the chili, and it was even better than I had imagined! I only made half of a batch and subbed portobello mushrooms for the seitan. I love this whole mole thing, I've been drying to try it forever. My whole half batch got eaten up! (dannibazaar)
I used tofu rather than seitan but besides that didn’t make any changes.  I loved it!  A very unique recipe. (conniex)
I think that I have ad this before when oww bought chili to our house, but this is the first time I have made this recipe.  I really really liked it.  I do normally add cocoa to my regular chili but not as much as this recipe called for.  I did sub a couple of things - the chili powder available in the US is not available here as far as I'm aware, so I used some cayenne, ground coriander and a bit more cumin than called for.  I also used a can of chopped tomatoes, and half blackstrap molasses and half golden syrup, instead of all regular molasses.  I also used half the amount of beans and added some chunks of mushroom instead. I didn't simmer for quite as long as called for but it didn't seem to effect it at all.  A great recipe that I'll definitely make again, also very quick and easy to make.  I will still use my regular chili recipe as that is very different but this will make a nice change sometimes. (shelloid)
Chipotle, Corn, and Black Bean Stew:
one of my staples (cali)
Rather than bother with chipotle's I buy a tub of hot deli salsa and sub it in for that and the tomatoes. (cali)
comes together easily and the flavors compliment each other well. Very hearty and stands alone as a meal. Excellent with a side of corn bread.  (iluvtomatoes)
Made this when i had a hankerin' for some chili and it was pretty good. Definitely don't skimp on the lime wedges when you serve it! (sb)
I am eating this as I type. I had a can of chipotles in the cupboard for ages and finally realized I had all the stuff to make this recipe! It's got just the right amount of kick for me. I used parsnips instead of carrots because I had some that needed to be used, and threw in a dash of vegan worcestershire to make it a bit richer. I also put in a bay leaf and used lemon juice because I didn't have lime. I added a bit of water towards the end as suggested, but that made it more soupy so next time I'll just leave it to get a thicker stew. Really warms you up - perfect for our second day of a real snowfall (tino)
Hm, this was kind of plain for me. I've noticed that with any "stew," so... not sure what it's missing. It reminds me of Cholent from Veganomicon, but with different spices. It's hearty, but it wasn't what I was looking for - it's got a lot of potato and tomato. (fb)
Really good! I made this a few days ago because I had a craving for chili type soup and this was perfect. I didn't use carrots, but added lots of zucchini and celery. I think I'm going to make some again today.. (sog)
I made this because of sog's suggestion! It's really good. I wanted to follow the recipe, but did have to make a few subs. I used chipotle salsa instead of the peppers, only two potatoes (4 would be too many!), lemon for lime, and basil instead of cilantro. The flavor is excellent. Simple, but flavorful. Pretty quick to throw together, and good with corn muffins. Good soup. (AC)
Good, but I wasn't as impressed as I hoped to be with this.  Maybe it would taste better in colder weather.  It's a simple stew and it does get better upon standing, but it was a bit too limey and tomato-chunky for me and that seemed to dilute the other flavors a bit. (berryraw)
This recipe was pretty good but a bit too tomato-y for my tastes. I sauted the onions in veggie broth instead of oil to have a fat free dish  I also added an extra cup of water though I probably shouldn't have. I think it would be more yummy and stew like if I added more carrots (so good) and a whole can of corn instead of a cup. My bro and friend really liked this though. (amymylove)
Super yummy!  I'm glad I took two small chipotle peppers from the top of the can because any more the stew would have been too spicy, but it was perfect, I added just a little bit more salt.  Took it to work and my co-workers loved it and asked for the recipe too.  We will all be making this often!  (stacydan)
Corn Chowder:
Great recipe that I plan to come back to time again. The red and jalapeno peppers add a nice zing and the potatoes help to thicken the soup to make it nice and hearty. Very tasty! (iluvtomatoes)
Great recipe. It looks like Isa kind of updated this recipe into two separate ones in V-con, but this is a good as it is. (sb)
This is a good soup. I don't really think of it as a chowder, but I don't know what constitutes one. I added like 4 hot peppers, so I added more soymilk and syrup. I also used some mushrooms instead of the bell pepper. I enjoy it. (AC)
made this for the first time a few days ago. It was delicious! I had jalapenos from a jar, but they still worked, and I used purple carrots which turned the broth a nice pinky-purple colour. Very warming, tasty, great with homemade bread and dispelled any skeptical thoughts I had about using soymilk in soup broth. (tino)
this a good chowder. i like it more than the other I tried (Midsummer corn chowder from Vcon) because the jalapeno gives it a nice kick.  i still wasn't excited about it though. It would be better in the summer with fresh corn, so I will likely try it again then.  (thirteenblackbirds)
This soup manages to be both hearty and light a the same time! Delicious and incredibly filling. I used frozen corn, but it still tasted so fresh. (veganrun)
Grandma Made this in '09 say the notes. it was "delicious". omitted the rosemary and put 1/2tsp coriander and 2 tsp lemon instead of the juice of one lime. I remember it being nice but not mind blowing. (vanilladoe)
Curried Split Pea Soup:
I didn't know what to expect really because I'd never had split pea soup growing up. The texture reminded me of most dhal recipes. It was really thick and not very souplike at all but outstandingly delicious. I didn't have any carrot to grate in at the end, so I added about a tbsp of agave nectar. Delicious! (sb)
I liked this. It's pleasant and mild, but not totally bland like a lot of split pea soups. This didn't have as much curry flavor as I expected, which is a good thing because I find that it's easy to get tired of the "curry" flavor. I'm more likely to make the regular type of split pea recipe from v'con next time, but this is a good alternative to plain old split pea soup. (fb)
When I made this, I couldn't believe how good it was. I was looking for a simple, tasty split pea soup, and this fit the bill nicely! (andini)
This soup is very good.  Mine didn't turn out too thick, it was just the right consistency.  I was tempted to add more spices and even some veggie broth but refrained due to the other reviews of this recipe and I'm glad I did, everything was perfectly spiced!  I did add some frozen green peas at the end and I really liked that.  It'd be good with some cauliflower in there too. (berryraw)
This thick, flavorful split pea soup transports you to India with its curry powder, cumin, coriander, cardamom and cinnamon seasonings. Garnish with fresh, chopped cilantro to really drive the flavors home. Easy to make. I tossed everything in a Crockpot the night before and woke up the next morning with a hearty lunch to warm me on a chilly afternoon. (saskia)
I have mixed feelings about this soup. For one, I love it. It's delicious, I love the spices and texture. But when I was making it, I guess I was a total idiot careless and opened the lid while it was simmering and a jetstream of air shot out straight at my face, burning the skin clear off of the tip of my nose   Other than a little resentment towards that, love it! I think next time I'll add some chopped carrots to it.  (dannibazaar)
after reading the reviews, I deliberately made it with less liquid so it was more like a dhal I guess, and served it over Coconut Rice with Toasted Coconut.  I somehow stupidly forgot to add the carrot to the soup, and really think that would have rounded it out a bit better, but we did really enjoy it.  The flavour was tasty, but we found it really mild so I'd probably tinker with the spicing somewhat if/when I make it again. (oww)
Wow!  This was really fantastic!  I had no idea it was going to be sooo delicious!  The spicing was perfect, even though I wasn't 100% accurate with my reminded me of x-mas, probably the cinnamon....I pureed it a little bit with the immersion blender, not smooth, but not super chunky - it was perfect! Now I must make this for my dad! (erinmonster)
A nice, simple, filling soup. It wasn't spectacular (I think P thought it was), because I didn't find it too different from most dahls. It's tasty and hearty, though. I used 2 carrots (not grated at the end), and a zucchini. I think it needs a bit more curry powder. Had it with black rice. Oh, and I added a bit of liquid smoke but I don't think I added enough, because I couldn't detect it. (AC)
a winner! First time cooking with split peas and this turned out great, thank God. (amymylove)
This is one of my favorite soups, if not my absolute favorite! I usually cut down on the liquid and make it like more of a dal. Once I mixed it with butternut coconut rice from AFR and it was amazing. I love this so much! (eldsjal)
Matzoh Ball Soup:
So... uh... epic fail here. I followed the directions to the letter, and ground down whole matzohs into matzoh meal like it said (maybe it would have worked if I bought pre-made matzoh meal)... and everything was going dandy, but then my matzoh balls completely disintegrated while boiling. I'm guessing matzoh meal from the store would be finer ground (though I whirred it in my food processor until no more whirring could be done), so maybe it would stick together then. I'm sad - I wanted matzoh balls! But at least I have perfectly tasty vegetable broth that they were supposed to go in... T_T (fb)
Potato Asparagus Soup:
why has no one reviewed this?!?!  This soup is soooo amazing!  I've made it twice now and I can't believe how wonderful it is!  I use yukon gold potatoes, skins on and blend it with my immersion blender, but make sure to leave plenty of chunks.  And it really doesn't need any extra spicing - it's so light and flavorful, I can't stand it!! (erinmonster)
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup:
I didn't have 2.5kg of butternut lying around the house, but I did have ~1kg of roasted pumpkin I intended to use on the weekend, so I made a half batch of this soup.  While I was preparing it I was a bit sceptical and there didn't seem to be all that much flavour/awesomeness added and I was worried it would be a bit bland. But the only thing I changed was adding a generous amount of fresh cracked pepper, because my husband's a pepper nut.  I also only blended the pumpkin and the broth, leaving the onion pieces chunky for some texture. Anyway, I was hugely pleasantly surprised.  A really tasty hearty soup.  My husband even said it was better than my mum's pumpkin soup, and her soup's pretty legendary so that was a big call! (oww)
So good!  I only had three cups of broth instead of four, so it was a bit thicker, but we loved it. (conniex)
I remember making this but not being all that impressed with it. probably an error of my own.. (vanilladoe)
White Bean and Roasted Garlic Soup:
excellent but just, just a tad  too garlicky for me (if there is such a thing).  I still loved it but will maybe try it with 1 1/2 heads of garlic next time instead of two. (biodancer)
It was pretty good. My husband loved it. I thought it was a little bland, but I also did not have fennel seeds. I don't know how much difference that would have made. I spice it up with a dash of hot sauce. (lezly)
its good w/ the fennel seed, but I don't think I would like it without the seeds...but I'm a fennel seed lover, so who knows? (dafodil)
it was alright, i used water (no broth) and homecooked beans. (bp)
quick and easy to throw together and really delicious!  The only thing that takes a bit of time is roasting the garlic.  Other than that, the actual soup cooks for only a short time.  I did have to use canned beans (2 15oz cans), and it still is very tasty.  I imagine the soup would be even better with freshly cooked dried beans.  This is a thin soup, so if you like your soup thicker, you might want to reduce the broth and/or increase the beans.  I did use the entire 2 heads of roasted garlic and liked the end result.  The soup is garlicky (though in that smoother and more mellow roasted garlic way) so if you're not that into garlic, you could probably get away with just 1 head.  I served this soup with garlic bread and a salad, and it made a nice, lighter dinner.  The recipe says it serves 6; I would say it serves 4 portions as a main dish or 6 as a side to another entree like a sandwich. (willwolf)
good. Garlicky and smooth, but it needed some zazz. I made some croutons with basil and Italian seasonings and floated those in it with some parsley and carrot shavings, which made it yummier. I'd definitely make it again though--super easy and quick! (ponycakes)
This was a huge hit with everyone except my roommate. She didn't like the texture of it after pureeing the soup. She said it tasted too 'grainy'. I thought the flavors were great, and didn't think it was too garlicky at all! (sb)
I liked this but DH did not.  I used canned beans and think it would be alot better with the homemade kind.  I will double the spices (but not the garlic) next time. (icephrosty)
Delicious. I've heard rave reviews about this, but I was skeptical as I was making it. It seems so simple. I halved the recipe, but messed up the water amount, so I had to add a can of chickpeas with my great Northern. I also used dry sage. The flavor is so great, though. It has layers, but blends well. It's a light soup, so would be good for a starter or something. I'd make it again for that (but blend it better). (AC)
Well, I love garlic and so I really super duper loved this recipe.  It is lovely and galicky, but because the garlic is roasted it is quite mellow.  It was super quick to throw together, so simple to make.  Without a doubt I'll be making it again.  I think AC is right - it is quite a light soup so would be great as a starter.  It's summer here and so it was great as a main served with crusty bread and salad.  The recipe said it served 6 - maybe as a starter but for us for a main it would serve 3 or 4....maybe I really am just a piggy! (shelloid)
One of the best soups I have EVER had!  Amazing.  I pretty much followed the recipe, except I added about 1/4 cup nutritional yeast, a shredded carrot, and half a bunch of chopped kale towards the end.  Oh, and I used fresh rosemary instead of sage because that's what I had.  I didn't need the 1 tsp salt she recommends since I used chik'n bouillon with the water.  This was so, so delicious!  I will be using this as a base for lots of soups in the future.  P.S. As others have mentioned, this def only serves 4 as a main course (not 6 as stated), plus I think you need bread and/or salad and/or a sandwich to make it a filling dinner.  (JessaCita)


