I want to know about the challenges you face as a vegetarian/vegan
Hi there! I am a researcher interested in the social experiences of being a vegetarian and/or vegan. I would like to invite any vegetarians and/or vegans to participate in my study. All of the information is below.
Survey: We want to know about your experiences as a vegetarian/vegan!
The Brock University Laboratory of Intergroup Processes (http://tinyurl.com/intergroup-lab, Principal Investigator Dr. Gordon Hodson, ilab@brocku.ca) is seeking vegetarian and/or vegan participants to complete a survey examining the challenges that vegetarians/vegans may face (e.g., potential concerns about disclosing vegetarianism; discrimination by others). The study will take about 10 minutes of your time and you can enter a draw to win $50. Go to: https://brocklrc.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_b4okR8W7ECcPAvH OR email ilab@brocku.ca
I can't decide which vegan food to eat because all of them are so delicious.