\*\Club Contraceptives/*/ Rants/Reviews/Etc. on safe-sex methods
Hiya, Vegwebbers!
With the helpful backing/suggesting from the Diva Club, I made this thread as a place where we can all discuss various modes of birth control and/or safe sex. Even as an animal-rights kinda place, I know lots of us are concerned about cruelty-free and/or natural lifestyles...So if you're not a fan of cow-exploiting, skin-scorching latex rubbers, or of the way hormonal b/c pills screw with your body and mind, HERE is where we can all help each other.
This can be a place for advice or general information on various methods/devices...like If you want to know what hormones in your pills are doing what, and how that will affect you, etc.; or if you want to know about materials used in different kinds of condoms (and which aren't vegan!); or just how effective such methods are statistically...HERE is where you can tell what you know, or find other reference sources. HERE we can help each other learn what works best for each of us in regards to our own needs/situation.
Sound fun? HELLS YES.
Female Condoms
Dental Dams
Nuva Rings
Herbal Solutions
...and other Good Resources for many/all of the above methods
Feel free to suggest important links or resources,
and I'll add them to this post as a sort of reference library.
let's go!
We used the "withdrawal method" for years with success, although I don't recommend it to couples who don't plan to be together forever....or I guess I mean who wouldn't mind accidentally getting pregnant.
Our 2 pregnancies were actually planned!
My dh recently got a vasectomy (thank gods!!!!) so I will not have to worry about anything anymore. His sample came back clean too, so we are good to go! If only we had time, and a bed to ourselves ^-^
I dont seem FAM up there! Thats what I use now in addition to condoms. I used to use the patch, and then swtiched to the nuva ring, and it was alright... until i got the worst yeast infection of my life!! now i'm off hormonal birth control and the detox symptoms are AWFUL! i have NEVER had pimples before and now i have acne on my face, chest and back. i am never going on hbc again. it was so expensive, it dried me out, when i forgot to take it, it really fucked me up, and now that i stopped taking it, things have gotten worse! But i read that after 2 years, your body finally readjusts and goes back to normal. so. i have one more year to go. but now I use FAM and i LOVE it. i initially thought that my bf wouldnt like it because it encourages you to not have sex right before and during ovulation. but we do other things, and he loves it! he likes that my "faucet" turned back on after stopping hbc, he reminds me to take my temp in the morning. It's something that we can do together. On HBC, I was the one in charge of making sure we didnt have any babies. But with FAM both of us are in charge, he supplies condoms (on FAM you dont have to use condoms, but we do, incase I'm wrong and I use FAM incase it breaks, but to be safe) and i take the temps, check the fluidzzz. All you have to do with FAM is take your temp daily and check your cervical fluid. you can even do it by checking your undies. the more semen like fluid, the closer you are to ovulation. it's really very simple, it makes sense, its cheap. but its certainly not for everyone. you have to have a routine going, and if thats not your style, well, it might not work. but ANYWAYS. yes. fam is great. loooove it.
OH! i just noticed that cycle observation/timing was up there on the list. DUH! thats like FAM, but just so yall know, this isnt the rhythm method. the rhythm method is based on average cycles, not every months cycle is the same, sometimes theyre different, so its important to recognize the symptoms especially during those months where your cycle is not regular because of stress or something else.
yup, and spanking it. ;)b
you can even spank it with other people. very safe on the range of "safe ---- not safe" behaviors
ah, well sure, I'd agree there, as far as the effectiveness and safety factor.
and I totally DIG self-pleasure. ;)b
but of course....sexually mature animals will be sexually mature animals. So for those who are gonna screw like rabbits, we can find other ways to make sure they don't reproduce like rabbits.
kelsi, yeah, I just stopped taking the pill in June....zits everywhere, WTF!? And I'm stuck with crazy-heavy periods, at least for a while. stupid, expensive things...
