Disturbing tattoos...BEWARE
Posted by Allychristine on Oct 19, 2009 · Member since Dec 2007 · 15438 posts
I like to look at tat pictures, and come across some interesting ones...
This one is pretty much almost not even laughable. Quite the piercing, too...
Wow... these are amazing! Haha! This reminds me of a picture I was sent ages ago (and really want to share now) of a guy with piercings in his penis, under the skin, that glowed like fairy lights. I just googled it but couldn't find it again. That was a really weird google search to do.
Do you think that pube beard is like a real beard and and gets crumbs caught in it? That would be awesome because you could have a snack while you were eating!
I think I'm starting to overthink this a tad.
Has anyone ever seen the chick with Fidel Castro tattooed in the same area??
Weird, but totally freakin cool. :-D
Has anyone ever seen the chick with Fidel Castro tattooed in the same area??
Weird, but totally freakin cool. :-D
Haha, I think it would be hilarious if a guy got one of Castro in his area, but Castro would have to be smoking a Cuban cigar, so the dude's junk would have to be tattooed to look like a cigar. Monica Lewinsky would be stoked. Yeah, I took it there.
Seriously, I am overthinking this.
hahahaa!!!!!! phheeew!
Has anyone ever seen the chick with Fidel Castro tattooed in the same area??
Weird, but totally freakin cool. :-D
Haha, I think it would be hilarious if a guy got one of Castro in his area, but Castro would have to be smoking a Cuban cigar, so the dude's junk would have to be tattooed to look like a cigar. Monica Lewinsky would be stoked. Yeah, I took it there.
Seriously, I am overthinking this.
I think YOU should totally be the one to do this! I mean, you got the idea, you got the passion, why not take it to the next level!
Has anyone ever seen the chick with Fidel Castro tattooed in the same area??
Weird, but totally freakin cool. :-D
Probably wasn't a good idea for me to try to google it..
Has anyone ever seen the chick with Fidel Castro tattooed in the same area??
Weird, but totally freakin cool. :-D
Probably wasn't a good idea for me to try to google it..
Oh dear god.
hahaha, this one is funnier, than disturbing (except from the smaller thumbnail, I thought it was going to be Jesus...):
Either it's painted on or there is an artist out there that likes to tattoo their name after tattooing bush.
And I feel like I just ruined the fun... :(
Good point! Still slightly disturbing, though.
No so much creepy as wtf...
Oooooooh my gosh.. That's crazy!
the fact that it's a painting explains why the "tattoo" is so good. hahaha.
The poor kid with the misspelled tattoo
maybe he meant juge as in spiff up. haha (it's kinda pronounced zshuzsh..?) haha
Maybe lol
Curse my curiosity (what has been seen, cannot been unseen).
Yeah... cause that's attractive.