Little Meals, Sammiches, and Finger Foods
Black Bean, Mushroom, and Quinoa Stuffed Peppers:
Tasty but nothing to knock your socks off. I would leave out the maple syrup next time and add more spices. The vegetable/quinoa combo is great but it just needs more seasoning. (iluvtomatoes)
These peppers were freakin fantastic! I used 5 medium peppers instead of 4 big ones and I will be making them again next week! So simple and yummy and I love incorporating quinoa in dishes since it's so good for you. A def must try! (amymylove)
These are pretty good. A basic recipe, but I agree about needing some more seasoning. I covered them in hot sauce. (sb)
One of my all time favorite recipes.  You can use any kind of grain and if it’s precooked the time this recipe takes is cut in half. (conniex)
I have made these probably ten times and they always turn out perfect. I halved the peppers so they are easier to store in tupperware and always end up using 4 peppers instead of 5. I also mix in the cilantro when I add the black beans and probably add about a half a cup of it. This is one of my favorite recipes ever so try it! (amymylove)
these are somewhat incredible.  i mean, they do need more flavor.. but the flavor that is there i just love... the quinoa + tomato sauce + black beans with the chili powder is sooo good. i used portobello mushrooms.  i've made it a couple times. it goes really well with some guacamole.   i think it could maybe use a jalapeno, olives, nutritional yeast, or cayenne pepper.  it's worth experimenting with.  i think i will be making these at least every 1-2 months.  (thirteenblackbirds)
Tasty and filling. I halved the recipe (adding more chili powder, water, and some cayenne) to use in 2 peppers. My quinoa had hard time cooking for some reason, but finally got done. These are simple and fast. Not something I would make again, because I didn't find them that special, but fine. (AC)
Black eyed Pea and Quinoa Croquettes with Mushroom Sauce:
In my family, black eyed bean recipes are hit and miss--sometimes we love them and sometimes we don't. Unfortunately, no one liked the croquettes very much and I'm bummed about that since they were fairly easy to prepare.  (jkl)
I subbed chickpeas in for black-eyed peas since we didn't have any. They were kinda meh. I expected better. (ponycakes)
These were pretty good. I liked the idea of serving croquettes more than I think I actually liked the taste of them. With some tweaking, these could be great. I ended up drowning them in the mushroom sauce. (sb)
I made the mushroom sauce that goes with the black eyed pea/quinoa croquettes last night as a sauce to go on pasta as the recipe suggested. Flavour-wise, it's very similar to most mushroom gravies and to the stroganoff recipe, but it did work really well with pasta and my husband really enjoyed it and said he wouldn't mind if I made something like that more often. The croquettes sounded awesome too, I just didn't have enough quinoa/time to cook the black eyed peas. (oww)
My mixture wouldn't hold together for croquettes! I don't know what happened. I really tried to mash my black eyed peas with masher and hands, but they were hard to squish. I ended up using a cookie scoop to try to gather some of it together, and then just sprinkled the breadcrumb mixture on top. With that, I didn't need to bake very long. My mushroom sauce thickened pretty immediately after adding the broth mix, so I wouldn't really see the need to add flour (as suggested) for a gravy; it's already just like a mushroom gravy, yet pretty tasty. The flavor of everything was good, but not enough to try again. (AC)
Cauliflower Leek Kugel with Almond Herb Crust:
Kugel is such a fancy word for a casserole. So anyway, this is good! I think I ended up adding more seasoning to it. (sb)
Chickpea Broccoli Casserole:
very good (veggeroni)
I made it as is, except, contrary to her advice to make it just as is the first time, I added 1 teaspoon rosemary & 1 teaspoon thyme. Like she says, it is bland, but not in a bad way. The flavors of the onions, carrots & broccoli really come through. Also, it is a very colorful casserole with the yellowish background of the garbanzo beans & bright flecks of orange & deep broccoli green. I would definitely make this again, but I think I will spice it up a bit. I think 1 cup of Amy's Goddess dressing mixed in with the mashed garbanzo beans would be a really good addition. (lezly)
I liked this recipe too. For some reason I was wanting to put green onions in it. But I agree that it could use a little something. I really liked the texture though. (vegan1)
Since I like my food with lots of spice and seasoning, I had to hold myself back from adding anything so I could try it once, as is. Surprisingly, it was quite tasty. The veggies and broth add a nice mild flavor. I might make this again but definitely add herbs and use veg buillion for a deeper flavor. That's just my preference. (iluvtomatoes)
I didn't have chives so I just added some garlic.  I also added some crushed red pepper but took her advice to leave it rather plain at first try and it was good.  The onions were a little crunchy and I didn't like that, so next time I'll sautee them first. (tweety)
It was hard to not add additional spices to this dish, but I did it, and the whole lot got eaten in one go by the hungry family. I didn't have enough carrots so I used a mix of carrot and zucchini, with the broccoli and onion, and was really pleased with how it all worked together and how tender all the veges were after baking.  I'll definitely think about spicing it up one way or another in future, but it was a nice change to have something straight up and simple. (oww)
my best friend (vegan) bought me this book and said I had to try this recipe.  Like Isa says, it is bland, but in a good way. The flavours really come together during cooking and the texture was great.  I managed not to add any extra spices / flavourings and I'm glad I didn't as it is good to see how it is supposed to be.  I will try this again as it is super easy to make and is a really good healthy comfort type food.  I will try it with some herbs in and think rosemary would go nicely.  Overall, a really good basic recipe. (shelloid)
made everyone quite happy on Christmas day!!! I loved this and enjoyed it for days as leftovers!  (vickiliz)
Been wanting to try this for a long time. I was thinking that it was probably going to be too bland, and I'd be disappointed, but I was very pleased. I stuck with recipe amounts for the most part (it makes a ton!), but added less breadcrumbs, and more broth for flavor. I didn't do the chives. I left some whole beans. It doesn't have any spice (I did add some black pepper), but the flavor is still good and balanced. I think it's important to have a broth that you really like/is really seasoned. I baked for the given times, and I liked all the textures. A great healthy meal. (AC)
Good!  I add Cajun seasoning (lemon, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, paprika, thyme, oregano) and some toasted almonds on top. (conniex)
This tastes like comfort food. I did have to add some nutritional yeast, because that's just how I roll. I thought it was a little plain, so I put some salsa on top when I served it. Yum. (veganrun)
Despite the advice in the directions, I couldn't help playing around with this a little (a lot).  I didn't have carrots, so I used some roasted red peppers for a little color.  I added some nutritional yeast, rosemary, thyme, and a lot of black pepper.  I used the chives, but I don't think I had 2 full tablespoons.  I had some Arrowhead Mills stuffing in the cabinet, so I sprinkled that on top.  It was delicious, filling, and healthy! (lotus)
surprisingly good given the simple ingredients.  I did add some garlic and black pepper, but like she says it's bland in a good way. (thirteenblackbirds)
This sounds sooo bland when looking at the ingredients but it is really something quite special. I normally add some red wine vinegar for some reason, and I have added my own seasonings but i was happy to eat it as it was. I eat this with sliced pickled beetroot yum. (vanilladoe)
Chickpea Hijiki Salad Sandwiches:
Not exactly like tuna, but enjoyable. The flavor is basically chickpeas + mayo + ocean.  (fb)
For the hijiki, I used a seaweed mixture. I tried to follow the recipe, but after tasting, couldn't help but add a few chickpea salad necessities-lemon juice, yellow mustard, and dill pickle. After that, perfect! I've never added ACV to a chickpea salad, but couldn't detect it..just some added flavor. Nice balance...very good. I put it on some rye bread, added some sliced tomato, and mozzarella Daiya, grilled it, and added lettuce. Superb. (AC)
Yum!  These taste a lot like tuna, it’s uncanny!  I used an immersion blender to mash the beans (just don’t nearly cut your finger off like I did).  Also, I used the cashew miso mayo from Appetite for Reduction. (conniex)
LOVELOVELOVELOVE this recipe Its definitely one i make quite often. Doesnt taste like tuna in my opinion but its delicious in its own right! (vanilladoe)
Curried Tempeh Mango Salad Sandwiches:
this was pretty good - very similar to the chickpea salad sammies I make, mainly because of the curry flavor....but I liked the tid bits of mango - I unfortunately didn't come up with a full cup...I know it would have been better with more.  We ate them in pita pockets with lettuce and red onion.  I might make them again - or I might just add mango to my chickpea salad aka Garbage Salad! (erinmonster)
Pure genious.  I loved this.  The perfect combination of ingredients that came together for the perfect salad.  Instead of a sandwich (can't bring myself to say "sammich"), I created a wrap with raw lacinito kale and a whole wheat torilla..(genius on my part). and gobbled it up.   (tweety)
really good (lapetitepoire)
(with tahini dressing) They were sooo good. The mixture looked quite crumbly and I was skeptical but they turned out great. I made sure the oil was hot and didn't flip them more than once and they held together.  I just can't tell you how good it was. (vegan1)
decent recipe but it hasn't ended my search for the perfect falafel recipe. (iluvtomatoes)
These are good, but are missing SOMETHING. i can't put my finger on it, though (sb)
(with tahini dressing)These were really awesome. I baked them at 400* for 40 or so minutes, instead of frying (I can't fry anything to save my life). I thought they were incredibly delicious, and I didn't change a thing about the recipe. I made the tahini sauce to go with them (cut the recipe in half and it's just about perfect for this amount of falafels). I didn't change a thing about the tahini sauce, either. We ate these on whole wheat pitas with homemade hummus. Sooooo delicious and easy. Make these NOW! (veganrun)
Epic failure for me.  I tried to bake mine and the texture was awful.  I also thought the parsley taste was a little overpowering.  I will try these again but they'll get fried this time!  The tahini sauce is very good. (icephrosty)
I was so excited to make this, and wanted to be able to use the arepas as type of pita, but that didn't work out.. I was super disappointed with my falafel when it was cooking. I should have just baked them, but wanted to make following the recipe. I used some cilantro instead of parsley. I thought the mixture was too dry after pulsing a while, so I added a tiny bit of water, and it might have still been too much. My mixture was too smooshy, and just fell apart in the pan. It was quite disastrous. I ended up trying to fry them, then just plopping the whole thing onto a baking sheet and baking. The flavor was good, and they were edible, but very disappointed. (AC)
A good falafel recipe.  I made a half batch but accidentally used the full amount of breadcrumbs.  I was concerned once I realised but carried on anyway.  It really didn't seem to be detrimental at all....maybe because they were fresh breadcrumbs and so were moister than non-fresh ones?  I also discovered I had run out of onions *gasp*, and so used a couple of spring onions instead, which seemed ok, and also used dried parsley instead of fresh.  I decided to bake them instead of frying, just because I don't really like frying things.  They worked out great, and really good flavour.  I've not really had much luck with falafel before but this is a good solid recipe, and one I'd make again. (shelloid)
I've tried the Falafel recipe twice now, and the result both times was that my falafel fell apart.  I don't have much experience with frying, so I'm thinking I probably didn't heat the oil sufficiently.  The whole frying thing kind of scares me to be honest.  I'm always afraid of starting a fire!  Plus I know it's not the healthiest way of preparing food. (peaceablepalate)
Fresh Corn Fritters:
really good. And quick to whip up too. My only complaint is that my jalapenos weren't hot at all. I sprinkled some fresh ground black pepper on the fritters and that helped give them a little kick. I might use green bell pepper next time instead of red for a slightly different flavor. Great recipe that I'll be using frequently! (iluvtomatoes)
did not work for me.  They tasted great but did not hold together at all. (hopfrog)
These definitely fell apart in the pan, but the flavors were pretty good. i think I was expecting more of a thai corn fritter type deal... With some tweaking, I'm sure I could achieve those things I loved so much (sb)
Yummmmmm! Mine didn't fall apart! I was so happy. I actually used firm tofu, and it was probably less than a 1/4 of a 14 oz block, but it seemed to work really well. I used a red jalapeno, and a green bell pepper, and used lots of s and p. My "batter" was in the bowl for about 15 minutes, so I added a tbs, or so, more flour. It was like one of my favorite frying experiences, ever! They taste really good, and fresh. Yay. (AC)
I really like these. I don't think they're entirely like corn fritters, what with the generous amount of tofu, but they're a sweet, kind of juicy(?) somewhat-fried food. I ate them with sweet chili sauce, but they could probably be eaten with anything. They seem pretty versatile, and they're not so tofu-y that it would turn down someone not used to tofu. (fb)
I used frozen corn instead of fresh, but these still turned out good.  These are best eaten the night they are cooked, I did not like them microwaved but my friend thought they were good. (stacydan)
Never having had a corn fritter before I wasn't sure what to expect.  I used frozen corn as fresh is out of season currently and omitted the red bell pepper as N is not too keen on them.  I really enjoyed these and would maybe make again...I saw somewhere on a blog that they are able to be baked - not sure how this would turn out but I may try it next time. (shelloid)
I liked the difference in texture between the crispy outside and soft in the middle.  I would take these again.  We had them with a strong peanut sauce so the flavour of the fritters was maybe too mild to go with these.  A bit of a delicate flavour.  Didn't taste artificial.  Didn't taste too much like a vegan. (Niall)
Fresh Mango Summer Rolls with Thai dipping sauce:
Boy oh boy do I HATE cutting mangoes. This recipe is good, but rolling these can be a pain in the butt. It's almost like working with Phyllo dough. The rice papers rip and fall apart. The dipping sauce is fantastic and I can't wait to make variations of this using other ingredients. The fresh mint really makes these, so DO NOT skip that part! (sb)
I wasn't too impressed with the rolls or the sauce.  It's good but nothing too yumtastic.  My sister really enjoyed them though and it was her first experience eating spring rolls.  I guess I've just had better in the past. (berryraw)
Yeah, these didn't really do it for me. Mine were doomed from the beginning because my mango was not quite ripe, but the flavors didn't really come together into anything. They were pretty bland. I added some scallions, too. The sauce recipe is weird, because there's no soy sauce listed, which seems gross to me. I added some Bragg's, and the sauce does add something to the roll, but meh. Not worth it! (AC)
Knish Madness: Sweet Potato, Potato, and Spinach Potato:
There's a lot of extra filling here, which is fine because it can be eaten as is. I've used another knish recipe (from the PETA vegcooking website), where you cut the dough first and then form the knishes, but here you make a log, score it, bake it, and then break it apart. I like this method better, because it's so much easier. However, I like the filling from vegcooking better. These fillings are pretty simple though, so making three types isn't really that crazy (plus, one of the fillings is just the potato filling plus some spinach). (fb)
Very good, but time consuming! A good recipe if you have someone to help you. (conniex)
Olive, Tomato, and Millet Stuffed Zucchini:

