Re: The Uncheese Cookbook
Posted by jenniferhughes on Oct 24, 2007 · Member since Aug 2006 · 1828 posts
If you like NY A LOT then I think you'll love them.
I found the centers of mine didn't soildfy. I'd half the recipes and make them smaller (or in a larger shallow pan) if I did it again.
I'd test out some of the sauces etc. before you move on the the molded cheeses.
The recipes that I like from her book I really like. The recipes I don't... well... ew. But I'm not a huge NY fan... so that could be it.
Advice: If she says to use a specfic thing, use exactly that thing. Makes a huge difference.
If I were trying to make a log type of deal with this, I would probably shape it as is (without thickeners) and then roll it in chopped nuts. If you are careful & gentle with your handling, I think this would work.
I am not sure how it would be to try to thicken this, as I wouldn't recommend heating it or altering it. I've made this many times, and it is really good as is. (Unlike many of the other recipes in Vegan Vittles, which I have had to alter to taste)
But, that's just me! :)
I made the Crock Cheez with Rabidchild's help
I did the smoked variation, and I used roasted cashew butter, because I didn't have raw on hand. It was really good. It also gets better with age (tastes less and less tofu-y as the days go by). Anyone ever tried the Chick Cheez?
I think I also made the Spinach-Tofu Manicotti a long time ago. I recall it being good.
I made the block of cheddar cheez from a tutorial I found on YouTube. The guy was using the Uncheese book. It was really good and very easy. My sig other was very impressed.
I also found this website where the recipes seem suspiciously similar to the one I made for cheddar, here: I've never seen a copy of the Uncheese book but I wouldn't mind getting my hands on it.
I made the Cheez Please Soup on pg 74 of the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook. We were very happy with it. It was even much better the next day!
There are several options to choose from in making this soup, I chose to make it with the (canned) White Beans, instead of the silken tofu. I used 1 cup soy milk, and 2 cups of vegan "chicken" flavored bullion in place of stock. I used the olive oil instead of Earth Balance Margarine. The recipe calls for one half to one cup of nutritional yeast, I used only half a cup, and that was plenty. I think any more would be too much!
I finally got The Ultimate after a long time of wanting it. I've been making the unprocessed cheese sauce about 1-2 times a week, I totally love it!!!
I've been eating it as mac and cheese, or just adding steamed brocolli...I always end up licking it up with my fingers. I have been eyeing the crock cheese, the mozzarella, and the blintzes dessert things, I need to get a food processor, I just have a blender and so I don't think I could make the parma. yet.
I love this cookbook and can't wait to try some of the cheese molds, I am a huge NY person so I think I'll like them.
The cheese log idea sounds yummy!
Babysgotsauce: Which options have you chosen when making the Unprocessed Cheez Sauce? Since you made it several times, were you happier with some results than others? Did you use tofu or beans? I haven't made any of the recipes that call for miso, so I'm wondering what kind of miso you used? A tub of miso is kind of expensive, I'd like to be sure it'll make good cheez.
I like it both ways, the tofu makes it cremier so if you can eat soy i would go with that, (my daughter is allergic so I've made it with beans too, which is still very good, although she doesn't really like it.) I use chickpea miso, its yellowish/mild (I think thats the only way chickpea miso comes, but not totally sure.) It came in a refridgerated jar and was around 5.99-6.99, so yes kind of expensive...but I've had it for at least 5 months and theres still more than half left.
Either way, LR, I would totally recommend it!
Oh, and I've also subbed a little onion powder when I was out of onions, and haven't ever done the veggies measued out and it has always been very forgiving.
I've found that all of the cheeses taste too lemony and I've had to cut back on the lemon. I love lemons--just apparently not in my cheese.
I've found that all of the cheeses taste too lemony and I've had to cut back on the lemon. I love lemons--just apparently not in my cheese.
I love lemon, too, but unless it's "lemon tofu" or "lemon squares" (something that is supposed to be lemon-flavored), I also always cut back on it in recipes. When a cheese recipe calls for 2 Tbsp, I usually use about 2 tsp., otherwise it's too much!
I've tried a couple recipes from this book so far and have really liked them both.
