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Roll Call!

Edit.  The following intro is a bit old.  I unfortunately ended my long term relationship after nearly ten years.  Just couldn't be worked out.  I got the house and the dogs and am relatively happy now.  I finished my online RN to BSN program and am a genuine college graduate at the age of 48!!!  Woot!

Edit #2 - I finally reached the ripe old age of 50 and am feeling fabulous!  I always get the "you don't look 50" thing, and I attribute that to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I deleted my Myspace page.  I do have Facebook and love to have vegwebbers for friends. You can private message me and I'll give you my name.  Or you can find me on the vegweb fan page.

Edit #3 - Finally went vegan.  The last couple of years, I've been slowly getting there, replacing household and personal products with vegan items such as vegan soaps, candles, cleaners.  I've bought vegan shoes, belts and wallets.  I'm loving it!  Decided to let my hair go naturally grey instead of coloring it so I don't get the "you don't look 50" thing as much anymore.  LOL  I now have a desk job in the admit-transfer center and hate it hate it hate.  I just can't be stuck behind a desk, and I'm the lookout for something else.

Edit #4 - Found a position at the hospital I currnetly work on an ortho floor.  I think I'll like returning to the bedside and not a desk job.  w00t

It's been a while and I thought it might be nice to for everyone who posts here to tell a little about yourself.  I took a little sabbatical from this site (went back to eating meat for two years..........bleech), but lurked from time to time, but have been a part of this site for gee, can it be 8 or more years????  But I don't know a lot of you. 

I am a nurse.  I am a male. (yes, a person who will remain nameless called me a "she".)  I am gay.  I've been in a monogamous relationship for the last nine years with a great guy who now travels a lot. I was an ovo-lacto veg*n for about 12 years before slipping, I plead insanity.

I'm currently in an online program to go from an ADN RN to BSN RN and hope to finally graduate from college at the age of 48 next year. 

I have a very boring blog here:

You're turn.  Tell me your business!

I suppose I should get around to this. 

I am 56.  I was vegan for several years then wound up in a living situation that just didn't allow it.  Don't ask...a bit depressing.  Now I am where I can be vegan again!  During my vegan hiatus I developed T2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and am on some kind of medicine for high cholesterol.  Apperently not being vegan does not do good things for me.  Looking forward to being healthy again.

I am finally getting to go to culinary school...onle of my all time dreams!  I blather on about school sometimes....I am really excited.  A lot of times it is vegan hell.  Classic cooking seems to center on meat most of the time.  Still I am learning techniques and getting certified and all that.

I have a cat "Lacey" she is the love of my life and best friend.  She is one really spoiled rotten girl.

I love this site.....great recipes and ideas!  and there are some very funny posts on here.....LOL

Sorry I missed this- HI JANE!!!

Also, welcome Turkishrondo!


turkishrondo, hopefully by the time you graduate the housing market will be back on track.  It costs $50-$60 a square foot to build a tract house in SoCal.  How much does it cost where you're at?


I've been on this site for a while now so I guess I should be introducing myself!

I am 17. I wound up with an eating disorder at 13 and, unfortunately, I went vegetarian for weight-loss related reasons. Now that I'm in recovery, though, I have embraced veganism as a lifestyle. I've found it's so much easier for me to be healthy this way. My parents aren't exactly supportive (how can they be, when my dad has owned a steakhouse pretty much since I was born?) but they're learning to accept it. I'm also a practicing Buddhist and a self-proclaimed hippie. I've got one very old, very spoiled, meat-eating dog named Shadow. He's the love of my life. I'm also in a very complicated relationship with a wonderful vegan boy. I'm finishing up high school at the moment and am in the middle of trying to get into college. I just got deferred from Columbia, but my fingers are still crossed. Living in New York would be a dream come true, since I've been dying to get out of Georgia and see the world.

This site is a godsend and I'm so looking forward to being more active on here.


Hi Erinkelly, welcome!


I've been on this site for a while now so I guess I should be introducing myself!