Parsnip Scallion Pancakes:
I think i remember quite liking these. Another one my grandma made a few years back. (vanilladoe)
Potato Edamame Samosas with Coconut Mint Chutney:
This is one of those that I always looked at but though "ugh, seems like too much work!" I AM SO FUCKING GLAD I MADE THESE!! A warning to all: coconut chutney is NOT like a salsa, it's very soupy. I have seen recipe reviews of this where people put the chutney down for being more like a sauce. That is how it is supposed to be! So anyway, this recipes is perfect in every way! (sb)
I made the dough, and followed the method using leftover samosa stuffed baked potato filling I had from the Vcon challenge. I did a half recipe, and it was easy to do, and tasty. It's fluffy and golden. I used mostly whole wheat pastry flour, but had to use some whole wheat flour. I didn't have stuff to make the chutney, or I probably would have done that. They are pretty good dipped in pesto... (AC)
great!!!! I omitted the ginger, added garahm masala, a little EB, and curry powder, and grated the carrots so they would cook faster....I made the bigger shapes.  The best samosas I have ever made!! Just the right amount of spice and crispyness, bringing some to work today too! I didn't make the cocnut-mint chutney, but ate them dipped in a combo of shoyu, veganaise, and hot sauce, (I'm a weirdo) (babysgotsauce)
Seitan and Herb Stuffed Mushrooms:
good (dafodil)
These are good. Nothing extraordinary, though. This is another one of those Julia Childs-type recipes. (sb)
Spanakopita (Spinach Pies):
I think this could do with slightly less lemon juice, but that's probably because I'm cool with the filling tasting like tofu rather than "feta." I made both triangles and coils, and I like the triangles better. They're crispier, and though you make more triangles than coils, but coils are a little tricky. If the phyllo is a little bit dried out, it's difficult to roll up without tearing, but with the triangles, all the folding over pretty much covers up any tears. (fb)
Tempeh, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwiches:
Simple recipe, but realllllllly hits the spot when you want a blt. (sb)
Simple, barely a recipe, but oh-so-tasty. Because of the tempeh bacon, mainly. I love that stuff. (dannibazaar)
Tempeh Reuben:
awesome (willwolf)
THIS SANDWICH IS SO DELICIOUS!! Stop what you are doing and make these! I add avocado, double onion, tomato and pickle. The dressing for this sandwich is my staple thousand island dressing recipe that I'll use for anything. PERFECT! (sb)
Yummy! I couldn't taste the marinade much in the tempeh, but the marinade smelled delicious and the tempeh was good. I didn't even have to steam it. I'd use this marinade for other things. The dressing is good for the sandwich, but I don't think I'd use it for anything else, except sandwiches. I only like sauerkraut on reubens, apparently. I didn't add the avocado, because it didn't seem necessary with the dressing and the EB and everything, and I added a big tomato slice (really good). Another great way to have tempeh. Fun sandwich! (AC)
this is an exciting sandwich.. the strong flavors from the sauerkraut/pickles/capers were overpowering for me (I can really only eat a little bit of those at a time), and I don't really like tempeh… i made it cause i felt like having something different from what i normally eat and i did like trying it.  the buttered cooked bread and the marinade were great and i may try to do something different with them sometime.  if i actually liked the ingredients in the sandwich, i bet it would be amazing. (thirteenblackbirds)
Oh. My. Gourd.  BEST SANDWICH EVER.  I can't believe that I've had this book for 5 years & never made this sandwich until tonight.  It's absolutely amazing - and actually realllllly easy to prepare!  I replaced the white wine in the marinade with vegetable broth & omitted the olive oil - but other than that, I followed the recipe exactly.  PERFECT.  (JessaCita)
Tofu Dill Salad Sandwiches:
way better than I expected. I added slightly more apple cider vinegar and mustard than the recipe calls for. My omni bf loved it too. We're having it for lunch again this week. This is really quick and easy to throw together once you've pressed the tofu. Perfect for weekday lunches. (iluvtomatoes)
Isa sure loves her some dill. I wasn't expecting to love this, but was surprised by how much I actually dug this one. I had some extra dill to use up and am sure glad I made this. I now use this recipe whenever I need to use up some fresh dill (sb)
This is a really delicious and simple recipe, especially in the summer, when you don't want to exert much heat (or effort). It is also a great recipe for those who have reduced tofu to bland, squishy cubes. This easy-to-make Tofu Dill Salad recipe is a crumbly tofu concoction made with dill, minced red onion, a little Vegannaise, Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to give it a nice tangy taste. I didn't use freshly chopped dill, which the recipe called for, and used generous shakes of dried dill instead. It still tasted very good, although fresh dill would have upped the flavor. I also added a little more mustard and finely chopped celery to give it a nice little crunch. I scooped the finished creamy cool crunchy salad into a pita pocket and dressed it up with green leaf lettuce, garden fresh tomato and avocado slices for a very satisfying summer Sunday lunch. (saskia)
overall this is good. as expected, it mostly tastes of dill. i enjoyed the first half of the sandwich but then got bored of it. (thirteenblackbirds)
These are definitely good for a night that's too hot to cook.  After initially following the recipe, I added chopped celery, horseradish mustard, and about 1/2 tsp curry powder.  Nothing spectacular, but a good tasty sandwich. (lotus)
I thought this was okay. just another one of those eggy tofu things.. then i realise... wait... it says Dill in the title and would you believe it?MEGA TYPO there is NO mention of dill in my recipe. ingredients, method... only in the title! I thought it was a play on words and was meant to sounds like 'daffodill' but was 'tofu-dill', in relation to its summery theme. god im sooo silly! Ill have to get some dill and do this again at some point! (vanilladoe)
Veggie Burgers:
I did not have success with the burgers (they never really cooked and the liquid smoke overpowered them I thought) (vegan1)
These did not hold their shape, but the taste was good. I used only a drop of liquid smoke and didn't think it overpowered the flavor of anything else. (sb)
I processed the carrot, onion, mushroom, and garlic, so it was really, really fine. I followed the rest of the recipe except I added some cayenne, used yellow mustard, and added more oat flour. Next time I will decrease the thyme, because I don't really like it, and maybe add some more flour. Mine didn't fall apart at all! They are really yummy, and P said they are his favorite. The texture is not quite firm enough for me, but it didn't matter much. Overall, very good. Not too time consuming. (AC)


