Another blog thread!
Hi guys, I wanted to ask you all about blogs. And yes I know that there's been several threads in the past about blogs, but I wanted mine in the Kitchen Sink forum just because that's my favourite forum - all the blog threads were in What's New Pussycat, but I don't usually visit there.
Anyways, enough wittering on from me, time to ask my questions!
I know there's several sites where one can set up a free blog - is there really much difference between them all, or is it just a case of choose one and that will do?
The main reason I want to set up a blog is because I think the next year or 2 in my life are going to be pretty exciting and I want to share it with people, especially family and friends. So how easy is it to set up a blog, make it look pretty, add photos, etc.?
And how time consuming do they end up being? I know that's gonna depend on how much I want to add, but I mean how time consuming to make it look nice, upload photo's and that sort of shite. I am planning on starting my blog in the new year and posting (or is it called blogging?!) every week or every 2 weeks.
And if I want to share it with other people, I just send them a link to my blog, yes?
Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I really don't know anything about the whole blog thing. Like I said I just want to be able to share my life with my loved ones, and think a blog will be the easiest way - that is how they work isn't it? :-\
Thanks in advance,
A much confused Shelloid <3
oh I see, but tbh I still thought we may have been able to go via singapore/dubai/frankfurt with extra luggage allowance. It was only when I phoned all the airlines on Friday and they told me no way that I was resigned to (and booked) LAX.
haha, oops, well, then I just made a good guess!
and I'm so excited that you will be here sooo soon!
* but: back to the shameless blog self-promotion! *