Quick question: Veganomicon - Blueberry Brownies
I am working from home today (:D), so I decided that I would use this opportunity to finally try out the Fudgy Wudgy Blueberry Brownies (p.243). I quickly read through the ingredients & instructions to make sure I have everything I need. I do. In the directions, it says that after melting the chocolate chips, "combine the applesauce, blueberry spreadable fruit, soy milk..." yadda yadda. However, in the ingredients list, there is no applesauce to be found. What??
Has anyone made these? I feel like I'm going crazy or just making a stupid mistake & overlooking it... I have found a lot of typos in VWAV & VCTOTW, but I've usually been able to figure out what they mean. Here, I have no idea because both applesauce & canola oil are used (not an applesauce sub or anything like that)... :-\ What should I do?
I have no idea to tell you the truth, but I suggest you check the threads at the ppk to be sure.
Thanks! I was already on my way there! ;) I wanted to check here, too, because I am almost positive that some people have mentioned how delicious they were... So I thought maybe someone had already solved the problem & could answer. Hopefully I find the answer because now I am determined to make these...
Fudgy Wudgy Blueberry Brownies p 243
There is no applesauce in the recipe. The directions tell you to add it, just ignore that. Although people have added 1/4 cup applesauce and it's come out fine.
I solved the mystery!
::sigh:: I should have just consulted The PPK first... ::) Thanks for the advice!
From their book typos thread:
>>Fudgy Wudgy Blueberry Brownies p 243
There is no applesauce in the recipe. The directions tell you to add it, just ignore that. Although people have added 1/4 cup applesauce and it's come out fine.<<
I'm lame! Thanks, anyway! Mystery solved!
Oh, jeez. Thanks, violin!
I KNOW! I thought I was losing my mind. I used 1/2 cup applesauce and they came out perfect. Everyone was impressed by these, even my very picky omnivore best friend who does not like anything new, never EVER!
I KNOW! I thought I was losing my mind. I used 1/2 cup applesauce and they came out perfect. Everyone was impressed by these, even my very picky omnivore best friend who does not like anything new, never EVER!
I am eating a brownie right now, topped with a sliced frozen banana. I think I might actually try adding 1/4 - 1/2 c. applesauce next time because these are pretty good, but not great... Maybe I'm too picky? But some posters on The PPK forum said the same thing as you, and it sounds like the recipe testers originally received a version of this recipe including applesauce that they loved! And P.S. How the heck does a person become a taste tester for Isa & Terry?! I missed that memo... :'( :P
My brownie is pretty good... It's not actually super "fudgy wudgy," but that probably won't stop be from stuffing my face with them. ::)