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any suggestions?

I would like to become vegan, but I love to eat so many of the WRONG do I get started? Any suggestions?

well, first off i think you came to the right site for recipe ideas - theres only about a million here (half of which i want to try - which in itself makes being vegan easier for me cus i never get sick of eating the same thing over and over again since i always wanna try new stuff!)

what are some of the 'wrong' foods you eat?  maybe we can help you find equally satisfying substitutions for them. 

also - head over to the food & cooking thread and you'll find some huge lists of compiled reviews for things like soymilk, yogurts, mayos,  vegan ice cream, faux meats, etc. that will help you when you go shopping to pick out things that have alot of fans.

if you have any specific questions let us know!



well, first off i think you came to the right site for recipe ideas - theres only about a million here (half of which i want to try - which in itself makes being vegan easier for me cus i never get sick of eating the same thing over and over again since i always wanna try new stuff!)

what are some of the 'wrong' foods you eat?  maybe we can help you find equally satisfying substitutions for them. 

also - head over to the food & cooking thread and you'll find some huge lists of compiled reviews for things like soymilk, yogurts, mayos,  vegan ice cream, faux meats, etc. that will help you when you go shopping to pick out things that have alot of fans.

if you have any specific questions let us know!


Welcome jimandcynthia!  You definitely came to the right place.  I don't really have anything else to add right now after PPCs welcome!  Wow PPC, that really was a great introduction.  You should be the "vegweb greeter"  :)


I'm lacto-ovo-veg, but I know when I eat vegan I try to make things flavorful!  Stirfry is cheap, easy, vegan, and most important TASTY.  I buy a stirfry mix at my local multinational corporation that has snap peas, water chestnuts, red and yellow peppers, and green beans.... fry that up with maybe some tofu and add brown rice and a liiiiiiiiitle soy sauce - MMMM!!!!!  Also utilize granola and granola bars and granola mixes.  Oatmeal with fruit is a great way to kick start your day.  Indian food is often vegan (watch out for dairy when ordering though).  Veggie korma is my favorite savory dish!  I like to make the veggie pot pie recipe found on this site too.  (Buy some pie crust, make a gravy from veggie broth, warm prepackaged soup veggies, add chunks of morning star chikn patties.... that's a winner with the omnis too).  I tend to shy away from the vegan cakes though.  Soy ice cream is tricky to buy but when you get the right brand it can taste SOOOOO GOOD.  Don't lose hope my friend.  Don't think about the negatives (no more yogurt, no more alfredo sauce, mac n cheese...) - instead focus on the delicious options youre opening yourself to.  And I'd try not to find substitutes, like vegan cheese.  I didn't think it was up to par with regular cheese.


I think the only way it worked for me was to figure out what my staple non-vegan meals were, and figure out how I could replace them with vegan food!
For example. mashed potatoes: easy, just use vegan butter.
Baked potatoes, a little harder because vegan cheese is not the same, but I now use vegan butter, vegan sour cream and salt.
Broccoli and cheese used to be another favorite, but I've found that boiled broccoli and cauliflower with a little salt is equally satisfying.
GimmeLean vegan sausage is another staple of mine. I also like the brand So Delicious of vegan yogurt.
What are some of your "staple" foods, do you think?
I guess it just comes down to trial and error, taking your time and trying everything. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to become vegan cold-turkey, because then you are more likely to regress! I didn't even call myself vegan for the first few months after I gave up dairy and eggs. I only do now so people understand why I don't eat certain things, without my having to go into great detail.

Hope that made sense a little! Good luck!


you could check out some veggie cookbooks from the library. There is a great board that reviews a bunch of books on here (in the Food and Cooking forum).
Also, searching for "vegan recipes" or "Vegan _____ (insert food item)" will get you alot of results. Try,

You might want to try eating lacto ovo vegetarian (eating dairy/ eggs) until you get more familiar. Just dont overload your diet heavily with dairy and eggs,but maybe dont get too anal about trace ingredients for the time being.
try to eat as wholey as possible....fresh veggies, fruit, plain pasta, rice, beans, etc.
Ie: dont buy preflavored rice dishes, for example, b/c they often have hidden animal products and broths.

There are alot of meat alternatives out there, which can be expensive, but they might help during your transition.


If you already like fruit and veggies that's half of it. Look at what you usually eat that's "accidentally" vegan. Like salads and pasta and stuff.

Then, as has been said, look at veg*nising some of your favourites. There are a tonne of good recipes on here for that! Don't rush yourself, take it at your own pace.

And don't be afraid, try new dishes and experiment. I for one would never have used sweet potatoes for anything but plain ol baked yams until one day I decided to try the "Sweet Potato and Veggie Chili" from this website. Let me tell you, I was scared it was gonna be awful, but it rocks, seriously hard. I wouldn't have thought of that combination in a thousand years but it is deeeeelicious! And it freezes well, too!

And don't forget the Vegan Recipes and Cooking board. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We all start where we are. Mostly all of us are very open to learners, sympathisers etc. and as someone said on another thread, you won't have to prove your veg*n cred to be here. We're all on our own paths.


Read "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell.  It explains how beneficial eating healthful, whole foods can be for your body.  It was a huge part of my transition!


Read cookbooks and recipes.  I read veg times and veg news too and the board..even if you don't follow recipes exactly, you learn alot and you become creative and start expanding your food horizons.  I make my own curried veggie stir fry and put it in warmed pita bread -- it's FABULOUS.  You should start out with simple recipes first and get all your basic ingredients in your cupboard and fridge and you just build from there.

On the non-food side, I loved looking at YouTube videos on veganism.  They really motivated me and they supplemented literature and books and it put a 'real' face on Vegans.  I used to think vegans were hippie wierdos that starved themselves and needed to eat something and I was wrong.  I'm getting healthier everyday and the food is great!!


If you are reader than that is good start.
These are some of my favorite books

China Study like mentioned above is a good one

John Robbins anything he wrote is worth reading.

The Great American Detox Diet by Alex Jamieson  A Perfect Simple Book

Breaking the Food Seduction by Dr Neal Barnard

fast food nation by Eric Schlosser A book written by a non veggie person but a very good read


follow all these suggestions and be creative.  There were so many things I had never tried til I went vegan that I now love.  Be adventuress and try something new every week.  and ask everyone here for help when you need it.

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