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Nutrition for vegetarianism

Hi everyone, I've just joined VegWeb and have only been a vegetarian for a couple of months now. 
I feel fine, but my parents aren't thrilled...
So I have been trying to research how this will affect the vitamins etc that I am getting, but am finding it hard to find much information that doesn't concern protien.
Does anyone have information on what they do to make sure they are geeting everything they need within this diet? Thanks! 

 Well I am new too, I am 3 weeks in almost 4 ! I don't know too much but what I do know is to watch your protein which you basically will have a hard time having a protein deficiency. You only need anywhere between 45-50 grams of protien a day depending on your calori count. My 1 serving of spinach has 9 grams, I believe Kale has 13 grams. You'll find protien in beans, tofu etc. Calcium is another thing you need to look out for. Almond milk, coconut milk, etc usually has the same amount of calcium if not more than a glass of cows milk. Vitamin B12  is another one. You can get that from your veggies as well just eating a well balanced diet basically, but what I do reccomend doing is either getting a b12 supplement at the store whether it be GNC or walmart  or a health food store. OR you can buy nutritional yeast it has B vitamins and folic acid. Serving size is 2 heaping tablespoons a day. You top your salads, spaghettis, pizzas any food with it really.  I am sure someone else will have more to add but hopefully that helps a little. 


Hi all.  I've been a vegetarian for basically fifty years now and all I can say to people who are wondering if they are getting enough of this or that for their bodies is simply this - eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, herbal teas and lots of water and you are getting everything your body needs to function and be strong and healthy.  Just consider all of the largest animals that share our beautiful planet with us.....they're almost all vegetarians!  They eat fruits, leaves, bark, grasses and aren't counting calories or taking supplements.  Please - enjoy your new lifestyles, knowing that you are doing good for yourself, future generations of humans, and for the other creatures that share our planet.  And, stop worrying whether you're getting this or that, and definitely stop worrying about what other people think.


Hi all.  I've been a vegetarian for basically fifty years now and all I can say to people who are wondering if they are getting enough of this or that for their bodies is simply this - eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, herbal teas and lots of water and you are getting everything your body needs to function and be strong and healthy.  Just consider all of the largest animals that share our beautiful planet with us.....they're almost all vegetarians!  They eat fruits, leaves, bark, grasses and aren't counting calories or taking supplements.  Please - enjoy your new lifestyles, knowing that you are doing good for yourself, future generations of humans, and for the other creatures that share our planet.  And, stop worrying whether you're getting this or that, and definitely stop worrying about what other people think.


I think Veg Gal hit the spot!  When my childrne were young I was concerned about nutrition but I gave them lots of fruit and veg, they have to have a piece of fruit before desert or no desert! They have never been sick apart from the usual childhood diseases. They never had any nasty stomach bugs that use to go around the school! Now they are the tallest, healthiest boys in their classes! People use to ask " Where do you get your protein from?" The answer is from cereals, green vegetables, nuts and lots of fruit as well as dairy of course. So don`t worry about it and enjoy a healthy diet knowing that you will have less health problems and live longer than meat eaters!


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