I was thinking that I'd like to get into doing something FAM-style along with herbs as needed. I'm very sensitive to latex condoms, and the polyurethane ones don't, uh...fit...my boy. I'm interested in the female condom, too, but those are pretty expensive, so I might save those for ovulation-time only. Right now, we're relying on withdrawal, but that's not *quite* as reliable as I'd like, ya?
What a great topic!!
DH and I have been using the "withdrawl method" since last October/November since I went off of HBC's. No scares yet, but its messy and I don't like that part of it. Can HBC withdrawl really be the cause of getting acne in odd places?? :o
The HBC's gave me chronic yeast infections, no sex drive, wacky periods, and just overall moodiness. My periods are still not back to normal, hence all the GYN issues I've been dealing with lately (ref: menstruation thread).
After my D&C, I'm planning on trying Mirena. Anyone have any input/experience with it?
carrot wench, on fam, its actually not necessary to use condoms at all. if you're interested in it, get a copy of "taking charge of your fertility" its AWESOME. it goes over everything in detail. if condoms wont work for you, you can abstain from intercourse during those iffy times and do other things, or splurge on female condoms becuase you'll only need them for about 5-10 days out of a month. i dont know how often you do it though. so it might be costly. but i would definitely get a copy of the book if you're interested.
I had problems with the hormonal pil - I tried several and had side effects to all that I tried - headaches, mood swings, nausea to name just a few - and the side effects were bad enough for me to decide I didn't want to use them anymore (plus I split from my then long term boyfriend).
After stopping the pill, my periods never got back to how they were beforehand. Before the pill I knew exactly when my period was going to come - exactly 28day cycle and it would always start around half ten - eleven o'clock on a Thursday evening! Not now though - I can only tell because I'll get a tummyache the day beforehand, but it's not really that regular.
Oh yeah - and regards to acne - I never had a problem when stopping the pill!
When I met my current tboyfriend we used condoms for a while until I had an IUD inserted a few years ago - as emergency contraception and because I didn't want to go back on the pill. Oh my god it was so so so painful when it was inserted. I remember having to ride my motorbike home after the insertion and I had to stop twice to puke as the pain was so bad! I also had to miss uni the following morning coz I was still in pain! However, after that I've had no real problems since. I know that loads of people say that their periods get heavier after having an IUD inserted, but I never found this to be the case.
It's due for removal soon and I think we'll probably go onto the faertily awareness type of thing. I don't know if we'll be especially careful though as I think it's got to the stage where my bf is desperate to have kids and I wouldn't be averse either! That sounds kind of blase now I've written it down, but it has been discussed a lot and thought through too.
Anyway, not sure if my super long post is useful to anyone or not, but there it is!!
I have the mirena right now. The first 6-8 months wasn't fun. First 3 months I was adjusting to it mood wise, then the following months, though my mood seemed to have stabilized, my body went through hell. Hair fell out, my body behaved as though it was being poisoned, so it wasn't letting my bowels absorb food, so I lost weight, and though my body acne is all but gone, I still have issues with scalp acne. I've never had hbc, before this, I was a big fan of the Copper T, but I was having horrid physical pms symptoms involving 10 week cycles with 4+ weeks of PMS including breasts growing 3 cup sizes. Now my cycle isn't any more regular, but I can at least walk and wear shirts without being in uncontrollable pain.
Virginity has been pretty fail proof for me. Lesbianism is also sure fire way to not get pregnant (without help).
You ladies are scaring me. I went off HBC um...yesterday. I'm already worried about finding other contraception, having periods without it (that's why I started using it in the first place) and figuring out how to use my diva cup, and on top of all that I'm going to get really bad acne? :-\
The worst side effect I had with the pill was the moodiness, but I've experienced most of the other ones that have been mentioned to some degree. I'm hoping that the combination of being older and eating healthier will have helped my periods get better so I won't need to go back on HBC.
I'd be interested in using a copper IUD but I don't think I could handle heavier periods. I'll probably look into getting a diaphragm if I decide to stay off HBC (maybe along with FAM, to be on the safer side). For the short term, probably condoms. I'm married now, and I guess we're planning on having kids, but not yet.
