another try..
Several people have suggested trying a recipe/food-only board as a last resort and others have suggested creating a few more boards. I've basically done both.. The Recipe Q&A is now called Vegan Food and Cooking and has sub-categories of Eating Out and Cookbooks. That area is strictly for food talk - no health, political, animal rights, religious or non-vegan stuff. A good portion of non-food topics have been moved over to the new Chit Chat area, and there are two other sections: Events and News & Debate. The Chit Chat area itself is for everything under the sun, including support for people transitioning to a vegan, vegetarian or raw foods diet.
For simplicity, we'll go back to me administrating the forum(s). If there is a problem post, please use the "Report to administration" link to let me know.
Yeah! ;)b Thank you Yvette!
Thanks so much! I'm so happy. This really made my day. :)>>>
thank you, yvette!
Aw, this is good. A few times lately I have had a vegan question and said, "oh, I'll just ask vegweb...oh wait..." :)>>>
Aw, this is good. A few times lately I have had a vegan question and said, "oh, I'll just ask vegweb...oh wait..." :)>>>
i agree, this is awesome... i don't post all that much but i did get in the habit of regularly checking out the boards... i tried checking out some other veg boards but it didn't quite hit the spot
Yvette, thank you soooooo much. I was lost without this place.
thank you so much! i was so bummed at all the useful information that seemed to be lost forever. thanks for giving it back!!
Thank you so much! I'm glad to see everyone back!
this just gives me another reason to procrastinate... thanks yvette ;D
Wow, this is unexpected! Glad to have this wealth of information back.
Awesome, I have a bunch of recipe questions, now I have someone to ask!
Thanks so much Yvette! ;)b
Wow! It's nice to be back!
I'm so glad you decided to to revive the boards! The other boards I've been posting on are OK but just not the same. Vegweb is home to me. I kinda understand now why people who've been flooding out several times keep re-building their homes at the same site! There really isn't any place like home! :)>>>
Thank you so much Yvette for your hard work and willingness to try again. I greatly appreciate the boards return and seeing everyone who I have missed in the last month.
I came in on a chance today, to look for a recipe...and found the boards! t I heaved a huge sigh and suddenly's good to be home again! ;)b ;)b
Yay for Yvette! Yay for VegWeb!
Thank you! Thank you! ;)b
Thank you so much Yvette, this is fantastic!
Thank you so much! I was missing the boards.
Finding the boards back up and running was like, the best two minutes of my life.
Well, maybe not. But darn close.