Support from Family - My Venting!
Recently, this summer I finally decided to become a veggie. I was hardly eating meat as is... for obvious reasons. I've tried in the past when I was a teenager, but I couldn't keep to my my beliefs very long, the peer pressure was hard. Now as an adult I do what I want.
I'm finding a lot of family or friends poke alittle fun,or smirk at me, when they eat meat around me, crack jokes and say "oh yeah you don't eat meat anymore"... Stupid things, that are little idiotic behaviors, but they bother me. Only because I feel they are my family/friends and they should support my beliefs, or at least not mimic me/poke fun at me.
Going to friends' houses for dinner, they always have steaks, chcken, pork, the obvious potatoes, and some veggies. they look at me and ask, well what are you going to eat? Like I should've brought my own food. I feel like saying to them, "Maybe next time you invite me over, make a veggie pasta!" Or something!!!!!!!!! So I sit and eat a plate full of potatoes and 3 helpings of brocoli (which I absolutely love anyway). I feel alone in a way, as I have no other friends that are vegetarian or vegan. I live in a smaller city, compared to where I used to live a year ago, (before liberating myself to the Veggie world)... So I don't even know if we have Veggie cooking classes, or anything like that, where I could meet other interesting people.
Where do I find these things? Did any of you go through this too?
everything i brought over for dinner had to be announced as "oh this is VEGAN mashed potatoes, this is VEGAN gravy"... it's fucking good! vegan or not...and i got lots of compliments from my family... i don't know why omni's think anything not loaded down with animal products is supposed to taste bad...
HH i'll eat your "lumpy" gravy any day!