The Buffalo Mostarella is AWESOME tasting! I make it with a few drops of liquid smoke in there. The only problem is that it's supposed to be a block cheez but mine stays goopy. Could that be because I'm using cornstarch and the other thickeners work better? Anyway, I love this on pizza, in the Southwest Sweet Potato and Chickpea Delight recipe (vegweb), and am going to try it on quesadillas today.
I made the Chedda Cheez variation of the Colby Cheez too. This is really good and it actually set up into a slice-able block! My only complaint is too much tahini flavor in it, that could be because I used lime juice instead of lemon and didn't put in the recommended amount. It's still delicious. It's so cool to make my own too!
I made the Chickpea Havarti Spread and the Onion Soup with Gruyere from the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook, 10th Anniversary Edition today. They are both very good! Even my omnivore DH thinks so.
Yesterday I whipped up the block Pepperjack Cheez variation of the Monterrey jack cheez and it is AWESOME! Making the block cheezes is so cool ;)b
I finally made the Buffalo Mozza, it was a good texture, not goopey. I used it in making breaded/fryed mozza sticks, which were yummy, next time I would slice the Mozza. thinner before breading though. I wouldn't eat the mozza. on its own, but it was also good combined with hotsauce and vegannaise as a nacho topping. (But not as good a the Unprocessed Cheese Sauce, (yes, I am still obsessed.) I would like to try it w/ liquid smoke as well.
Next goals the crock cheese, the blintzes, and another block cheese
I finally made the Buffalo Mozza, it was a good texture, not goopey. I used it in making breaded/fryed mozza sticks, which were yummy, next time I would slice the Mozza. thinner before breading though. I wouldn't eat the mozza. on its own, but it was also good combined with hotsauce and vegannaise as a nacho topping. (But not as good a the Unprocessed Cheese Sauce, (yes, I am still obsessed.) I would like to try it w/ liquid smoke as well.
Next goals the crock cheese, the blintzes, and another block cheese
How did you get your mostarella to set up?! I've made this twice now (with the liquid smoke in it and made with soy milk), but mine remains "goopey".
huh... when i made the mostarella, it came out really... unappetizing and goopy. Too much nooch or something. I've noticed certain brands of nutritional yeast are much stronger... probably more B vitamins added :/
i always feel cool making block cheezes too, berryraw. it's like: take that, packaged vegan cheese!
huh... when i made the mostarella, it came out really... unappetizing and goopy. Too much nooch or something. I've noticed certain brands of nutritional yeast are much stronger... probably more B vitamins added :/
i always feel cool making block cheezes too, berryraw. it's like: take that, packaged vegan cheese!
Thanks fb:) I didn't even think of that! I thought it might be my oats or cornstarch or something.
I know, the packaged cheez is SO expensive. Making a block every so often is definitely saving me money, even though some of the ingredients are not exactly cheap to get so you can get started.
I want to try the almond cream cheez recipe in here next!
BR, and FB, I read BR's post about the goopey-ness and added more nootch and oats, just eyebaling it, maybe an extra tbls of each? Lets see, I used rice milk, (doubt that matters,) and kept stirring it on the stove until it was really thick, (like a big batch of paste,) then I put it in a kinda shallow container, (probably .5 times wider than an Earth balance container) and let it set in the fridge without the top on until it was totally solid, (for at least three hours I think.)) I didn't add liquid smoke. I feel like it was a combo of adding the extra dry stuff, cooking it for a long time, until pastey, and letting it set without the lid for so long. I wider dish probably helped, more area for it to spread out in.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the mostarella tips! I'm going to try your suggestions next time I make that recipe. Awesomeness ;)b
I made the Chick Cheez (smoked variation) to share with my family for holidays, and it was enjoyed by all. Of course, it's not as smooth as the tofu Crock Cheez; I had to add a tablespoon of water to moisten it up a bit. As far as I can recall, though, the flavor is pretty much the same as the tofu kind--a really good sharp flavor. The color is not particularly beautiful, but it's easy to get past that when you taste it. Definitely make it at least a day before serving; the flavor gets better as it ages.
I made the Pizza Fondue, which is pleasantly cheezy and not super strongly flavored... which I like. That way it's hard not to like. I used ketchup instead of tomato paste, and used less onion powder (about 2/3 of what was called for), and used flour for the flour/oats option. It gets a lot thicker once refrigerated, so we're just using it as a spread for crackers rather than fondue.