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Sexual Content Discussion :)

Let's carry over from the chit-chat board discussion...

Is it okay to post sexual content on a vegweb/message board? How far is too far?
Is it okay, considering children who use the internet may be able to access it?
Is it okay if what you're describing involves another person who may not want the issue discussed in public?
Is innuendo/sexual references ok in non-sexual topics?

At this point I think established users who were underage when they registered have some kind of amnesty.


First guideline in the Terms and Conditions of Use:

1. Minors
MINORS MAY NOT BECOME REGISTERED USERS. By registering, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old. This Website is not intended for users under the age of 18, and, Inc. does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from users under the age of 18. Such users are expressly prohibited from submitting their personally identifiable information to us, and from using our forums and chat areas. Any information submitted by such users will not knowingly be used, posted, or retained by us.

Which makes Vegweb the best veg forum online. I profusely thank whoever decided upon this rule.


the context of this discussion was when there were only 4 subcategories of the forum, with most things going in the Chit Chat section, including sex-related threads. Some users were upset by the sexual content, or sexual references being made in other threads. Since the reorganization of the forum, there is now a section for those types of threads (here in Do Not Disturb).


Yeah, I remember the original kerfluffle. Curious that it suddenly got bumped. *shrug*


I am stealing "kerfluffle."


What good is having a policy stating you have to be 18 years of age when putting in a birth date is not required?!  

But you can always just lie about your birth date. I know I have.

I really think the whole thing about kids coming across sex stuff on the internet or TV or whatever is just stupid. Why do we treat kids like they're challenged? Naturally they'll be interested in sex stuff and I don't see any harm in them perusing it. If they see something that bothers them, they know what they can do.

Sex is just sex. I'm sure kids already have talked about it. Maybe did a little show n' tell with their friends. It's not a big deal. Why do you think that they will be immediately traumatised if they come across some imagery? In fact, they might even learn some things. Who knows? I deff wouldn't be worried about it if it was my kid.


There are more lurkers than registered users.

Why not let kids be kids and have this site a welcoming site for all ages.  I've been around long enough to know this site wasn't always so blunt and the discussions about our lives didn't have TMI, discussion of which sex toys we preferred, or even the f-bomd dropped like we do now, and I think that's what Yvette the original owner intended.

I would hate for this site to become one that parents don't want their kids to go to and it being on some censored list.  I realize we're human beings and have sex, and I'm guilty of being x-rated in my talk sometimes too, and yes we're all adults, but I'd rather dump it all and keep the site PG 13 and not X-rated.  

Flame retardant suit on.


I appreciate your opinion and appreciate you allowing me to have mine.

Not everyone raises their children the way you do.  Many parents monitor their kids activity carefully while oneline.  Many parents would assume this to be a begnign site and it isn't.  The "Do Not Disturb" forum is visible on the homepage and the adult threads are easy to find from there.  

It's not an issue I'm passionate about, and won't get bent out of shape.  I  go weeks without checking out this forum because I come here for the food discussions, for fellowship, and helping newbies and others with questions.  If others care to share TMI and what kind of viobrator they prefer, I don't really care.   Yes, I have posted to those discussions, but not lately because I've decided I don't like it and I stay away.  I think it distracts from the original intent of this website, but it's not my website and I don't moderate it.  

The reality is that not many kids probably lurk on this site, so the "kids" argument is wek, although many tweens and teens do because they are becoming vegetarian at high rates.  


I absolutely agree; everyone is allowed their opinion.  Everyone should raise their kids as they see fit.  And yes, I was a little wow'd by the broad variation in topics here; I love it, but I certainly get that others don't. It's all good.

Just the same; we can't protect our kids all the time.  I monitor what my kids see, not so much to protect them from it as to discuss it with them. I can't be with my kid 24/7, as much as I'd like to be. So I want to get there first. I want me to be his first source of information about sex, about drugs, about morals and values, age appropriately, of course.  With Viagra spots on TV every five seconds, and Trojan vibrators, and personal lubricant, not to mention the really over the top lingerie ads... well, I have to assume they're soaking these messages up early, and I need to be the one they want to talk to about it.

