which cookbook should i buy?
Posted by lotus42 on Dec 11, 2008 · Member since Mar 2007 · 3081 posts
My sister gave me a barnes and noble gift card and i'm looking at cookbooks. I have vctotw and i'm looking at veganomicon and vegan with a vengance. I don't know which to get. I'd love opinion from those of you who have these books.
I have the garden of vegan, though, i admit, i havent looked at it more than twice, but it seems pretty rad. The chicks at my HFS raved about it, i should break that back out
veganomicon seems (to me) to have fancier recipes. it also has repeats of vwav recipes, so maybe get vcon. or both so you can be a super vegan.
I just bought Veganomicon two days ago after browsing around Amazon reading various reviews. Haven't made anything from it yet but I've skimmed through it and it looks like a good buy. In addition to the recipes there's lots of crucial info and useful tips about various tools, techniques and ingredients, which is very cool if you're just starting out your culinary journey (like myself). Not just a cookbook but a mini-encyclopedia of sorts! :O
I looked at VWAV also, but Veganomicon won out. More recipes, more current, better layout and design. Plus that awesome title!
if you like baking then get joy of vegan baking. it's awesome - and then we will be cookbook twins cus those are the three that i have! ;)b
I have Veganomicon. It's an attractive book but I haven't cooked much from it. I use Joy of Vegan baking way more. It has batter splatter stains and pencil notes.
I have both VWAV and Veganomicon. I like both. Each have their share of tasty recipes. I'd go with Veganomicon first, I think. It's probably more well-rounded and informative.
I would go with veganomicon over vwav. I also recommend Vegan Planet, I borrowed it from the library a bunch of times before I bought it and I have made so many recipes from it. I have only made a couple from vwav and veganomicon. I love cookbooks :)>>>
I'm actually pretty disappointed with Veganomicon. I've had to change all the recipes. Did you check out the cookbooks page? There are a bunch of veganomicon recipe reviews on there. My favorite cookbooks are Mediterranean Vegan, and Joy of Vegan Baking.
I've had VWAV longer but I use V'con a whole lot more. To me, the recipes in VWAV are too complicated and time-intensive for the most part. V'con has a little of everything and I've loved almost everything I've made.
My favorite cookbooks are probably V'con and Dreena Burton's Eat, Drink & Be Vegan. I also really like Sarah Kramer/Tanya Bernard's How it All Vegan.
I have many vegan cookbooks, but honestly I end up using recipes off vw more than cookbook recipes. If you haven't read The china study or The Food Revolution, get one of them!
I get my recipes from online. I rely heavily on the comment section. I say buy something like Diet for a New America or The Food Revolution (both by John Robbins), The China Study (by T. Colin Campbell), or Farm Sanctuary (by Gene Baur).
Thanks for all the input. I do usually get most of my recipes from vw, but I really like vctotw, so I thought I'd look into the other two. I don't really like to buy books...I'm more of a library girl.
if you like baking then get joy of vegan baking. it's awesome - and then we will be cookbook twins cus those are the three that i have! ;)b
Oh, I'm absolutely getting that one. I don't think I mentioned it in my original question. I have enough money to get JVB and either veganomicon or vwav. It's looking like I'm gonna go with veganomicon.
I love VCTOTW and JOVB, I also like VWAV and I have Veganomican but haven't yet used it. I have a few more I bought but haven't looked at yet so I'm curious of the reviews. And I regularly try well reviewed recipes from VW :)
everything i've made from vcon has been good, but i haven't made too too much from there. on the other hand, i don't even have vwav.
my client just gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble too!! Now I need to figure out what I'm gonna buy!!!
Ok, I just bought The Joy of Vegan Baking and Veganomicon. They both look pretty sweet. I can't wait until I have time to cook again! Thanks for all your input guys!
I know these are really old, but I work from them a lot: AMERICAN WHOLEFOODS CUISE by Goldbeck & the VEGETARIAN TIMES COOKBOOK. The editions I have were published back in 1983-84.
Otherwise I just veggetize recipes I already have from other sources
So now you've got me curious - What's in these newer cookbooks (Vegenomicon, etc) that isn't available in the ones I already have?
I like Vcon better than VWAV but I also found things I like in Yellow Rose Recipes