I am 17. I wound up with an eating disorder at 13 and, unfortunately, I went vegetarian for weight-loss related reasons. Now that I'm in recovery, though, I have embraced veganism as a lifestyle. I've found it's so much easier for me to be healthy this way. My parents aren't exactly supportive (how can they be, when my dad has owned a steakhouse pretty much since I was born?) but they're learning to accept it. I'm also a practicing Buddhist and a self-proclaimed hippie. I've got one very old, very spoiled, meat-eating dog named Shadow. He's the love of my life. I'm also in a very complicated relationship with a wonderful vegan boy. I'm finishing up high school at the moment and am in the middle of trying to get into college. I just got deferred from Columbia, but my fingers are still crossed. Living in New York would be a dream come true, since I've been dying to get out of Georgia and see the world.

This site is a godsend and I'm so looking forward to being more active on here.

Hey, Erin!

First of all, I'm glad You're here! I think You'll find a lot of Us on the boards who can relate to Your story, and I also admire the bravery that it took to post that so publicly.  :-*

I just moved to Atlanta a few months ago, and there are a good handful of VW regulars in the area...VegWebbers often attend veg-related events and get together for potlucks and such, and some of Us Georgians are working on plans for a few different possible get-togethers:

You are most welcome to hop on that thread and offer Your input, too, of course. We're glad to have You!

Sooo, I've been on the site for a few years now.  Actually it was this site that got meinterested in vegetarianism.  I'm a pretty devout veghead theseday getting all the cliche questions and odd looks.  I'm sure many can relate.  I was born and raised in Monroe, LA, though my mother is from vermont, and my dad is Swiss so I do not have  southern accent or many southern habits.  I love to travel and have been to Peru and Switzerland as well as all over the country.  Currently I'm attening University of Louisiana Monroe pursuing a degree in construction management.  I had been a music ed major for three years and decided that though I have a passion for music and a love of teaching, it just wasn't the field for me.  Currently I am in Houston for the next month working on an internship with an international corporation that speciallizes in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction.  I have begun research on a thesis focusing on sustainable design and how it fits in with modern society on a social, environmental, and economic level.  It's a pretty interesting topic with a lot of surprises like the Toyota Prius is not quite as green as you'd think.  I like scotch, music, wine, bread, quite nights alone by bayou listening to the sounds of the wildlife, running, yoga, cooking (a lot), and much much more.  Anyway that's about it off the top of my head.  If you care to know more feel free to message

Heeyyyy...good to see You introducing Yourself here, man!

....when I first glanced at the above paragraph, I thought You said You grew up in Monroe, IA, which is my home town.  :o  haha, anyway....

Your area of study sounds really cool, and I think I speak for a lot of Us here when I say that You could definitely write more about that thesis of Yours and other stuff You've learned...Feel free to start a thread here on the chit-chat board, or if You have any other good nuggets of knowledge/news (ie, the Toyota Prius tidbit), there's always the News & Debate board, too.

You seem fun.  :) Welcome!


Hello there!

I've been using this site as my primary source for recipes for a few years now, so I finally figured I might as well join. Especially since there seem to be some lovely people on here.
My name is Lindsey (more commonly known as Pip, hence the "Pippinchip"), and I've been vegetarian since I was 14. I like to go the vegan route whenever possible/convenient, but ice cream plays far too important a role in my diet for me to commit to veganism!

I'm 22, from Portland, ME, and just (as in 1 week ago!) graduated from the University of Vermont with a degree in Community Development & Applied Economics. I work at a daycare and am a DJ at UVM's radio station, WRUV.

My favorite food to make is a vegan chocolate chip coffee banana bread. It is quite tasty and always gets good reviews; I'll be sure to post the recipe on here soon!


I like to go the vegan route whenever possible/convenient, but ice cream plays far too important a role in my diet for me to commit to veganism!

Believe it or not there's actually an invention called soy ice cream that tastes better than cow cream.


Hi, Pippinchip!  Nice to meet you and look forward to your posts!

We'll get you hooked on Soy Delicious soon enough!


Hello there, I've been on this site quite a few times now and I made some really good banana bread off a recipe posted on this site and I loved it.  I live outside of Denton, TX which is about 15 miles outside of Dallas.  I made the Vegan switch at the beginning of December for health reasons and so far, so good. Any support or encouragement is welcomed.  What has been difficult is eating out with friends who want to eat at "meat centered" restaurants...texas is beef and mexican country and at work, folks think I'm strange for making the decision to not eat milk or cheese "How can you make Lasgna without cheese???" is the common refrain.