Baked Cajun French Fries:
Yum!!! These are some good fries. I actually followed the recipe (measured spices!), because I wanted to see how they would be. We have baked fries A LOT, and these are some of our favorites. I think next time I would add more spice, more salt, and leave out the thyme (don't like it). I like cutting all my fries, and then adding them to a big bowl, adding the oil, and whatever spices I'm using. I can really mix them well. I also like to use a silpat to cut down on sticking. (AC)
I make these when I'm feelin' saucey. I make a homemade creole bbq sauce that I slather on whatever burger I'm eating these with. I also love these with hot dogs! (sb)
fantastic, very simple, nice flavors.  Love me from french fries. (tweety)
I've made these a couple of times and probably have reviewed them already.  These are my favorite fries of all time.  Love love love them. (tweety)
these are great fries. i had high hopes and was expecting something more, but they are still excellent. i didn't measure anything out but i think my amounts were very close to those stated.  I might play around with increasing the amounts of some of the spices next time. (thirteenblackbirds)
Good baked fries. I like the mix of herbs and spices. Nothing too special though. (dannibazaar)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
Used sweet potato here, It was my first experience with cajun style seasonings. I liked these. it inspired my dad to be more experimental with seasoning his chips. (vanilladoe)
Balsamic Glazed Portobello Mushrooms:
Solid recipe. Very basic, but exceedingly delicious. I like to make burgers out of these, slathered in mayo! (sb)
Really simple, but a lot better than I was expecting. Nothing too different, but flavorful for so few ingredients. I did a little bit less balsamic, so it would just soak in, and lots of pepper. (AC)
I made this ages ago and i vaguely remember it... It was pretty nice If i can recall. I think i had it in a burger bun. (vanilladoe)
Braised Cauliflower with Three Seed Sauce:
I liked this - it's a nice switch from just plain cauliflower or cauliflower with some vinaigrette. But, I never really like the texture of the seeds. I noticed VWAV/Vcon has some recipes where you toast seeds and leave them like that in the final product (or just cracked, or chopped), but it's pretty disruptive to the texture for me. I'd prefer toasting and then grinding. Anyway, it was a unique flavor combo for cauliflower. (fb)
unlike fb, I love cooking with seeds!  Just seeing the little black mustard seeds in my food makes me yes, I thought this was great!  I really love tomatoes and cauliflower only complaint would be that I would have liked it a bit 2 jalapenos didn't give it much - good flavor though! (erinmonster)
Delicious. I'm always looking for more ways to make cauliflower, and have planned to make this recipe several times. I guess I ran out of mustard seeds previously, so I used some mustard powder, and subbed coriander seeds. I used 3 peppers with seeds, but couldn't sense any heat! Good, and quick. Seems like a Tweety type of dish.  (AC)
We don't eat a lot of cauliflower, but this recipe might be about to change that! We both really enjoyed the flavour, and my husband commented on how much he liked the texture of the seeds in there.  Simple, extremely flavourful, and would go with a wide variety of meals we enjoy, will definitely make again. (oww)
I liked the flavor, but not the seeds. the fennel burst is not one of my favorite things so next time i will grind all the seeds.  unsure if i will make again. (thirteenblackbirds)
Coconut Rice with Toasted Coconut:
yum (veggeroni)
This didn't turn out well for me, but it could have been totaly my fault. The bottom of it burnt like heck. I am definitely willing to try this again, being extra careful about heat temps and all that, being that I love coconut in any and everything possible. (sb)
I used my rice cooker and used brown jasmine rice which I already had.  I never eat white rice.  I put 1 1/4th cup of water, one can of coconut milk and one cup of rice, added the cinnimon stick and cooked it using the rice cooker, added the zest of lime (from my tree outside).  I toasted the coconut and topped the serving.  It was very easy and quite tasty.  I think it would go well with tropical dishes like Carrebean or Thai, or even Indian. (Tweety)
Yum.  Simple and yum.  I didn't have any cinnamon sticks, but I think it would have been even better if I did. And this does go beautifully with the BBQ Pomegranate, as the author suggests. (berryraw)
made a nice complement with the curry flavours of the soup/stoup and was easy to make I'd definitely make this again with thai curries. (oww)
I used brown rice. It looked delicious, but was slightly disappointing. I think it was my first time cooking with a cinnamon stick, and 1. it fell apart, so I had to pick the pieces out 2. I thought the flavor in the rice was a bit odd. I liked the rice ok, and loved the toasted coconut, but would do without the cinnamon. I would probably add more zest next time, too. I didn't have any problems with cooking, or sticking (but didn't do the 20/10 thing, since I had brown rice). (AC)
This was so meh.  I was gutted as it just ended up tasting like salty rice, I couldn't taste the coconut at all.  HOWEVER, it may be that I was using a crap brand of coconut milk as I'm still getting used to the brands here in NZ.  I think I will try it once more with a more expensive brand of coconut milk/cream and less salt and if that's no good I'll just bin the recipe. Oh and it stuck to the pan like hell - I was not happy with trying to wash that up afterwards! (shelloid)
Garlicky Kale with Tahini Dressing:
love it (willwolf)
sooooooo scrumptious (lapetitepoire)
Fantastic side dish to any Mediterranean meal. Tahini loves garlic, and kale loves this sauce. YUM! (sb)
(tahini dressing) SO tasty. My parsley has been outside for the past few weeks and survived the frost, but I think that made it kind of bitter. Aside from that, this dressing was real good on black kale and beet tops! (tino)
I used collards instead of kale but this was ohsogood and garlicy.  The dressing is awesome.  I could just eat this as a meal. (berryraw)
I didn't like this as much as I thought I would. I had to tweak the tahini sauce a bit with lime juice, and I just didn't love it.  Mine stayed pretty liquidy, too. The kale is ok, but I've made better. They work ok together, but not a favorite. The dressing was kinda meh. I was expecting to love it. I might have messed it up though. I'll keep it in mind to make again for the falafel. I'll probably use the rest that I have this time inside something, or not at all. (AC)
without the tahini sauce (I would have made it, but no one but me in my house likes tahini ). This is pretty much how I've always made my kale, but it. (dannibazaar)
Ginger Roasted Winter Vegetables:
It's a very simple recipe with few ingredients and very tasty. I may add some herbs next time for a different variation. Probably rosemary, sage and thyme. (iluvtomatoes)
I used different veges, but this general recipe for making roasted veges to have on the side with a big family meal, and there was not a scrap left. My husband really liked the flavour of these, just a little bit different from our normal roasting flavour, so I'll definitely look this one up again. (oww)
I made these a few weeks ago, and can't remember what veggies I put in, but do remember that they were really tasty.  I wasn't sure I would like the ginger flavour but it was really good.  Will go into my rotation of glazes / sauces for roasted veggies. (shelloid)
Maple Mustard Glazed Potatoes and String Beans:
Wow! This dish is amazing! Seriously, if you haven't made it yet, do it now. The maple-mustard glaze is delicious. My bf and I left no sauce remaining on our plates since we practically licked them clean. (iluvtomatoes)
These are good. I was actually not expecting to like them much, just because I don't like potatoes with sauce, but I liked these. However, I was a bit confused because I didn't really have any sauce left. Maybe I used too many potatoes, but I only had sauce when the pan was covered. That might have been a good thing, though. So, the potatoes weren't that "glazed," but tasted good. I did use broccoli instead of green beans, and didn't use onion. (AC)
There isn't enough sauce on this usually, so if you like a lot of sauce, make 1 1/2 or 2 times the sauce when you do this. The flavors are incredible and I can't believe something so simple is so flippin' delicious. I double the onion, because I love carmelized onion! (sb)
This review's for just the glaze in the Maple-Mustard-Glazed Potatoes and String Beans- The sauce looked yummy, so I just made it and used it on broccoli and kale. SOO good, this turned me on to mustard. (sog)
Amazing!  There are few things that I make that gives Andy that orgasmic look in his eye - this was one of them....I used red potatoes and frozen green delicious!  I can't wait to make it again! (erinmonster)
(misc. veggies) My favourite part of this was my husband's face when he tasted it!  He thought they were just regular roast veges and wasn't expecting flavour explosion. Big thumbs up and definitely storing this one in the memory to use again.  I only made enough sauce/glaze to coat the veges rather than having them more saucy, and we thought it was plenty flavourful enough, so I would do it that way again.   (oww)
I made this recipe kinda the other night.  I didn't have green beans, added extra onion and used golden syrup instead of maple syrup (yeah not a good sub, but I'm a cheapskate!).  I used half the amount of potatoes and used the whole amount of the sauce - because I love Dijon mustard and had a feeling I'd want extra sauce. Man they were good.  I loved the sauce ass I thought I would.  But I guess the down side was the potatoes weren't crisp - but then that's because I had extra sauce. Will be making again. (shelloid)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
I know I've already reviewed this, but just wanted to let people know how amazing fennel is roasted in this glaze - try it seriously!! (shelloid)
My mum and dad did this one for a sunday roast one weekend. I went NUTS over it! So so so good. I think they liked it. but not good enough to make on christmas.. I ask them every year! (vanilladoe)
Mashed Potatoes with Punk Rock Chickpea Gravy:
you've got to try the gravy (willwolf)
OMG I try to work that gravy in to meals whenever possible, I LOVE it! (taraja)
This gravy is FABULOUS! P basically hates gravy, and loved it. He said BEST GRAVY EVER. It's so savory, and delicious. I also put it over some fried tofu. It seems complicated with that long(er) list of ingredients, but it's really not. I was doing everything at once, so it was a bit drawn out, but the gravy itself doesn't take long at all. So good. (AC)
Great recipe! The gravy seems crazy and drawn out, but it's really simple. Don't be afraid to make this, you won't be disappointed. (sb)
I love this gravy! It's so perfect. The blend of spices/herbs is amazing and I wouldn't change a thing. The nutritional yeast gives it that extra oomph that wins my heart. I used whole wheat flour and didn't have lemon juice. I will be making this to put over seitan cutlets. (veganrun)
yeah, this gravy is pretty much the shit.  Love it to bits. Every. Single. Time. I make it I have to fight the temptation to just eat it with a spoon.  One day I'll cave and you'll never hear from me again. (oww)
Good and kind of "meaty" tasting, but I don't think I liked it as much as other reviewers.  It needed pepper and just has too many other spices and herbs.  Glad I tried it but I probably won't make it again (berryraw)
not as amazing as I thought it would be....I mean, I liked it just fine, but I wouldn't rave about it....I tasted the nut yeast a lot more than I would have liked - but it was still good - and made a ton!  I have a jar full of it in my fridge and don't know what to do with it... (erinmonster)
Orange Glazed Beets:
The beets didn’t get as soft as I would have liked them and I cooked them for much longer than the recipe suggested.  However, the flavors were good so I’d try making them again. (conniex)
Roasted Applesauce:
Roasted apples are pretty much the tastiest thing on earth. This applesauce is great, especially when it starts getting kinda chilly in the fall. (sb)
I was a bit confused by this recipe. Maybe I'm used to large apples, but 10 apples is a TON. I only had 5 anyway, and it was still a ton. That aside, only 1 teaspoon cinnamon? 1 sprinkle allspice? Granted, I did have to make some modifications because I used all sugar+ agave. I added all the lemon and zest, way more cinnamon and allspice, and some molasses. It came out very flavorful, but I don't know that I would have liked the actual recipe quantities. I didn't use the processor, but would definitely do that if I wanted a smooth applesauce. (AC)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Toasted Garlic:
I always roast my brussels, but not usually with garlic. It was ok. I don't think the garlic added much..maybe because I couldn't scoop it up with the brussel sprouts, or something. I also usually add more oil, so they seemed a bit dry. I love brussel sprouts, though. (AC)
This recipe is what started my Brussels obsession!  I love how they get brown and a little crispy.  Sometimes, I leave out the garlic and use a few teaspoons of maple syrup instead. (icephrosty)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
I make roasted brussels sprouts frequently, but I thought that these were not good. I added only the listed ingredients because sometimes is less is more, but in the end I thought they were boring and need more flavor. (thirteenblackbirds)
Had these at christmas! certainly kicked the steamed brussel sprouts ass! (vanilladoe)
Sauteed Green Beans with Mushrooms:
I spice these up with extra red pepper flake, or a serrano, jalapeno of chipotle chile. Otherwise, it's a basic Julia Childs-esque recipe to accompany a stroganoff or 'meat'loaf or whatever. (sb)
Sesame Asparagus:
good (dafodil)
My roommate claimed to hate asparagus until I made this dish. Now she buys me asparagus to make this dish for her. This is probably my favorite recipe in the entire book! (sb)
I did it wrong. I had everything ready, and had the meal planned out, but then realized.....I don't have any sesame seeds. So, I made it anyway..without the seeds. I just think I'd always rather have asparagus roasted. It was ok. (AC)
I used totally different veggies and made it more classically asian by stir-frying bok choy and tofu.  However, the sesame seasoning was delish! (conniex)
Spicy Indian Rice with Toasted Almonds:
I liked this stuff, and the proportions worked out just right for me (but I used jasmine rice, not basmati). My only problem with it was the cardamom pods - simmered for that long, the pods tend to break open, releasing the seeds. It was a little hard to avoid, and wasn't that great to run into because straight cardamom is kind of bitter. Aside from that, it's a nice well-spiced rice that went well with the thai food that i was making and would probably go well with a lot of things. (fb)
Sweet Potato Fries:
good. They taste yummy with an Amy's Texas "burger"!!  YUM! (dafodil)
These are simple and delicious. I like them served with any veggie burger, especially a black bean burger! (sb)
These are a nice change of pace from regular fries. However, I can't get the sweet potatoes to get quite as crispy. Still tasty, though. (veganrun)
This is probably one of my favorite ways to have sweet potatoes, but I still don't love them. I liked them. Mine didn't really get crispy, either, and some got burned on the tips. One of these days I might just give up on the sweet potato.. This recipe, however, is fine, and easy. (AC)
Yum!  I love anything with sweet potatoes.  They weren’t super crispy though. (conniex)
nice recipe. i make sweet potatoes fries occasionally (usually with just veg oil and salt) and I didn't think these were all that different or exciting. (thirteenblackbirds)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
First time i considered using sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. (back when i was a new starting to think i never ate anything decent before i went vegan) I loooved it so much so That when i ventured onto the next page in the book (cajun baked french fries) I used sweet potatoe here instead! (vanilladoe)
very tasty, but a little bit soft in texture. Still, very yummy and easy to make. (lebkuchen)
Very good.  Mine didn't come out crispy, very limp,  but tasty.  I added a bit of chili powder. (tweety)