Virginity has been pretty fail proof for me. Lesbianism is also sure fire way to not get pregnant (without help).
:-D I LOVE it!! If only I had held on to that virginity thing longer than I had. And I've already told DH if things don't work out for us I'll be making the switch to the other team permanent. ^-^
yup, and spanking it. ;)b
you can even spank it with other people. very safe on the range of "safe ---- not safe" behaviors
ah, well sure, I'd agree there, as far as the effectiveness and safety factor.
and I totally DIG self-pleasure. ;)b
but of course....sexually mature animals will be sexually mature animals. So for those who are gonna screw like rabbits, we can find other ways to make sure they don't reproduce like rabbits.
kelsi, yeah, I just stopped taking the pill in June....zits everywhere, WTF!? And I'm stuck with crazy-heavy periods, at least for a while. stupid, expensive things...
I was thinking that I'd like to get into doing something FAM-style along with herbs as needed. I'm very sensitive to latex condoms, and the polyurethane ones don't, uh...fit...my boy. I'm interested in the female condom, too, but those are pretty expensive, so I might save those for ovulation-time only. Right now, we're relying on withdrawal, but that's not *quite* as reliable as I'd like, ya?
I've heard that female condoms have a lower, er, "success" rate for whatever reason (I guess something tight-fitting on the guy's doodad is better than something loose)
Yeah. That's right. I said "doodad."
You ladies are scaring me. I went off HBC um...yesterday. I'm already worried about finding other contraception, having periods without it (that's why I started using it in the first place) and figuring out how to use my diva cup, and on top of all that I'm going to get really bad acne? :-\
The worst side effect I had with the pill was the moodiness, but I've experienced most of the other ones that have been mentioned to some degree. I'm hoping that the combination of being older and eating healthier will have helped my periods get better so I won't need to go back on HBC.
I'd be interested in using a copper IUD but I don't think I could handle heavier periods. I'll probably look into getting a diaphragm if I decide to stay off HBC (maybe along with FAM, to be on the safer side). For the short term, probably condoms. I'm married now, and I guess we're planning on having kids, but not yet.
Don't worry, I don't think the acne is a guaranteed result...Just like when you start on HBC, your body can go through certain adjustments, you might gain weight, your skin might get clearer, you might add a cup size, etc., but it's different for everybody.
I've heard that female condoms have a lower, er, "success" rate for whatever reason (I guess something tight-fitting on the guy's doodad is better than something loose)
Yeah. That's right. I said "doodad."
hrrmmm....I've read a lot about them online, and from what those sources tell me, the FC is just as effective as male condoms in terms of durability of material, etc., but it's overall effectiveness is something like 95% instead of 99%. I also read somewhere that it can be even better at preventing the spread of certain STDs because the end is supposed to extend out and cover the labia, too.
Of course, the extra material is looser, so it can sometimes slip off more easily...but there's a ring on the other end that's supposed to open and keep it up near the cervix. Extreme/rough/active sex can lead to the outer part slipping in and getting all jammed inside the vagina, so if ejaculation happens at that point, it's obviously a risk.
...but I dunno, I keep reading a lot of positive reviews from users..including that the FC actually feels better, too.
I dunno...I really want to give them a try.
heehee, doodad.
You ladies are scaring me. I went off HBC um...yesterday. I'm already worried about finding other contraception, having periods without it (that's why I started using it in the first place) and figuring out how to use my diva cup, and on top of all that I'm going to get really bad acne? :-\
The worst side effect I had with the pill was the moodiness, but I've experienced most of the other ones that have been mentioned to some degree. I'm hoping that the combination of being older and eating healthier will have helped my periods get better so I won't need to go back on HBC.
I'd be interested in using a copper IUD but I don't think I could handle heavier periods. I'll probably look into getting a diaphragm if I decide to stay off HBC (maybe along with FAM, to be on the safer side). For the short term, probably condoms. I'm married now, and I guess we're planning on having kids, but not yet.
