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Oh hi!

I thought after years of using the site I'd finally register and introduce myself on the forums.  ;)b  Everything you could ever want to know about me {and more!} is in my profile, but I will mention briefly my vegan/vegetarian history.

I went vegetarian at age 10, after making the connection between the sweet cows I spent time with in the fields {I lived in a farming community} and the dinner my mom put on the table.  Shamefully, it took me 15 years after that to go vegan.  February 18th of this year will be my 2-year "veganniversary", and I will never look back!  I have a 2-year-old vegan toddler, who is wonderful and silly and makes my life very interesting.

Overall, I am a nice person, I don't bite {unless you are made of vegan marshmallows...} and would love to make some new friends. :)  You can check out my profile for things that I like, and a little more about me.

*off to explore the forums*

Hi Bracket,

Welcome aboard!

I'm an Analyst/Programmer too. . . and reasonably good guitarist. . . but not a super hero. Will you ever reveal your true identity?


I suppose your reasonably good guitar skills make up for your lack of superherodom.  As for my secret identity...never!  Then I'd have to stop going out and doing something stupid at 3am.  ;)


Nice to meet you!  Welcome to VegWeb!


hi & welcome :)

always nice to get to know the people behind the screen names!


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