Anyway, I'm 45 and I have a 7 year old and I work in Corporate America and as you can tell I love Aruba.  I was born and raised in NYC and relocated to this area when the company I used to work for moved to Texas 20 years ago.  I look forward to corresponding with all of you.


Hi, arubanut!  I'm kind of new here myself but glad to meet you.  As luck would have it this recipe was posted in the sidebar when I was reading your post:

Mexican Lasagna!  The recipe kind of reminds me of a dish I used to get a long time ago at Seva a vegetarian restaurant near here.  What a coincidence?!


I like to go the vegan route whenever possible/convenient, but ice cream plays far too important a role in my diet for me to commit to veganism!

Here you go!  This thread is relevant to your interests:

More ice cream than you know what to do with!


Oh my, THANK YOU Kate for the link to that post...

I am indeed familiar with the soy ice cream, and it is good, but the cow stuff still holds a place near and dear to my taste buds.....

... i know, i know, sorry!

And thanks for the welcome!


I'll try the Mexican Lasagna.  It looks completely awesome.  Are there other North Texans around.  I made it out to a Vegan restaurant --- The Spiral Diner in Oakcliff and it was great. They have all you can eat pancakes on Sundays -- unfortunately, they are just about 50 miles away from my house door-to-door.  It was just nice to eat out and not worry about what was in what I was eating and it was all fantastic.  I had the Migas (scramble) and my son had the pancakes which I just had to taste.  It was AWESOME!!  I highly recommend it when you come to town.  There's one in Fort Worth.  Maybe I'll get down to that one in a couple of weks.  ;)b


Welcome, Pippinchip and arubanut!


oh hi!
I'm Sabine, I'm 24, and have been vegan for about 4 months now after reading the compelling works of Howard Lyman.
Before that I was a vegetarian for about 4 years when i was a teenager but was forced out of it by my concerned mother when i got deathly ill for four days. She pretty much force fed me meat and ruined my resolve..i know her intentions were benevolent but I wish she hadn't.
Anyways after being forced out of vegetarianism I went on and off the diet with little consistency until about a year ago when I began to seriously look at my diet choices and also the effect it had on the world around me.
Now I'm very happily vegan. This site is great because although I'm a creative cook there were some vegetables i definitely shied away from that I knew i could not longer shy from if I wanted to be a healthy successful vegan. This site has also helped me greatly with vegan baking. I'm in the process of convincing the owner of the cafe I work for to offer vegan foods to our customers. He's going for it which is great


Welcome, killerfish!  I had a similar experience with my mom thwarting my vegetarianism as a teen.  At least I'm back on track now :)

Hope you love the site, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to post and ask!




that's awesome about your cafe, killerfish.   ;)b  good luck!

i think i might have introduced myself quite a while back, but i haven't been around much since then except to steal recipes.   ;)  i was very active on another veg*n forum for a while and have since become disenchanted with... certain things.  anyway, so i'm here now.  :) 

i've been vegetarian since jan. '93 and vegan (finally!) since march '08.  i live in southern illinois and have yet to meet another veg*n from my state.  i've gotten together with a few people from st. louis, and they're all awesome.  :)>>>   i just wish everyone wasn't so far away!   :( 

i'm looking forward to getting to know everyone a little and hope the new year's off to a good start for you guys!


Welcome, WTB!  There are a few other IL vegwebbers here but you're just a little further south... and warmer, too, I'm sure!

Hope you feel welcome on the boards and it's good to have you here!


that's awesome about your cafe, killerfish.   ;)b  good luck!

i think i might have introduced myself quite a while back, but i haven't been around much since then except to steal recipes.   ;)  i was very active on another veg*n forum for a while and have since become disenchanted with... certain things.  anyway, so i'm here now.  :) 

i've been vegetarian since jan. '93 and vegan (finally!) since march '08.  i live in southern illinois and have yet to meet another veg*n from my state.  i've gotten together with a few people from st. louis, and they're all awesome.  :)>>>   i just wish everyone wasn't so far away!   :( 

i'm looking forward to getting to know everyone a little and hope the new year's off to a good start for you guys!

where in southern illinois?  I grew up in marion and went to SIU



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