Don't worry, I don't think the acne is a guaranteed result...Just like when you start on HBC, your body can go through certain adjustments, you might gain weight, your skin might get clearer, you might add a cup size, etc., but it's different for everybody.
does anyone know of hbc that wont cause weight gain/craziness? i get ridiculously moody when im pms-ing as it is..dont need anymore of that haha
Different pills can have different effects on certain people. One of my friends LOVES her ortho-tricyclen, another friend took it and it made her spot all the time. You might have to try a few to find the best one for you. I've been on 4 different ones, but I thought they all made me moody (not super moody, just sort of "down" more often than usual, it's hard to explain to people who don't know me).
Hope that helps!
ETA: If your moodiness is due to hormone fluctuations the pill might actually even it out, because you get a steady dose for most of the month instead of going up and down like crazy.
I've heard that female condoms have a lower, er, "success" rate for whatever reason (I guess something tight-fitting on the guy's doodad is better than something loose)
Yeah. That's right. I said "doodad."
hrrmmm....I've read a lot about them online, and from what those sources tell me, the FC is just as effective as male condoms in terms of durability of material, etc., but it's overall effectiveness is something like 95% instead of 99%. I also read somewhere that it can be even better at preventing the spread of certain STDs because the end is supposed to extend out and cover the labia, too.
Of course, the extra material is looser, so it can sometimes slip off more easily...but there's a ring on the other end that's supposed to open and keep it up near the cervix. Extreme/rough/active sex can lead to the outer part slipping in and getting all jammed inside the vagina, so if ejaculation happens at that point, it's obviously a risk.
...but I dunno, I keep reading a lot of positive reviews from users..including that the FC actually feels better, too.
I dunno...I really want to give them a try.
heehee, doodad.
Carrot Wench- I think I remember you saying you were in college. A lot of colleges and universities have female condoms available for free. I used one once and it was sort of...noisy! I guess cause it was so baggy. It was a REALLY long time ago though, so I can't give the most accurate review.
Carrot Wench- I think I remember you saying you were in college. A lot of colleges and universities have female condoms available for free. I used one once and it was sort of...noisy! I guess cause it was so baggy. It was a REALLY long time ago though, so I can't give the most accurate review.
Hmm, well, I know that at my current former university, female condoms were not available...and male condoms were definitely not free, at least not from the health clinic.
We did have amazingly low prices at our pharmacy, and I could get a month's worth of Portia (steady-dose HBC) for $20.......and I guess that the Atlanta Planned Parenthood's idea of "reduced cost" birth control (to eligible patients only, with a $50ish pelvic exam by one of their docs) is $23 for a pack. so screw that, ha.
Back to the FC, I have heard about the noise/slight rustling about that it can make...although supposedly, MORE LUBE is supposed to help or eliminate that unpleasant factor. And come on, it's got none of the stink of those latex jobbies! yuk!
/I emphasized that one just for you, bp. ;)b
Anybody ever used a Plan B? I did before, and it was pretty nice.
And I got it free from my reproductive health care center in town. I would suggest anyone who is not on birth control and does NOT want to get pregnant to keep one around.
plan b is what started my year long yeast infection : ( it made me sick for 2 days as well. but i am very sensitive to medicine and i was also on the nuva ring at the time, i just forgot to put it back in for 8 hours after doin it. so it might have been the plan b AND the nuva ring that caused the y.i... but. anyways. yeah. i would only take plan b again in a dire emergency.
We did have amazingly low prices at our pharmacy, and I could get a month's worth of Portia (steady-dose HBC) for $20.......and I guess that the Atlanta Planned Parenthood's idea of "reduced cost" birth control (to eligible patients only, with a $50ish pelvic exam by one of their docs) is $23 for a pack.
Isn't it interesting here in the UK HBC are free on prescription. Other items are all a fixed price of £7.10, but HBC = £0. I;ve never really thought about it, but I wonder why.