Pizzas and Pastas
Basil Tofu Ricotta:
Good. I was never a fan of any kind of ricotta in lasagnas, but this was pretty ok. (ponycakes)
I usually add some extra basil and lemon juice to this, and up the nutritional yeast. After that, it's superb. I put it on everything and eat the leftovers with crackers (or a spoon!) (sb)
This is yummy. It has a really authentic texture that could probably fool about any omni, and the taste is awesome-o. I do double the amount of nutritional yeast now, since the first time I made it my bf said it tasted like tofu scramble on pizza. With 2x the nooch, it tastes a lot more like cheesy ricotta.  (veganrun)
I'm not crazy about the Basil-Tofu Ricotta.  In my opinion, the cashew ricotta from Veganomicon is so much better that it's not worth the little bit you save in time to make the one from VWV.    (peaceablepalate)
Classic Pesto:
My go-to pesto recipe. I loooove the nutritional yeast in it. (ponycakes)
love this pesto!  It's so awesome on pasta, gnocchi, pizza, whatever.  This version made with walnuts, rather than pine nuts, is also much cheaper to make than your standard pesto. (willwolf)
Yum, yum, yum!!! I've been craving pesto for a very long time, but the basil hasn't looked so good (not worth $2!), but I got a great bunch today, and this pesto is superb. I love that it uses walnuts, and I had the perfect amount of everything for the recipe. I didn't use the full 1/4 cup nut. yeast, but just sprinkled some in. So tasty!! I might be addicted. (AC)
Fantastic! I have not made a better pesto in my life. (sb)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
Delicious and cheaper than using pine nuts. I like the addition of nooch. (veganrun)
Fettuccine Alfreda:
has its good points. Howe'ver, it was very salty.  Definitely omit the salt, and you could probably cut back elsewhere as well. It's tasty, but it's not alfredo-like. It is orangey in color. (robinmc)
Didn't care for it. The mustard was too strong. Not very alfredo-y.  (ponycakes)
My husband and I loved this after I tweeked it around!!! It's been over 4 years though since I've had any cheese. (jeslyn)
Pretty good.  This doesn't really remind me of alfredo sauce but it is tasty in it's own right.  Definitely a little salty. (icephrosty)
with regular pasta, not fettucine.  I also didn't have any pine nuts so I used a mix of sunflower seeds and cashews.  Whatever, it tasted good!  I also halved the recipe because there's no way I could ever use a cup of nooch on one meal! and thinned it out a bit because it was really really thick . So a good tasty recipe, but I'll probably stick to less nooch-heavy recipes in future, unless I'm cooking for something special. (oww)
I actually really loved this. I didn't know what to expect since 1. I remembered the reviews being so-so 2. It never even seemed like it'd be alfredo-y 3. it uses a ton of nooch 4. pine nuts are $$$$$$$$$$$$. So anyway, I bought some pine nuts! I was tempted to not use the full cup of nooch, but did, and am glad. I love how the chili powder melds with everything. It is definitely not like alfredo at all, except maybe in texture, but is more like a cheesy hamburger helper type thing. I stuck with the recipe, but added a dash cayenne, and used quite a bit more water to make it saucy. It's so super quick. I think you could use at least 3/4 pound fettuccine with this, if you thin it out like I did. I will make this again, and maybe try with other nuts to see how it compares. It is quite orangeish/yellow. (AC)
Made this again, but with cashews, and loved it just as much! I really couldn't tell a difference. I toasted them just a bit, and did the same as when I made it with pine nuts. Had it with tri color rotini this time. I don't see how anyone could only use 1/2 cup water, as I use like 2 cups, but love this still. (AC)
Green Garden Puree:

Green Goddess Garlic Pizza:

Homemade Gnocchi:
I made these with sweet potato and they turned out great.  It was my first attempt with homemade pasta!  Would definitely make again. (icephrosty)

ate them with VwaV classic pesto (sauce) on the side (which I make all the time, and love). I think they came out pretty well. I was apprehensive the whole time, just because I didn't know if I was doing it right, and it all seemed strange. I made the very first batch too small (3/4 inch seems really small!), so I started making them bigger, and liked that better. Is there some secret method to easily peeling an already baked potato?! I finally got that done, and then I didn't mash them well enough, because I did come across some lumps. I'm going to do the rest of the dough (2/3), and freeze them. I kind of think I was getting the hang of the fork thing at the end of the first batch, but we'll see when I go back over there to finish. I think the texture is pretty much spot on. They are soft, but not mushy, and not really sticky. They probably look weird, but I think it was a good first attempt! (AC)
Sun dried tomato

Isa Pizza:
I've made this several times before, and it was fabulous as always.  I had to cook my pizza in a toaster oven as I haven't had a working oven for a while now (too long!!), and it came out beautifully.  I just love this pizza.  The combination of the pesto and tofu ricotta is sooo tasty.  If you haven't made this, what are you waiting for?  Go make this awesome pizza now! (willwolf)
The best pizza I have ever made. Roommate will buy all the ingredients we don't have so I can make this for her on my day off. (sb)
Orecchiette with Cherry Tomatoes and Kalamata Tapenade:

Pizza Dough:
this turned out great. I'll use this recipe again. (iluvtomatoes)
it was pretty good! (bp)
I didn't have quite enough all purpose flour so I had to use about a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of white whole wheat flour mixed it.  It came out really hard and would not stretch without ripping.  I couldn't use it at all and just had to throw it away.  Totally my fault I'm sure.  My best guess is that I shouldn't have used my kitchen aid to knead it (although I did use the dough hook attachment) and that made it too tough? (biodancer)
This is my standard pizza dough recipe, and I never have problems.  I usually follow the recipe as-is, but I have subbed in a bit of whole wheat flour (maybe 1/2 c) for some of the all-purpose with no issues.  I haven't used a stand mixer with a dough hook, but I always use my bread machine for the kneading part.  (willwolf)
This is a great recipe and even though it takes quite awhile, it's still worth it! (icephrosty)
My go-to recipe! I've even made it whole wheat and it came out great! (sb)
Really good! I actually stuck with the kneading for 10 minutes, AND let it rise for an hour, but I couldn't wait any longer for it to rest! Because of this, I ended up using both crusts to get it to stretch big enough. I didn't mind. I really like using cornmeal to stretch it out in. I used whole wheat pastry flour. My edges got pretty done after about 10 minutes, but it was good that way. I think I might be too lazy to always make this crust, but it's very good. (AC)
KMK and I made this, so we halved it (it makes 2), and did each part in separate bowls. Followed the recipe exactly, and they were the most perfect pizza crusts ever. We did the rise for a bit over an hour, but the rest was maybe like 15 minutes. I did a thinner crust, and she did more of an original crust, and they were both perfect. (AC)
I never thought that making a yeasted pizza crust could be this easy! I mean, it does take like a whole morning, but it's worth it. I'm keeping this as my standard pizza crust. (dannibazaar)
I've made twice, and will probably make again, but both times my crust turned out more like bread than pizza crust.  I tried turning the oven temperature up, but the crust browned so quickly, I thought it was going to burn.  Maybe I'm not stretching the dough out thin enough? (peaceablepalate)
Pizza Sauce:
I love this pizza sauce!  It's so super tasty, much better than anything you could get premade in a jar.  The recipe calls for a 22oz can of whole plum tomatoes.  However, I've never seen canned tomatoes in this size, so I use a 28oz can and add a bit of extra oregano and thyme. The sauce turns out quite a bit tastier when you spring for high quality plum tomatoes from Italy or California, though you can use regular canned tomatoes in a pinch. (willwolf)
Basic, but it works so well. I prefer using freshly roasted tomatoes to make this, but canned are good to if you're in a pinch. Also, it gets better the longer you let it cook. If you have hours to spend (or a crockpot!), let this baby simmer for three hours and then let it rest an hour or two before use. You will not be disappointed (sb)
This is now my go-to pizza sauce--it's so quick and easy! I actually cut the recipe in half, and this makes 2 14"  pizzas for us. Sometimes I use canned tomatoes that are already seasoned, and this makes this recipe a 5 minute deal. So good, thick, and full of flavor. (veganrun)
Potato and Tempeh Sausage Pizza:
Pretty good. The only thing that I thought was weird was the potatoes...maybe I didn't get them thin enough, but I felt like they were a little undercooked. Mum thought they were okay, but they weirded me out. (dannibazaar)
Basic, but good. (AC)


Cookies and Bars
Banana Split Pudding Brownies:
Yum!!!! This recipe looks a lot more complicated than it really is. I reused the same bowl for the melted chocolate, the sifting, and the topping. The only things I would change had nothing to do with the recipe. My pan was too big, so they were spread a bit thin (still came out great), and I didn't oil it well enough, so they aren't the easiest to get out. However, they are really tasty. The brownie part is great (I added in some non-melted chocolate chips, and used chocolate chips for the melting), and the topping is really good. I didn't measure any of the banana parts, but I used 3 bananas total, with one cut up for the top (not necessary).  Really great, overall. (AC)
I had a hard time getting these to set right, but once they did... it was amazing! I definitely cooked it a lot longer than it called for. Great flavor! (sb)
outstanding! However, I did not want the banana frosting and just made the brownies part and let me tell you, they were the moistest brownies I have ever had in my entire life! I loved them so much! I could have eaten then all in one sitting! Then I decided to share with everyone...they loved them equally as much as I did...I even ate mine with Trader Joe's Vanilla Soy Ice Cream, cut up bananas & Extra Chocolate Sauce! (vickiliz)
Fudgey + banana = delicious. Man, this recipe calls for a lot of banana. One banana for me yielded 1/2 cup mashed, and the recipe calls for 2 cups (so I used 2 bananas and made half the recipe). The brownies themselves are very moist and fudgy, and the banana pudding top is pretty good - not too sweet, not gooey. I wouldn't change anything about this recipe, though I might be lazy next time and exclude the pudding top.  (fb)
Everyone in my family loves bananas but everyone hated these and they ended up being thrown out. (intheend)
These were great! They're not exactly how I like brownies but I would definitely make these again. They're very different so if you want brownies or something chocolatey but are sick of the same old thing, try these! Everyone in my house loved these. (minke)
Big Gigantoid Crunchy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies:
The recipe made about 14 large cookies (the recipe says it'll make about "12 huge ass cookies"). Very easy to make, no egg replacer or any fancy ingredients. I baked them for about 15 minutes and cooled them on the pan for about 10 minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack. The cookies taste great, but broke easily. Next time I might add a bit more liquid. Not too sweet, nice and chewy. I added a few tablespoons of wheat germ and a handful of sunflower seeds for extra crunch. That might be why the cookies needed a bit more liquid. Anyway, I will definitely make them again. I think they would taste really nice with raisins in them. (veggievulture)
mine developed a funky taste after sitting out a couple of days, but they do taste good. i think i would pop them in the fridge if they didn't/don't get gobbled up. (bp)
great except the dough didn't come out thick like it said it would in the recipe.  I added maybe an extra half cup of flour (or more...however much it took to make the dough stiff) and all was well.  I am mailing them to a friend now. (kmk)
Awesome!  Sometimes, I make the gigantoid size, and other times I just make the regular size--either way, they're fantastic! (willwolf)
DELICIOUS! Even my work skeptics loved them! (pipsqueak)
I make one form of oatmeal cookies or another every weekend, and thought these sounded like they'd make a good new addition to the rotation: I wasn't wrong! I made a half mix and got 1.5 dozen out of it, because I didn't want them to be gigantoid.  The peanut buttery flavour goes really well with the oats, and they've got a lovely chewy texture.  Will definitely be making these again. (oww)
One of those recipes where I wouldn't change a thing (other than the size--who needs a cookie the size of a dinner plate? When they're small you can eat more!). I'm taking them to climbing club tonight, and I hope they're a success with the omnis! (veganrun)
It was a while since I made these, but I remember them being just a little bit crumbly. The flavour was great though. I made them a little bit smaller than the recipe size, if I remember correctly. I'd make them again. (dannibazaar)
BIG! And tasty! (conniex)
I made a smaller version for my cousin and her family last week. She said they were the best peanut butter cookies she's ever had and asked me for the recipe! (vgnwitch)
These are AWESOME and a new family fave! The only thing I did differently was to add some chocolate chips. These are just perfect cookies. They are amazingly huge and yummy!  (abrimmer)
Buttery Lemon Cutout Cookies:
This is a good recipe, but it needs a touch more lemon flavor, I think. I am still on a mission to find the best damned shortbread recipe out there (sb)
I didn't like these. They had an odd texture and not much flavour. I'd rather not make them again  (dannibazaar)
Chocolate Chip Cookies:
my co-workers are currently eating them, and everyone seems to like them. they are a littttle on the sweet side, and are very flat which i like. i might recommend using slightly less vanilla and maybe using half white sugar and half brown. i also plan to try adding peanut butter next time. but overall they are good and seem pretty hard to screw up! (curiale)
Really tasty, very traditional chocolate chip cookie flavor.  I should note that the dough was pretty dry and crumbly after mixing, perhaps because my margarine wasn't softened and warm enough.  So, I added a splash of soymilk, and mixed it in well.  Then, I worked the dough just a bit by hand.  This seemed to do the trick, and the dough became the proper consistency. (willwolf)
best vegan chocolate chip cookie out there! (sb)
I (and P, especially) was hesitant to make these, because we loooooooovveeee the PPK blog chewy chocolate chip cookies (with the tapioca flour), and I don't think anything could compare. HOWEVER, these are very tasty. I made half a batch, because I don't want to be such a fatty, and added a small splash of soymilk (seemed really crumbly). I have this problem with EB always having a garlicky there's a hint of that in the cookies! It's so weird. She says to "drop them by teaspoonfuls," but that is so small!!! I did use like 1/2 tablespoonfuls, and they are still really small (and cute). It just means I ate more at one time..I do really like the texture, and the taste (minus the weird flavor). They didn't really spread much at all. They are maybe second to the other recipe. (AC)
like a fine wine--a rich, bold, full-bodied palate that lingers to a dark, velvety finish. This intense cookie, with soft centers and lightly-browned bottoms, is buttery sweet with dark chocolate, molasses and toffee accents, and nutty undertones. This complex taste was achieved by caramelizing the sugars(part granulated sugar, part brown sugar), essentially stirring the sugars in melted Earth Balance butter with a whisk for a few minutes before adding the rest of the ingredients. Since the recipe was already high sugar, after incorporating all the ingredients I folded in lower-sugar, dark chocolate chunks, instead of semi-sweet chocolate chips. This rounded out the buttery sweetness nicely with smoky, winelike layers, making it some of the best raw cookie dough I've ever had. (Note: Rich, buttery flavor and chewy texture was not lost when I subbed 4 Tablespoons of butter with applesauce.) Perhaps one of my few complaints about this recipe is the directions that tell you to drop dough by teaspoonfuls. By following these instructions, you end up with chocolate chip bites--not cookies--since the cookie dough doesn't really spread. I have a few problems with this. First, cookie bites don't make for dunking fun. (Your fingertips get wet each time)  Second, cookie bites are cute, and guys I've baked for said they prefer bigger, more "manly-sized," cookies. Lastly, if you are trying to eat in moderation for dietary reasons, you will likely eat many of these cookie bites in one sitting, and lose count, because they are that good. In short, don't follow directions. Drop generous tablespoonfuls, or larger, of dough rolled into a ball and gently pressed with bottom of palm of your hand. Bake, let cool and dunk away. (saskia)
I have been tinkering with this recipe a lot, and it's the basis of what I'm deeming "The Forthcoming Perfect CC Cookie." But I'm not there yet. I thought that these were a little dry, and wayyyy too sweet. So, I'm working on a recipe where I mix Earth Balance and canola oil, cut down on the sugar amount in here, and make a few other changes. But, this is a good start. (veganrun)
thought they were great!  Other reviewers have said they were too sweet but they were just perfect for me. Do check the bottoms of the cookies after baking about 9min or so because one batch that was taken out in 12 was dark on bottom, hard and crumbly. (vixedvegan)
I finally made these last weekend, but I never have chocolate chips so I just cut up some Whittakers dark mocha chocolate into little pieces, it worked fine.  I halved the recipe, but realised as I was mixing that I forgot to have the molasses.  I had to add a splash or two of soy milk to the dough to get a good consistency, but that's all good.  Probably underbaked them by... maybe a minute? but my oven has a tendency to cook things too fast, so this is better than burnt.  They're awesomely chewy, not too sweet, and plenty tasty.  My husband would definitely like it if I made these again.  (oww)
This is my favourite vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe. They come out just like mum's old non-vegan recipe. They have a great colour and I LOVE the addition of molasses...I think that's what makes it. (dannibazaar)
Damn good (dannibazaar)
Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies:
good but were pretty difficult to work with.  There is no way to roll either of those cookie doughs into balls and then flatten them out.  They are so sticky and gummy I couldn't get them off my fingers.  I had to use a spoon for both recipes and just drop dollops of dough onto the cookie sheets.  (biodancer)
I make these all the time. They keep well, and lend themselves well to any flavor of jam you have on hand! (sb)
These are so pretty for how easy they are to make. I even had an omni ask me for this recipe. I like that you can add any filling you want--I did strawberry, raspberry, and peanut butter on different cookies. I think I liked the strawberry best. (veganrun)
These are delicious and so easy! I was surprised at how tasty! They are like little brownie bites with jam. I used strawberry. They weren't difficult to work with at all; you just have to keep your hands, then thumb damp. I followed the recipe, and would definitely make it again. Took me like 10 minutes to make. (AC)
Crispy Peanut Butter Cookies:
No one I know has gotten the peanut butter cookies to turn out. (vegan1)
My sister made them but she modified it randomly with more flour and they were very dry. (cali)
These have wonderful flavor but unfortunately you can't pick them up! They have the texture of of beach sand. I had to make a whole other batch (a 7:00 am) from a different recipe for a gift for someone. Lousy recipe! (thhf)
I do not like this recipe at all. My cookies absolutely crumbled apart. I did use natural pb fresh ground at the store, but I had to add a lot more soy milk to even get it to hold together. Even with that, after they baked they fell apart after the first bite. I like the pb cookie recipe from Vegan Table much better (the thumbprint cookies--don't add jelly and just smoosh down with a fork to form a regular cookie). (veganrun)
I have to agree with everyone else on this one and say that they are far too crumbly.  I also thought they had a bitter aftertaste.  I ended up using them as crumbs for an ice cream pie.  The peanut butter flavor is great but I’ll keep looking for a “classic” peanut butter cookie recipe. (conniex)
So disappointing. The dough tasted amazing, but they were so crumbly when baked they were inedible. I wished these would have worked out. (dannibazaar)
I don't know why people don't like this recipe, I love it! These are the only peanut butter cookies that I make because they're my favorite. Mine stay together fine and aren't dry. (minke)
Date Nut Diamonds:

