VWAV or veganomicon?
Posted by LucidAnne on Nov 26, 2007 · Member since Jun 2006 · 1564 posts
okay, so looking at the other threads discussing isa's books...what is your favorite?
im looking for something that doesnt have a ton of ingredients, esp if they are hard to find, and doesnt take forever to prep.... it seems that many of you have not been too inspired by VWAV. so what do you prefer?
or are there other fave vegan cookbooks that are staples in your kitchen?
'Nomicon. Hands down. You should make this a poll!
fabulous idea dinkers, but i dont know how to change it now.... :-\
A lot of Veganomicon recipes seem to take a while to prepare, but sometimes that's inactive cooking/baking. It seems like VWAV has shorter recipes.
I've owned VWAV for a while now and haven't found anything in it that sounds good. I vote for Veganomicon - I've already made something from it. And there're more recipes.
I prefer Veganomicon simply because it has a better selection of recipes that I like (or think that I will like).
I felt like I got more for my moneny from V-con than VWAV.
If you figure out how to add a poll, include options on how we'll shorten Veganomicon
So far we have:
I've been diligently typing out the whole word, but that can't last - it's just toooo long.
I have VWAV but my fave cookbook by far is Eat, Drink & Be Vegan by Dreena Burton. I also have Dreena's Vive Le Vegan and Sarah Kramer's How it All Vegan, but ED&BV totally rocks my world. Check it out!! ;)
Also, in regards to VWAV - I've only made a few things from it - they've been really good, but the recipes in general are so...complicated. Like, sooo many ingredients, sooo many steps, etc. I consider myself a good cook who normally isn't scared off by ingredients/steps etc., but I do have my limits. I pick VWAV up often to flip through but then I'm always like, meh, too much work...!
Also, in regards to VWAV - I've only made a few things from it - they've been really good, but the recipes in general are so...complicated. Like, sooo many ingredients, sooo many steps, etc. I consider myself a good cook who normally isn't scared off by ingredients/steps etc., but I do have my limits. I pick VWAV up often to flip through but then I'm always like, meh, too much work...!
thats what im worried about...i have enough "inspirational" cookbooks, but i want some w/ recipes that i can actually *follow* and not have to substitute, omit, change, etc if i dont want to think.
oh, and they have to be tasty too!!
Also, in regards to VWAV - I've only made a few things from it - they've been really good, but the recipes in general are so...complicated. Like, sooo many ingredients, sooo many steps, etc. I consider myself a good cook who normally isn't scared off by ingredients/steps etc., but I do have my limits. I pick VWAV up often to flip through but then I'm always like, meh, too much work...!
Ditto! I've said it before & I'll say it again, I adore VWAV for its baked goods (and inspiration, humor, wit, etc.), but I think it's very overrated regarding the other recipes--especially main courses. It will always be dear to my heart because it was my first vegan cookbook & what truly made me realize that vegan cooking (heck, all cooking) is fun, exciting & delicious... But I think most of those recipes are way too much work, especially when I'm not "wow'd" by the end result.
'Nomicon all the way! I am obsessed with this book... So much that it should probably get a restraining order. I am addicted to it. :D
i want some w/ recipes that i can actually *follow* and not have to substitute, omit, change, etc if i dont want to think.
Have you ever taken a look at Donna Klein's The Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen? It also has normal ingredient food. (although you have to like capers)
Good to know that so many of you prefer Veganomicon. It's such a pain to have to buy special ingredients. I think I am going to ask for that one for Christmas.
Good to know that so many of you prefer Veganomicon. It's such a pain to have to buy special ingredients. I think I am going to ask for that one for Christmas.
Off-topic, but I think your hat is so adorable, Kate! Did you knit that?! :o I'd totally buy one from you...
Thanks so much, Jessacita!
I did make it, though I have to credit Ysolda (http://ysolda.com/wordpress/) with the pattern.
So I can't make you that exact one (copyrights and whatnot), but something similar of my own creation, perhaps....
email me about it! kah63 at cornell dot edu.
Hey everyone - be sure to put your Cookbook reviews in the Product Review section so that LA can choose the best one. Product Reviews are SUPER important in the Holiday season!!! :)
thats right dink...
but y'know, it helps to have a mother who works at a bookstore...that way, i can get my hands on virtually any book, copy the recipes and bring it right back!! ::) teehee.
Wait - I thought that's what the library was for....my library has 5 racks of cookbooks! insane!
I don't know which I prefer. I've only made 10 or so recipes from v-con but have made over half of the recipes in VWAV. I have staple favorites from VWAV but Vcon is much more organized and has a wider array of recipes to choose from!
Hey everyone - be sure to put your Cookbook reviews in the Product Review section so that LA can choose the best one. Product Reviews are SUPER important in the Holiday season!!! :)
I'd feel like a bit of a fraud. My library has a lot of vegan cookbooks. (I live in a conservative, meat-eating area so I'm not sure why.) BUT, I check them out and almost have them memorized. I think by spending so much time reviewing the recipes it almost feels like I've made something. I could review the best cookbooks for pseudo-cooking.
Thanks so much, Jessacita!
I did make it, though I have to credit Ysolda (http://ysolda.com/wordpress/) with the pattern.
Kissmekate, I just wanted to say Thanks! for that awesome knitting link. Those patterns are beautiful and I am definitely going to try to to whip up one of those cute hats! Yay1