Just another reason why animal testing is cruel and inhumane.......
Another monkey dies at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center (part of Emory University in Atlanta) and all they get fined is $15,000. Best part is....it's actually we the tax payers that paid the fine! Yerkes received $40,000,000 in 2006 from the federal government to run cruel and inhumane tests! Our government pays for these tests...and if you think about it.....whatever fine they get for cruelty violations comes from that money....so how are they really being hurt?
Maybe taking away their funding would be a better fine. >:(
I love this: "Its scientific contributions include new understanding of monkey and chimp behavior"....
Maybe a better way to understand monkey and chimp behavior would be to observe them from afar out in their natural habitat!!!!! One would think that an animal in a cage is not going to "behave" normally.... :-\
Just to note something......they used to kill endangered species....that is until the public found out. :P
Read (and look at the picture).....this is what our tax dollars fund at Emory.....if you have a cat.....this is a hard picture to look at......what if it was your own kitty going through this?! :'(
........ F*cking disgusting..................................................
That's terrible animal testing. I think they should use computers.
This is gross...I'm totally against testing products on animals, and forgive me for being so naive :(, but I was talking to my friend one day and said that I didnt buy products tested on animals and in return was asked "well if they dont test them on animals then how are they suppose to test them to see if its safe?"
...I didn't know how to respond...what do companies do instead of testing on animals??? :-\
"The death was related to incorrectly assembled anesthesia equipment, she added.
The equipment has been relabeled, staff members have been retrained,"
The death was due to incorrectly labeled equipment?!! I mean it's bad enough that they do testing on primates at all, but for a death to occur because of something so incredibly careless and simple as that?! >:(
This is the type of situation where some big animal organizations (I won't name any) will step up and fight for "better standards" in labeling and using equipment when they should be focusing on eradicating every single instance of testing...period. No compromise.
As sad as this makes me, we have to remember that these labs test on thousands of these poor animals (3400 at Yerkes!!!!) every single day...though the death of one is horrible and heartbreaking (especially under the pathetically negligent circumstance as this one)...imagine the pain all the other animals are going through this very second. That is what should be in the news every d*mn day.
...I didn't know how to respond...what do companies do instead of testing on animals??? :-\
I have a suggestion. Any person who hurts an animal...that's who should be used for testing.
im sry.. i didnt veen finish the first sentence cuz my stomach started churning and i almost threw up. thats terrible. poor kitty.. what if that was my baby on there??
This is gross...I'm totally against testing products on animals, and forgive me for being so naive :(, but I what do companies do instead of testing on animals??? :-\
Thanks MD, I'm going to read up on this!
........ F*cking disgusting..................................................
I couldn't agree more. I almost couldn't finish the article I was crying so much about the cat picture.
You'd think people who worked with animals would be a tad more competent in the equipment they use, and how they use it. Check, double check, and triple check - always. It's like the mantra of every researcher. Or should be.
Plus, I, too, think animal testing is unnecessary.
What gets me really angry over this is that my tax money paid for it. >:(