Fig Not ins:
THESE ARE SO GOOD! They make a rather large version of a non-vegan favorite snack. The filling is good enough to eat with a spoon! (sb)
These cookies don't taste like the chewy, Nabisco Fig Newtons from your pre-vegan days. They taste more like fig sandwiched between two sugar cookies. Still, very good and fun to dunk. The fig filling is tasty, not too sweet. I could eat it alone with a spoon. (saskia)
Macadamia Blondies with Caramel Maple Topping:
This was the first recipe I made from the cookbook and it didn't disappoint.  They are very sweet and goey with a nice maple flavor.  I used regular tofu instead of silken and it didn't seem to affect anything. (icephrosty)
These are so good, I can't even believe it. I make them when I'm feeling like a fat ass! (sb)
Maple Walnut Cookies:
turned out really well.  They're thin, crisp, chewy, and buttery (and there's no margarine even in the recipe).  It took me quite a while to get around to make these because I didn't have the maple extract, and the grocery store only has some imitation crap.  I finally found some natural maple flavoring at the health food store, and decided to try that.  Initially, I didn't think the cookies were that mapley, but the flavor developed nicely as they sat.  Thumbs up! (willwolf)
Great chewy cookie to satisfy any maple lover out there.  (sb)
These cookies probably won't make it past tomorrow in our house they are so good.  They are buttery and full of maple and walnut good-ness.  I think I'll be making these again this fall, as the flavors are more autumnal not summery.  I skimped on the sugar and they were still plenty sweet. (berryraw)
I thought these were greasy and I didn't enjoy them. The flavor was good, but for some reason it just seemed...boring. I don't think I'll make them again. (veganrun)
Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies:
yumm! (bp)
Fabulous!  I do use the ground flaxseeds for that little bit of extra chewiness.  I usually leave out the raisins (just because my boyfriend can't stand them).  These make a great fall cookie.  However, for pumpkin lovers like me, they're wonderful all year round. (willwolf)
These came out huge and puffy for me, but tasted good. They taste better a day or two after baking (sb)
Very good. Nice and chewy.  I did add the optional flax since I had some on hand.  Was my first attempt at baking cookies, but they are good enough to bring to Thanksgiving dinner.  Huge batch. (tweety)
These are pretty good. Pretty much what I expected... pumpkin + oats. As far as pumpkin cookies go, though, I'd say the Sell Your Soul ones from VCIYCJ take the cake (cookie?). However, if you're looking for something of the oatmeal variety, this is it. (fb)
My first pumpkin-based cookies!  Made with fresh pumpkin cooked and blended, don't know how much/if at all that changes things compared with pumpkin from a tin?  Good cookies, but not stand-out.  Would probably only make again if I had some pumpkin I needed to use up and couldn't think of anything else to use it in. (oww)
Good! Definitely a lot of cookies. I used almonds for the walnuts, and it added a sort of buttery flavor. Mine didn't come out puffy (as pumpkin cookies sometimes do), but rather chewy, so that's nice. I like these better than the VCIYCJ 'sell your soul..' because those didn't work out that well for me. The pumpkin flavor is not very strong on these, but it's a nice balanced flavor. I'm going to share these with work, so we'll see how they like them. I did decide to add the raisins, but P would prefer without. I don't know that I would seek these out to make again, but good. (AC)
Raspberry Chocolate Chip Blondie Bars:
sooo good (vegan1)
These are awesome! I've also made them using blueberry, apricot and strawberry and they are all fantastic! (sb)
I made these without raspberry. I didn't add the full amount of sugar, and the batter wound up really dry - I had to keep adding soymilk just to get to it a dry cookie dough consistency. I wouldn't really call these blondies; all the sugar is regular old white sugar, no brown or molasses. So they're more like sugar cookie bars, and quite delicious - crispy edges, softer middle, and very vanilla. (fb)
Sparkled Ginger Cookies:
made them on Saturday and they were all gone by Sunday....sooooo good!!  And you don't need to use the full 1/2 cup of oil.  We used 1/3 and added a little extra soy milk and they were perfect!! (storm)
good but were pretty difficult to work with.  There is no way to roll either of those cookie doughs into balls and then flatten them out.  They are so sticky and gummy I couldn't get them off my fingers.  I had to use a spoon for both recipes and just drop dollops of dough onto the cookie sheets. you are supposed to dip one side into sugar but since that was pretty impossible seeing as I couldn't get the dough off my fingers I just sprinkled sugar on top of them once I wrestled the dough onto the sheet.  Came out yummy just the same (biodancer)
super delicious!  I loved the crunchy turbinado sugar on top.  My cookies turned out perfectly--fairly thin, crispy, chewy, and gingerry, mmmm! (willwolf)
I don't recall having any particular problems with my dough.  I was able to roll the dough into balls, though the dough was pretty soft. When I rolled the balls into the turbinado sugar, I did so gingerly (no pun intended) so the balls wouldn't smush and fall apart. (willwolf)
Just fucking awesome, especially around the holidays (sb)
AWESOME! I didn't have all the spices, but I had cinnamon and ginger--the ones that really matter! This cookie was amazing, and even if I did have the other spices, I'm not sure I would want to add them. There was almost a simple elegance to this cookie without all the convoluted flavors of too many spices. The sugar on top is just perfect. I can't wait to make these this fall and Christmas! (veganrun)
I halved the recipe for ginger cookies in VWAV because I wasn't sure I was going to like them. They're softer than a traditional ginger snap, but still amazing. (veganrun)
We really liked these.  They were lovely and crispy on the top and nice and chewy inside , beautifully spiced, and plenty easy to make.  Good recipe. (oww)
We ate most of the dough before baking these.  They spread A LOT but they were really really tasty. (conniex)
Don't know why I haven't made these before! Delicious. P said they were a perfect cookie, and he usually much prefers chocolate! Well balanced flavor with a nice spice, nice crunchy tops, chewy, yum. I followed the recipe, but didn't space mine out enough, so I had to cut them. Love them. Had no problems with dough. (AC)


