TOFU - Dangerous byproduct of soy?
Brand new to this fabulous site and my first thoughts are of a book my friend gave me about a year ago regarding diseases, cancers and malfunctions from foods. It is an Australian doctors report (I'm an Aussie ;)b) and it all had justified scientific understanding about tofu and soy from American distributors being harmful because of the high levels of aluminium causes high levels of estrogen in male babies, etc. Also read about it causing large deposits of aluminium in grown women being a cause of breast cancer. This was an informative, exciting but worrying thought as I love my Miso soup and am rather fond of soft tofu.
I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some supportive scientific sites on tofu or something saying that tofu in moderation doesn't/can't cause harm as I hate to argue with my friends but if I serve people my tofu dishes I want a wider understanding on how to defend my food choices. Lots of my more delectable vegetarian recipe in my cook books declare tofu as a major ingredient. Help me convince myself and my peers that tofu can be safe! :-\
too much of anything is bad but soy won't hurt you... just eat it in moderation... animal products lead to breast cancer not tofu... watch this video about a vegan diet in general:
There are at least 50 threads on this site in various boards about the soy, pro and con, idea. Use the search function, read up on it, and make your own informed decision.
There are at least 50 threads on this site in various boards about the soy, pro and con, idea. Use the search function, read up on it, and make your own informed decision.
I did find a few but most were about cooking soy, how to best serve it etc. My request was also about linking something similiar to what I was asking because there were so many to sift through and I don't have all day.
Uh, a simple search for "dangers of soy" yields TONS of results.
You can search as well as we can! Everyone here is a busy person, not just you. We're not here to do your footwork.
Here's another site of interest:
^And look at that! Second link down is about breast cancer! Fancy that.
Thanks, KMK. One can even find tonnes of info about soy via Google, too. Or indeed at your local university extension service, though that may not be impartial (but what is?)
Tofu is so "dangerous" that people in Japan and China have lived on it for like...millenia.
Personally I don't eat it because of my thyroid condition...but I love it and I'm sure that for people with normal health, it's fine.
If a person doesn't like or is unsure of soy, or soy doesn't like them (as in my case), there are sooo many alternatives.
I'm growing "soy breasts" as we speak. :-D
I would caution against looking to far into results from these studies. Casual correlation does not equal causal. Alumminum is not is a good substance to ingest. However, a trace amount found in tofu is not the 'bullet in the gun' causing all the cancer deaths in the US. The majority of cancer in the US nations are due to obesity and tobbaco.
I would caution against looking to far into results from these studies. Casual correlation does not equal causal. Alumminum is not is a good substance to ingest. However, a trace amount found in tofu is not the 'bullet in the gun' causing all the cancer deaths in the US. The majority of cancer in the US nations are due to obesity and tobbaco.
Not to mention the artificial ingredients in everything a lot of people (not VWers of course) eat...and in the soaps, detergents, perfumes etc. on the modern market. Not to mention the quality of the drinking water in many places.
It was a shock to me to discover that the synthetic "musk" fixative used in many perfumes and cosmetics is absorbed through the skin, stored in fatty tissue and has a huge half-life. It's also transferrable to a fetus via the placenta. The way many women around me slather on the makeup, perfume and other products makes me worry for their future health.
I really need to stop reading stuff like this... makes me paranoid (and by extension, drives my family and friends up the WALL)