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pro-choice/life and veganism

My friend's boyfriend insists that if you are vegan, you HAVE to be pro-life on the abortion issue. 

I wasn't really sure how to respond.....

What do you make of that?

Dave you brought up some good points.  Most of us by now have made up our minds on the abortion issue.  I do think vegwebbers can discuss it without having feelings hurt and having it go on and on and on. 

Having visited this board since the late 90s I have seen threads go bad, and feeling hurt (although abortion wasn't one of them, I think homecooking meat for pets was one).    Although I did get screamed at for saying something anti-abortion in a thread very similar to this one  by someone who called a pre-birth human a parasite.  Wonder who that was and if they are around.  So I understand your concerns. 

I came back to change "preachy" to frustrated, but you already read it, so I'll let it stand.  I was mainly referring to your multiple entreaties to "move on".  I think we have to allow that not everyone is where you're at with that.  But I apologize for calling you preachy.


All I can say is, people who are pro-choice better not be eating eggs.  >:(

Wouldn't it make more sense to say "I hope the people who are Pro-life aren't eating eggs?" For some reason that makes more sense in my I crazy?

Oh, and for the record, I was not trying to change anyone's mind about abortion. I truly believe we all have the right to believe, eat, drink, copulate, choose, and worship (or not) etc....  any way we like, and that was the point I was trying to make.  I guess I impose my values on my child, but not on anyone else!  Who am I to judge? To each his/her own!!!

Either way, I don't eat eggs. Gross. Moving on....... ;)


Always remember, I'm right and that's all you need to know. 

Well, Tweety's right, I guess there's nothing left to be said.  :)



No HIPPIE! I did not mean that I thought you were imposing your views at all! I was actually referring to MY earlier posts on the topic.....I didn't think you sounded that way at all, and I did sense your sarcasm ;D  Welcome, and keep the posts comin'!!!

It is so funny how so much of what we type on these boards gets lost in translation. I think we need to have a live video conference with everyone!!! :)



Ahhh, i'm so bad, hahah.  I completely missed the part where you were referring to yourself, lol.  But I agree, we do need live conference with everyone.  It would surely make things a lot easier ;D ...although id be real shy to be seen infront of everyone, lol.



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