VWAV Tempeh Bacon recipe
Posted by bookmama on Mar 14, 2008 · Member since Oct 2006 · 1190 posts
I don't own VWAV but I have heard amazing things about the tempeh bacon in it. Could someone please post the recipe. I'd like to make some tomorrow. Thanks!
EDIT: Or is it tempeh sausage? I can't remember. I'm really looking for a "bacon" recipe if anyone has a good one.
I love that tempeh bacon, I am not sure what the "rules" are about posting the recipe, but it is a bit of tomato paste, apple cider (not the vinegar) tamari and garlic. I like to add a little maple syrup, but then they tend to burn before they can crisp up.
The sausage crumbles are delish, but not very bacony, and the recipe is public on the ppk, here is the link
there was a link for the bacon, but the recipe was blank
Tempeh Bacon and Tempeh Sausage Crumbles (both out of VWAV) are excellent! I'm at work, so I don't have the recipe or I would message it to you.
I love that tempeh bacon, I am not sure what the "rules" are about posting the recipe, but it is a bit of tomato paste, apple cider (not the vinegar) tamari and garlic. I like to add a little maple syrup, but then they tend to burn before they can crisp up.
The sausage crumbles are delish, but not very bacony, and the recipe is public on the ppk, here is the link
there was a link for the bacon, but the recipe was blank
Yeah, I saw the blank recipe link. Weird. I have found a recipe in Vegan Vittles so I might try that one.
I make tempeh bacon by slicing the tempeh across the width (short pieces so they don't stick and fall apart), steaming it, marinating in some sesame oil, tomato paste, maple syrup, braggs, liquid smoke, and garlic for a few hours. Then I either grill over low heat on a counter-top grill or bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 350* flipping halfway through cooking. I don't have VWAV, so I can't help you there!
that is pretty much the recipe in VWAV
Recipe, courtesy of Google Books. I've been meaning to try this, but then I learned about yuba bacon and I want to try that.