Again, I mean no disrespect whatsoever.  Just sharing my full two cents now. 


I think there's a problem where we draw the line, though. It's easy to allow anything or allow nothing. But there are things in this section that I don't think are inappropriate for children - like some of us complaining about bra sizing or IUD problems. I think disallowing these things is a bit prudish. But if we say these things are allowed, how do we determine what shouldn't be allowed? Is it just the tone of the thread/comments? Like someone having medical problems "down there" - it's sexually related, may be due to sex, may affect sex, but it has a different tone then "Oh man, I really like those G spot vibrators!".
It's just too blurry to me. I like it better now that there's a separate section, but there's really no way of keeping it secure. I don't know how site blockers work, but if I wanted to block adult content I'd sooner block the forums or DND particularly than a whole cooking site.


When I read your post, Tweety, I complete see what you're saying, and I agree. VegWeb is such a fantastic site that I want everyone to be able to use it, if nothing else, than for the recipes. VegWeb really helped facilitate my transition into veganism, and if I had been 17 when that had happened, would things have worked out differently?

However, VegWeb has become such a community to me. I come here to discuss everything in my life, including things I would never initially associate with veganism, such as running. I used to be on the Runners World blog community, until I saw one too many dead animal pictures (because people were PROUD that they had hunted down an animal and killed it, and thus posed with the carcass--WTF does that have to do with running?). VegWeb is a place where I can discuss my running or my vegan poop, all without being scared that someone is going to talk about eating hamburgers and killing animals. It's a safe community for me in that aspect.

I also see what fb is saying. I don't think it's inappropriate to discuss menstrual cycles or the Diva Cup, as it's perfectly reasonable (and really expected) that a girl will hit puberty before 18. There's some wonderful advice on VW in these aspects. Also, who are we kidding? Kids have sex before they're 18, too. Today's youth are much more advanced in these aspects than most people want to acknowledge. If youth can be introduced to normal discussions about sex in an adult manner, they maybe it will help them to make responsible decisions in their own lives. I am a huge advocate of not hiding things from young adults, from letting them know what the world is like, then arming them with the essential tools to deal with that. Disclaimer: I not not have children, so maybe I am WAY off base on this one.


I think there's a problem where we draw the line, though. It's easy to allow anything or allow nothing. But there are things in this section that I don't think are inappropriate for children - like some of us complaining about bra sizing or IUD problems. I think disallowing these things is a bit prudish. But if we say these things are allowed, how do we determine what shouldn't be allowed? Is it just the tone of the thread/comments? Like someone having medical problems "down there" - it's sexually related, may be due to sex, may affect sex, but it has a different tone then "Oh man, I really like those G spot vibrators!".
It's just too blurry to me. I like it better now that there's a separate section, but there's really no way of keeping it secure. I don't know how site blockers work, but if I wanted to block adult content I'd sooner block the forums or DND particularly than a whole cooking site.

This is where a moderator team comes in handy.  I helped moderate and it's not a free for all with free-speech and we collectively decided what crossed the line.  Mods had a separate forum we could discuss things out of site.  I don't think VegWeb needs to be that strict or heavy handed,  but sometimes wish they would moderate better.

I no longer want to read about persons preferences for vibrators, or TMI, (I think it was the blue funky jacked up pootang that did for me) so I'm kind of glad it's in a separate forum I can just ignore. 


I no longer want to read about persons preferences for vibrators, or TMI, (I think it was the blue funky jacked up pootang that did for me) so I'm kind of glad it's in a separate forum I can just ignore. 

Agreed. I'm glad it's easy to avoid that sort of thing with the sectioned forums. After I learned my lesson...too late.



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