Blueberry Coffee Cake:
I kind of made this weird; I mixed blueberries into half the cake just before putting it in the oven (the other half was for a blueberry-hater). Also, I made the crumb topping without walnuts and with extra oil (so there wasn't a whole lot of it). The part with the blueberries wound up being underbaked on the top center, but the rest of it was fine; if there's blueberries, it should probably be baked longer. However, it was good, not overly sweet. I think I prefer the coffee cake from Vegan Brunch more, though. (fb)
Chocolate Pudding:
too rubbery (vegan1)
Yum!  This is your classic chocolate pudding.  Cornstarch can also be used to thicken the pudding if you don't have arrowroot or tapioca starch.  (willwolf)
Has a good flavor, but a bit too gelatinous. Semi weird texture. Better than a lot of vegan chocolate puddings I've made, but not perfect. I added a bit too much almond extract, also. Pretty easy to make. I whisked mine for about 8 mins. I used cornstarch. Eh. (AC)
Chocolate coconut
Really like this, as well. (willwolf)
Chocolate orange
Meh.. just meh. Edible but nothing to scream about. wouldnt make again. (vanilladoe)
Chocolate Rum Pudding Cake:
So far it is a big mess.  I bought a spring form pan specifically to make this.  I spread the batter in the pan and then poured the hot water/rum/maple syrup mixture over it.  The rum mixture leaked out of the pan onto the counter top.  I put the pan on a cookie sheet like the book says and hoped no more would leak out.  When I checked on the cake the whole cookie sheet was filled.  So I spooned out as much as I could and put it back on the cake.  It's cooling now.  Hopefully some of the rum/maple flavor got baked into the cake.  Is it the pan?  I didn't really buy a high quality one.  If I try this again I'll pour the rum mixture on top halfway through the baking.   It was really frustrating. (biodancer)
These came out gooey and crazy, and tasted more like brownies but the flavor was great. (sb)
Coconut Heaven Cupcakes:
They were amazing. The perfect texture for a cupcake. (vegan1)
yummy, especially with a fresh raspberry on top. (ponycakes)
awesome recipe.  I've made it once as cupcakes and once as a cake, and it worked fine both times.  We really like the flavour and it's a super easy recipe.  Definite win.  (oww)
My coworkers request these cupcakes all the time and they are really, really good.  The cake is so moist and perfect. (icephrosty)
a favorite. (peaceablepalate)
really hit that spot that was craving something sweet!  The only variation I made was to use unsweetened applesauce instead of oil.  The actual cupcake was moist with a good flavor and I loved the icing also.  I will definitely be making these again! (stacydan)
Suuuuuper delicious. I've used this icing on many other types of cupcakes (veganrun)
Fauxstess Cupcakes:
MAN OH MAN are those good (nancyk212)
On her site, she says you need the black cocoa powder, for both the correct color, but also it alters the baking (something about the way it mixes with the baking powder). I got it online at  The cupcakes were fantastic. If you don't have time for the whole process, they also taste great without the filling and the white topping. (vegan1)
These things rule so hard. I love veganized versions of non-vegan snacks. These truly hit the spot (sb)
These were awesome. I'll so make them again sometime. They are so much better than the actual Hostess Cupcakes (which I never liked...). They're time comsuming, but I don't mind. It's worth it. I've also used left over Vegan Buttercream Frosting from VCTOTU with great results. (dannibazaar)
I bought black cocoa powder just for this recipe and it was well worth the purchase.  These take awhile to make but they are soooo good.  Way better than hostess!!! (icephrosty)
love these! I can't believe i have gone over 10 years without hostess cupcakes ( i used to love them) these are even better.  the black cocoa is fantastic.   i didn't use soy milk powder,  i made the chocolate ganache in the microwave with chocolate chips, and didn't bother with the royal icing.   these are perfect. (thirteenblackbirds)
I have yet to try these with the black cocoa powder but even with the regular cocoa powder these are awesome. Again, these are one of my favorite dessert recipes. (minke)
Ginger Macadamia Coconut Carrot Cake:
yum (hibiscus)
This is a good recipe, but there are better carrot cakes out there. I usually use the ideas/ingredients in this in my favorite carrot cake (from this site!) (sb)
This is delicious!  The batter was really thick and I was unsure about it, but turned out wonderfully!  I used the cream cheese frosting from vctotw (nearly doubled) and folded in some shredded coconut and a little coconut extract.  Cams says this is the best cake he's ever had.  I'm pretty sure I'll be making this again. (lotus)
(with coconut frosting) OMG was this Delicious!  Loved it!  I made one 9x13 pan instead of the two round ones, everyone commented on how moist and delicious it was!  I used applesauce and no oil.  Great flavor! (stacydan)
Gingerbread Apple Pie:
Made this for Christmas, and my dad looooved it! The spices and stuff were very holiday-y. Yum. (ponycakes)
This is a great idea and the spices are spot on, but it could use a bit of tweaking. (sb)
Love the filling, but the crust was too soggy and there wasn’t enough of it. (conniex)
Pretty good. I made this for my grandfather for fathers day. I had a bite of a slice right out of the oven and thought it tasted pretty darn good. I wish it had more of a gingerbread-y flavour, maybe more molasses? It just didn't seem quite as sweet as it should have been, and I'm not all that into sweets. I like the apple-y-ness...there are lots of apples in it. I'd make it again. (dannibazaar)
made this for my Bf for valentines day. unfortunately i gave it to him WITH A SLICE MISSING where my mum (despite knowing full well it was a present) had eaten a piece. so yes... it was worth stealing for! *grumble* (vanilladoe)
Lemon Gem Cupcakes:
like them (hopfrog)
great and quick to make.  You might need a little more powdered sugar with the frosting if it seems too runny. (vegan1)
GOOD!!  If you don't have time to make cupcakes, the batter makes a nice little cake.  Whoever mentioned adding more confectioners sugar to the frosting is right.  I've made these twice now, and they turn out fine, just need thicker frosting. (dafodil)
I wasn't very impressed by these. They were kind of dense and a touch chewy. Maybe I just don't like lemon things, or I don't make them right. (fb)
These were an epic fail for me but I do admit, I really suck at making desserts and baking. First off, the cupcakes didn't rise much and ended up sinking once they got out of the oven. No big deal right? I will just cover them with the frosting. I go to make the frosting, another epic fail. I used EB buttery sticks for the recipe and something went wrong and I had to maybe double the powdered sugar and it was still runny and now way too sweet. Next fail, the cupcakes stuck to the liners. I was pissed, I ate a few, and threw the rest away. (amymylove)
These tasted amazing however i was soo impatient with waiting for the icing to solidify. Sometimes you just need a cupcake then and there ya know? (vanilladoe)
Tasty little...gems. My cupcakes actually came out extremely light and fluffy, with nice lemon flavor. I've had so-so luck with vegan white cupcakes, but these are nice. I had a bit too much batter for 12 cupcakes, and ended up overfilling some of them, so I'd just make a few extra cupcakes. They just needed about 18 minutes to bake. The icing is definitely too runny. The flavor is pretty good, but nothing special. I would do a different frosting. A nice cupcake. (AC)
Mexican Chocolate Rice Pudding:
This stuff is good. I like to add some ancho chile powder, or a jalapeno or chipotle chile powder for extra umph. Try it with fresh cracked pink peppercorns too! (sb)
Very chocolatey. In fact, it could probably be more sweet. I don't think the maple is absolutely necessary as a sweetener, and could probably be replaced by regular sugar if need be. Cinnamon adds a nice touch to the chocolate. (fb)
No Bake Black Bottom Peanut Butter Silk Pie:
So, I cheated. Instead of making a cookie crust, I just used the cookie side of oreos, and I was too lazy/cheap to use agar, so i skipped it and the water. As a result, the pie was a bit floppy (more like pudding), but I'm at peace with that. Anyway, I love love love the "pb silk". It's rich and has exactly the right amount of peanut butter and sugar. I'm always worried that tofu-based puddings and pies that aren't chocolate will taste too much like tofu, but that's totally not the case here. I'm actually glad I didn't go with the agar, because I think I like the pb flavor with a pudding texture rather than a more solid one. (fb)
Orange Rum Tea Cake:

Peach Cobbler:
It was very good and really easy to make.  You could probably use any fruit you wanted, not just peaches.  (biodancer)
This is a good recipe, but I like the cobbler topping out of Joy of Vegan Baking better. (sb)
Pear and Cranberry Tart:

Raspberry Blackout Cake with Ganachey Frosting:
Delicious and superb. I was sure that I had picked up raspberry preserves, but came home with strawberry! I was sad, but I ended up using the strawberry plus some raspberry enlightenment from Penzey's. Since I used some additional, I don't know that just the 10 ounces would be enough. I baked my cakes for maybe 38 minutes, and they rose nicely with a good flavor and texture. The cake recipe doesn't state to make the frosting first, so make sure you do that! I chilled mine for a while, and used it in pourable form to put between the cakes, chilled it quite a bit more (longer than 1 hour overall), and it was spreadable. I prefer the appearance of the pourable form, but that would be impossible to frost the sides of the cake with. Overall, a delicious cake that is not too fussy. (AC)
Parents made this for my birthday this year. It was nice but SO FREAKING DENSE. Then i realise why. my dad had used a hand blender to mix the cake batter and blitzed the crap outta it ... silly daddy. (vanilladoe)
this might be the best cake I've ever made - and so easy to make! I halved the recipe and made one-half of a 2-layer cake. I quartered the frosting recipe and it was enough to provide a light layer of frosting in the middle and on top. This was moist, just-sweet-enough, and would be fantastic for omnis. It was sooo good!! (lebkuchen)
Strawberry Rhubarb Peach Pie:

Strawberry Shortcakes:
note to self, do not make again else you will end up eating way too many. Took ages to put together but so worth it. A must make. (vanilladoe)
Sweet Potato Pie with Three Nut Topping:
This recipe rules! I think it's spiced very nicely (sb)


My husband and I loved the Fettuccine Alfreda after I tweeked it around!!! It's been over 4 years though since I've had any cheese.


Pancakes:  I make these all the time for breakfast!  I cut the recipe into one-fourth and it's perfect for one.  I even use whole wheat pastry flour and they still taste good.  This is my go-to pancake recipe.

Chocolate chocolate-chip pancakes:  These make a great dessert when topped with vanilla ice cream  :)  My husband loves them for breakfast, but they're a little too sweet for me.

Pumpkin waffles:  I like to make these when I'm hosting brunch at my place.  The recipe makes a ton and they're amazing!  They even taste good reheated the next day.

Mocha chip muffins:  I usually make these without the espresso powder and they're always such a crowd pleaser.  Most of the time I sub soy yogurt or applesauce for half of the oil.  It's a great basic chocolate muffin recipe - I love to throw coconut in the batter or swirl in some peanut butter.

Pizza Dough:  This is a great recipe and even though it takes quite awhile, it's still worth it!

Macadamia Blondies with caramel maple topping:  This was the first recipe I made from the cookbook and it didn't disappoint.  They are very sweet and goey with a nice maple flavor.  I used regular tofu instead of silken and it didn't seem to affect anything.

BBQ Pomegranate Tofu:  You absolutely have to make this tofu...seriously, this is one of my all-time favorite recipes in the world.  The BBQ sauce is so amazing I can't even properly describe it.  The peanut butter totally makes it.


Crispy Peanut Butter cookies...

These have wonderful flavor but unfortunately you can't pick them up! They have the texture of of beach sand. I had to make a whole other batch (a 7:00 am) from a different recipe for a gift for someone. Lousy recipe!


Banana Split Pudding Brownies:

-Yum!!!! This recipe looks a lot more complicated than it really is. I reused the same bowl for the melted chocolate, the sifting, and the topping. The only things I would change had nothing to do with the recipe. My pan was too big, so they were spread a bit thin (still came out great), and I didn't oil it well enough, so they aren't the easiest to get out. However, they are really tasty. The brownie part is great (I added in some non-melted chocolate chips, and used chocolate chips for the melting), and the topping is really good. I didn't measure any of the banana parts, but I used 3 bananas total, with one cut up for the top (not necessary).  Really great, overall.


Crispy Peanut Butter cookies...

These have wonderful flavor but unfortunately you can't pick them up! They have the texture of of beach sand. I had to make a whole other batch (a 7:00 am) from a different recipe for a gift for someone. Lousy recipe!

I had the same problem with these. Try the Chocolate chip cookies (best vegan chocolate chip cookie out there!) and the sparkled ginger cookie (Just fucking awesome, especially around the holidays)


Classic Pesto:

-Yum, yum, yum!!! I've been craving pesto for a very long time, but the basil hasn't looked so good (not worth $2!). I got a great bunch today, and this pesto is superb. I love that it uses walnuts, and I had the perfect amount of everything for the recipe. I didn't use the full 1/4 cup nut. yeast, but just sprinkled some in. So tasty!! I might be addicted. Mmm.


I am going to review all of the recipes I have made out of this book. it may take me all day of getting up and coming back to it before it gets posted, but it'll happen. I have made a LOT out of this book.


Scrambled Tofu: This is a really good recipe that I come back to time and time again. I use variations of it and always compare other scrambles to this one.

Asparagus & Sun Dried Tomato Fritatta: This is a good recipe, though I've found out through trial and error that if you use superfirm tofu, it turns out kinda dry. Definitely use waterpacked tofu for this!

Tempeh & White bean sausages: These are pretty tasty. I made them once, because I think I prefer the sausage crumbles and tempeh bacon better and this is sort of a combo of the two with some smashed beans to help form patties. Good stuff, though!

Breakfast veggie chorizo: This is good, but I think it needs some slight tweeking in the spices. Maybe add some hot paprika and a little more cumin. Could use a touch more heat, but that may be because I like a lot of heat in my food.

Tempeh Sausage Crumbles: These rule. I make them all the time and they will surprise any omni!

Tempeh Bacon: Salty, smokey and delicious. Seriously reminiscent of bacon and easily the best tempeh bacon recipe out there!

Sweet Potato Hash w/ watercress & chinese five spice: Okay, I'll admit it. I didn't love this, but it could be because I don't like chinese five spice that much and I always wish watercress tasted better. I think this could be better with some tweeaking (and using some other spices aside from the five spice blend).

Herb Roasted Potatoes: This is a good basic recipe. It's fun to add orange juice/zest and serve them for breakfast.

Baking Powder Biscuits & tempeh white bean sausage gravy: I made this once, and the biscuits definitely need more fat in them. They came out kinda dry, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the gravy.

Coconut Pancakes w/ Pineapple sauce: I make these when people tell me they like pancakes. They are usually impressed with them. I like adding some almond or hazelnut extract to the batter because I think it adds a nice dimension.

Banana Pecan pancakes: These come out fluffy, banana-y and downright delicious. I was craving banana bread, but didn't want to wait an hour to that shit to cook so I made these instead. A heavenly midnight, drunken snack! Sometimes, I add whiskey, brandy or rum into the batter because that's how I roll. See also: Amaretto.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip pancakes: These things are so good. I eat them for breakfast when I want to bake cupcakes for breakfast. They are sweet, moist, chocolatey and downright sexy. Serve with a homemade strawberry sauce and your partner will forever be paying you in oral sex.

Ginger Pear Waffles: I think the ginger flavor in these may have slightly overpowered the pear, but I was drunk when I made these so it could have been my fault. I am going to buy a new waffle maker soon, because my waffles always come out rubbery and I want crispy, gigantic belgian waffles.

Pumpkin Waffles: I made these one morning, when I started drinking wine at 10am. I put on Pink Flamingos and made a double batch. Ate these every morning for the rest of the week. They're great with a root beer reduction syrup and carmelized bananas

Hazelnut Scones: I have made these a few times. A bit labor intensive, due to having to brew your own hazelnut coffee but worth the extra effort. If you're using fresh nutmeg, less is more because it can overpower the subtle nuttiness of the hazelnuts. Other than that, these are soft and fluffy and perfect with tea!

Glazed Orange Scones: I have made these so many times, and they are just fantastic. They are sticky and gooey on the outside, so they aren't a great transported breakfast. Serve with some piping hot tea. This recipe also tastes great with lemon, lime or grapefruit. Don't be afraid to try them all!

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins: I made these once and they did not come out right for me. I later found out that my oven heats unevenly and have since bought an oven thermometer that has served me well. I haven't made them since, but should really give 'em a try!

Ginger Raisin Bran Muffins: Woo. These definitely taste healthy, but not necessarily in a bad way... and they'll keep you regular. Good recipe

Mocha Chip Muffins: These are so good! I always have to take in any extras to work because I'll eat the whole batch in one day!

The best pumpkin muffins: Truly a great recipe!

Apple Pie Crumbcake Muffins: These are really good, but I double the apple because there isn't enough!

Corn Chowder: Great recipe. It looks like Isa kind of updated this recipe into two separate ones in V-con, but this is a good as it is.

Chipotle, Corn & Black Bean stew: Made this when i had a hankerin' for some chili and it was pretty good. Definitely don't skimp on the lime wedges when you serve it!

White bean & roasted garlic soup: This was a huge hit with everyone except my roommate. She didn't like the texture of it after pureeing the soup. She said it tasted too 'grainy'. I thought the flavors were great, and didn't think it was too garlicky at all!

Fresh Corn Fritters: These definitely fell apart in the pan, but the flavors were pretty good. i think I was expecting more of a thai corn fritter type deal... With some tweaking, I'm sure I could achieve those things I loved so much

Potato-Edamame Samosas with Coconut-Mint Chutney: This is one of those that I always looked at but though "ugh, seems like too much work!" I AM SO FUCKING GLAD I MADE THESE!! A warning to all: coconut chutney is NOT like a salsa, it's very soupy. I have seen recipe reviews of this where people put the chutney down for being more like a sauce. That is how it is supposed to be! So anyway, this recipes is perfect in every way!

Black Bean, Mushroom, and Quinoa-Stuffed Peppers: These are pretty good. A basic recipe, but I agree about needing some more seasoning. I covered them in hot sauce.

Fresh Mango Summer Rolls: Boy oh boy do I HATE cutting mangoes. This recipe is good, but rolling these can be a pain in the butt. It's almost like working with Phyllo dough. The rice papers rip and fall apart. The dipping sauce is fantastic and I can't wait to make variations of this using other ingredients. The fresh mint really makes these, so DO NOT skip that part!

Seitan- and Herb- Stuffed Mushrooms: These are good. Nothing extraordinary, though. This is another one of those Julia Childs-type recipes.

Black-eyed Pea and Quinoa Croquettes with Mushroom Sauce: These were pretty good. I liked the idea of serving croquettes more than I think I actually liked the taste of them. With some tweaking, these could be great. I ended up drowning them in the mushroom sauce.

Cauliflower-Leek Kugel with Almond-Herb Crust: Kugel is such a fancy word for a casserole. So anyway, this is good! I think I ended up adding more seasoning to it.

Falafel: These are good, but are missing SOMETHING. i can't put my finger on it, though

Veggie Burgers: These did not hold their shape, but the taste was good. I used only a drop of liquid smoke and didn't think it overpowered the flavor of anything else.

Tempeh Ruben: THIS SANDWICH IS SO DELICIOUS!! Stop what you are doing and make these! I add avocado, double onion, tomato and pickle. The dressing for this sandwich is my staple thousand island dressing recipe that I'll use for anything. PERFECT!

Tempeh, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwiches: Simple recipe, but realllllllly hits the spot when you want a blt.

Tofu Dill Salad Sandwiches: Isa sure loves her some dill. I wasn't expecting to love this, but was surprised by how much I actually dug this one. I had some extra dill to use up and am sure glad I made this. I now use this recipe whenever I need to use up some fresh dill

Coconut Rice w/ toasted coconut: This didn't turn out well for me, but it could have been totaly my fault. The bottom of it burnt like heck. I am definitely willing to try this again, being extra careful about heat temps and all that, being that I love coconut in any and everything possible.

Mashed Potatoes with Punk Rock Chickpea Gravy: Great recipe! The gravy seems crazy and drawn out, but it's really simple. Don't be afraid to make this, you won't be disappointed.

Maple-Mustard-Glazed Potatoes and String Beans: There isn't enough sauce on this usually, so if you like a lot of sauce, make 1 1/2 or 2 times the sauce when you do this. The flavors are incredible and I can't believe something so simple is so flippin' delicious. I double the onion, because I love carmelized onion!

Sweet potato fries: These are simple and delicious. I like them served with any veggie burger, especially a black bean burger!

Baked Cajun French Fries: I make these when I'm feelin' saucey. I make a homemade creole bbq sauce that I slather on whatever burger I'm eating these with. I also love these with hot dogs!

Balsamic Glazed Portabello mushrooms: Solid recipe. Very basic, but exceedingly delicious. I like to make burgers out of these, slathered in mayo!

garlicky kale with tahini dressing: Fantastic side dish to any Mediterranean meal. Tahini loves garlic, and kale loves this sauce. YUM!

Roasted Applesauce: Roasted apples are pretty much the tastiest thing on earth. This applesauce is great, especially when it starts getting kinda chilly in the fall.

Sauteed Green Beans with Mushrooms: I spice these up with extra red pepper flake, or a serrano, jalapeno of chipotle chile. Otherwise, it's a basic Julia Childs-esque recipe to accompany a stroganoff or 'meat'loaf or whatever.

Sesame Asparagus: My roommate claimed to hate asparagus until I made this dish. Now she buys me asparagus to make this dish for her. This is probably my favorite recipe in the entire book!

Pizza Dough: My go-to recipe! I've even made it whole wheat and it came out great!

Pizza Sauce: Basic, but it works so well. I prefer using freshly roasted tomatoes to make this, but canned are good to if you're in a pinch. Also, it gets better the longer you let it cook. If you have hours to spend (or a crockpot!), let this baby simmer for three hours and then let it rest an hour or two before use. You will not be disappointed

Isa Pizza: The best pizza I have ever made. Roommate will buy all the ingredients we don't have so I can make this for her on my day off.

Classic Pesto: Fantastic! I have not made a better pesto in my life.

Basil Tofu Ricotta: I usually add some extra basil and lemon juice to this, and up the nutritional yeast. After that, it's superb. I put it on everything and eat the leftovers with crackers (or a spoon!)

BBQ Pomegranate tofu: This is worth seeking out some pomegranate molasses! Seriously, this sauce is SO good. I make the bbq sauce for every day use. It's great with broccoli, asparagus and bok choy! YUMMMMMMMM

Horseradish- and Coriander- Crusted Tofu: This is seriously an underrated and underappreciated GEM in this book. Sounds weird, but the horseradish really calms down after being cooked. This is probably the best mock-fish type recipe I've ever made. One of the best recipes in the book!

Seitan: I used to use this recipe all the time, but now go for the simplified version in V-con. The only thing I don't like about this recipe is the lemon zest... it's too overpowering. I usually cut down a LOT on it, or omit it completely.

Jerk Seitan: After falling in love with Jamaican food, I decided to give this a shot. It's pretty good, but I ended up adding some jerk seasoning to it because the flavors didn't come together perfectly. I also added some extra coconut milk to this. I will make this again, but it needs some tweaking, I think.

Cold Udon Noodles with Peanut Sauce and Seitan: This recipe rules! My roommate says she hates peanut sauce, but devoured my leftovers and asked me for the recipe. Recipes makes a lot, so halve it if you're eating alone and don't want too many leftovers.

Ethiopian Seitan and Peppers: This recipe did not work out for me very well. The spices didn't mesh well, and I usually love Ethiopian food.

Chickpea and Spinach curry: This curry is so good! It is a bit labor intensive, but the end result is fantastic! This is a pretty authentic tasting curry, and will impress a lot of indian food lovers!

Brooklyn Pad Thai: Nice adaptation of pad thai, but was a little heavy for my taste. I want to give this another shot and tweek it a little bit.

Maple Walnut cookies: Great chewy cookie to satisfy any maple lover out there.

Pumpkin Oatmeal cookies: These came out huge and puffy for me, but tasted good. They taste better a day or two after baking

Butterly Lemon Cutouts: This is a good recipe, but it needs a touch more lemon flavor, I think. I am still on a mission to find the best damned shortbread recipe out there!

Fig Not-Ins: THESE ARE SO GOOD! They make a rather large version of a non-vegan favorite snack. The filling is good enough to eat with a spoon!

Chocolate Thumbprint cookies: I make these all the time. They keep well, and lend themselves well to any flavor of jam you have on hand!

Banana Split Pudding Brownies: I had a hard time getting these to set right, but once they did... it was amazing! I definitely cooked it a lot longer than it called for. Great flavor!

Macadamia Blondies with Caramel-Maple Topping: These are so good, I can't even believe it. I make them when I'm feeling like a fat ass!

Raspberry-Chocolate Chip Blondie Bars: These are awesome! I've also made them using blueberry, apricot and strawberry and they are all fantastic!

Ginger-Macadamia-Coconut-Carrot Cake: This is a good recipe, but there are better carrot cakes out there. I usually use the ideas/ingredients in this in my favorite carrot cake (from this site!)

Chocolate Rum Pudding Cake: These came out gooey and crazy, and tasted more like brownies but the flavor was great.

Fauxstess cupcakes: These things rule so hard. I love veganized versions of non-vegan snacks. These truly hit the spot

Sweet Potato Pie with Three-Nut Topping: This recipe rules! I think it's spiced very nicely

Gingerbread apple pie: This is a great idea and the spices are spot on, but it could use a bit of tweaking.

Peach Cobbler: This is a good recipe, but I like the cobbler topping out of Joy of Vegan Baking better.

Mexican Chocolate Rice Pudding: This stuff is good. I like to add some ancho chile powder, or a jalapeno or chipotle chile powder for extra umph. Try it with fresh cracked pink peppercorns too!


good thing I have a long weekend coming up!  8-)


Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Pancakes:

-These are good! P doesn't really like pancakes, but he said these are his favorite pancakes, ever. That's pretty good. I did accidentally add another tsp of baking powder, and that might account for the slight dryness. I used blueberry syrup for the maple, and some blueberry on top. They are slightly bitter at first, then sweet and good. They weren't TOO sweet for breakfast, either. Good! I used ww pastry flour.

eta: I want to recommend the extra 1/4 cup of soymilk. I just used a cup, and I think that's why they were slightly dry!


Green Thai Curry:
Totally did not taste like green thai curries I've had, but it was still very good. I made the paste as directed, but had to tweak a bunch of things as I tasted it. I used 3 dried thai chile peppers and it still wasn't spicy enough for me, so I threw in a bunch of the seeds. A little less cumin than called for, doubled the ginger and lemongrass, and added soy sauce when cooking, along with a bunch of veggies. My non-vegan aunt&uncle liked it a lot!


This review's for just the glaze in the Maple-Mustard-Glazed Potatoes and String Beans- The sauce looked yummy, so I just made it and used it on broccoli and kale. SOO good, this turned me on to mustard.

eta: Oh yeah! I forgot to say that I added a bunch of balsamic vinegar to this, because after adding the maple it was a little too sweet, but I think that may be because the mustard I began with seems sweetish to me. But this is good with balsamic too!!



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